I suggest putting a code sample of a page written in Pretty Markup that shows off its features in the README. The documentation is currently somewhat devoid of information about the language itself.
What is the difference between this and Haml or slim?
I’ve used something similar quite a long time ago called Jade. Seems to be renamed to Pug. Here’s a nice writeup with some examples (not mine, found the webpage missing examples):
How does it differ from pug (jade), which has existed for about 14 years?
Literally how would anyone get started? No docs or even usage examples, for a new language?
If you use indentation for nesting, the closing tags are superfluous. That’s just one of the reasons so many html/xml template langs have chosen that format.
I like the closing tags (others don’t seem to) as they help with visual scanning and auto formatting. Nice project, well done!
I don't need it, but upvoting just because of your dedication to the project. It also looks very nice, and the extension is a cherry on top
Honestly I always had a soft spot for haml. If someone wrote a haml plugin for React I would be in heaven. It's JSX that is an ugly hot mess in mature codebases, not html.