There is also IT-Tools and CyberChef. Selfhost-able projects to create your own instance of "online utilities tools"



Neat! The website is pretty slick. If you would ever consider it, being able to chain up transforms would be useful! Just piping 2 or 3 together, pipes like

normalize-text-spacing => fix-distance-between-paragraphs-and-lines => remove-diacritics

could be useful for 1-off "I'm trying to read mangled text from a bad OCR pdf" cases. Bonus points if settings could be encoded in the URL, so you can book mark the whole pipe and it's settings.

Also one other minor thing, I always like when case transforms write their name in the case mode, like Train-Case or Pascal_Snake_Case. I just find the names really obtuse, it's just easier to skim if you can see a sample of it.
