Given the details provided, altdataseller's is advice is pretty sound, but given the listed hardware specs and workload description ('data analysis project'), there may be some features in ClickHouse Cloud that could help bring your costs down to a more reasonable level:

• Idling - your cluster will scale to zero during periods of inactivity. If this is a relatively ad-hoc data analysis project, you'll benefit from the usage-based model (ie - if you're only actively running queries 10% of the time, you won't pay for the other 90%)

• Autoscaling — similar to above, if your workload is fairly bursty, your cluster will scale up and down based on resource demand

• 'Development' tier clusters — given the OVH specs listed, likely this isn't a good fit, but depending on your workload, the 2x8GiB setup can be a very cost-effective option

Happy to chat further about your workload and potential cost optimizations that can be made in ClickHouse Cloud if you're interested — email in my profile.

Disclaimer: I work for ClickHouse

1. Automated backup is just a one time setup task. You set it up and maybe test the backup once a month (and even that could be automated)

2. Similarly, monitoring is a one time task too. And if this isnt yet a project making $xx,000/month, you probably dont need monitoring yet.

3. Similarly, if your project isnt making a ton of $$$, you can forgo OS updates and only take care of critical secure updates.

In summary, the things you think you need to do, you can delay until youre making non trivial $$$ from it.

I'm not sure if it could be useful for your specific use case, but I believe that managed databases on Digital Ocean are more affordable compared to the main cloud providers.
For a pretty beefy vm running a relatively exotic database? Unlikely.

Many managed databases are a commodity, there is a ton of competition trying to sell managed postgres cheaper than the last company. More 'exotic' databases have less competition and they can make a higher margin.

If you are trying to min max your cloud cost you need to focus on cloud products that are heavily commoditized.

Altinity.Cloud does what you are describing. It can remotely manage databases running on Kubernetes in any environment where Kubernetes can run. About 25% of our cloud customers currently use it. You can contact me at the email in my profile to find out more or read up on it on the Altinity website.

Disclaimer: I work for Altinity.

Check out Altinity - you can use their Operator on Kubernetes, or if you want more commercial offering of "Altinity Anywhere" can run your Clickhouse anywhere you want
What about a hosted Docker instance of it, where the provider manages the underlying VM infra, and you're just responsible for the Clickhouse inside the container? Is that any more affordable?
altdata1 has a managed clickhouse that, using the "hobbyist" service plan and running it in OCI, is $120 a month.