I think a simple linux box with docker/kvm/proxmox would be quite sufficient to start with. You can just add bridges between VMs / Containers,... advance to SDN, setup your own Firewalls and LoadBalancing VMs... and for watching network traffic you can use wireshark/tcpdump.or whatever, you csn even plug in monitoring or tracing proxies in between. When using LXC containers with proxmox the system should be quite sleek.

I would recommend to stay as open source as you can. (using pfsense, nginx... not commercial firewalls), play around with wireguard,... also use a IaC configuration tool like ansible or pyinfra do configure your stuff from.the beginning (so you can easily reconfigure stuff and make changes in scale)

Have fun!

Not exactly what you described, but https://labs.iximiuz.com/ is similar