Love my Bosch heat pump. I noticed when I got rid of solo heater coils for this new air handler and pump was that it managed to keep the air temperature more consistent.

What has helped the most however was adding in a humidifier. Dry desert air is unforgiving and adding in water to the air made a huge difference in comfort. 68* F with 40% humidity is much more comfortable than the same with 5%.

To save someone else the time spent looking:

The data recording setup they are typically using only works for air-to-water heat pumps, like you might use to heat water for radiators. They rely on a 'heat meter' that measures the water flow rate and temperature.

Typical setup:

If your system is a typical US air-to-air 'split' system, you probably have a long loop of refrigerant in a pressurized tube to carry the heat. To measure efficiency, I think you either need to measure air flow accurately inside or outside, or measure refrigerant flow rate. Either one harder than the commercial meter for hot water.

So, no easy drop-in COP measurement for me.

> It only takes a little electricity to power this process, which can raise the refrigerant’s temperature by many degrees Celsius.

And the same electricity can raise the temperature by even more degrees Fahrenheit!