I permanently moved to namecheap quite a few years ago, around the elephant-shooting episode at godaddy. I have nothing interesting to say about namecheap. Their stuff just works and is cheap. Memory says whois protection is added by default these days. I use the web mail once or twice a year and it supports TOTP passwords though not yubikey.

My DNS is kind of in flux now. Was using ISP, but recently moved to OpenWRT on the router with AdGuard. Is a cache that I believe gets its upstream from Quad9 right now. It's configurable.

Apple stuff sometimes forces its own DNS I think, so not easy to corral those devices any longer. Mozilla comes with Cloudflare DOH by default now. Not sure the best "holistic" strategy any longer, as devices and browsers decide what is best for us, and sometimes we travel.

Learned about porkbun.com for domain registration on HN, moved all my domains there, and have been very satisfied.
OpenSRS for the registrar, and I run my own DNS servers.
I use Dynadot for domain registrations and Cloudflare for DNS.

Free and extremely good. Nice interface and api access too.