With SvelteKit I can take an idea for a non-trivial web app to working prototype in less than a day.

For example, I built an experimental beat-aware video player in less than a day. And this was while I was first teaching myself Svelte. (This was before SvelteKit was even a thing.)

My freelance clients are often surprised how fast I can get them results. And I keep getting faster as I gain more experience.

- The SvelteKit starter template is like a collection of best practices for web development.

- The Svelte community is pretty helpful, too. (Both core maintainers and regular users.)

Here's one of the apps I'm currently working on:

- https://weather-sense.leftium.com

- https://github.com/Leftium/weather-sense

Mostly a bunch of non-scalable, half baked solutions with JS ;)
HTML, CSS & Javascript.
I use only Astro for websites / blog sites, and host with Cloudflare Pages.

For web apps, I still use Astro/Cloudflare for the frontend. For the backend, I use Django Ninja, hosted as one of the many services I run on a Hetzner instance using CapRover.

Django + Postgres + Redis (only when necessary) + Unpoly + Bootstrap
I recently used NextJS by way of a TailwindUI.com template to relaunch my personal website https://wjgilmore.com. NextJS was actually pretty fun and surprisingly easy considering I never used it prior to this project. Hosted on Netlify free tier.

For everything else I use Laravel.

This might be a weird one but if you already know rust loco-rs is pretty great.

I've been using it on a nights/weekends project. It's axum + some rails-esque QOL features.

Because it's rust the time to make a given feature might be slightly slower (10-20%?) than in python/js, but I've found you gain that time back almost immediately from things just working nicely the first time. Also refactors/feature rework are super easy.

This is slightly orthogonal to the point of this post but I've been looking at Webflow again for some potential client work and I was curious what people's thoughts on it were.
Not sure if this counts, but my toolkit is: tsc -w + vite, tsc -w + tsx and vim + ale. The stack is bootstrap, mithril, express, postgres.

It’s not “quickly”, and I’d like to learn about faster ways too.

Call me old fashioned and simplistic: JS, HTML, CSS, NodeJS, pm2, nginx, AWS server, S3, github.
If you really want to develop and deploy something fast, try filament php.
import ( _ “embed” )

// go:embed frontend/*

Just plain HTML/CSS/JS. I’ve been trying out templ but I still prefer having static files I can host separately.

Dotnet Blazor when it needs a Website, Kotlin if it doesn't.
Supabase is excellent
Rails, SQLite
Next.js (even backend /api) + React. TailwindCSS. Next Auth.js. Prisma ORM (drizzle or kysely work too). Supabase Postgres DB.

The UI <-> DB flow for almost anything is very intuitive and quick to implement.
