Haven't interviewed in a while, but it's crazy to hire without a technical evaluation.

Just do fizzbuzz if you want a broad filter. If you're feeling a little more adventurous, ask them to reverse a linked list. Many applicants will fail it. Some will fail because you'll find them pasting the exact same C solution as the other applicants despite it being a JS interview.

> I'm wondering how many of the Developer positions you have advertised will include evaluations of coding ability?

Probably most of them. There's no way to know for sure since there are so many companies hiring, but I can assure you that the vast majority of "real jobs" will confer a technical interview. Of those, most of the tech interviews are usually hosted in-house (in my experience).

> And, do you out-source the evaluation to a third party or do you have an in-house test?

As an early stage startup, the answer is no. We're primarily hiring engineers, and coding ability is one of the key metrics of their success. As an early founder I find it hard to outsource the evaluation of one of key hiring decisions.