A new way to visualize the weather (forecast): https://weather-sense.leftium.com

Major features:

- Auto-detects your location, with support for device GPS and manual entry (only via URL param, for now...)

- Forecasts are actually "trendcasts." Compare the weather to the last few days; numbers are not needed and "feel" is more intuitive.

- Compact weather visualization that combines 6+ metrics into a single timeline in a sensible way.

- Weather timelines show the general trends; actual metrics can be read by "scrubbing" the timelines.

- I stole the radar map from https://merrysky.net and made it prettier.

Almost ready for a "Show HN..." It's already usable, but I plan to add two major features:

1. AQI forecasts

2. 1-hour minutely rain forecast

- (Plus improve the UX even more.)

Source repo: https://github.com/Leftium/weather-sense

I'm working on a personal computer (hardware and OS) that safeguards your attention rather than trying to distract you or trick you into buying something. We've come a long way from owning a "bicycle for the mind". We already lost the web and email. It's high time we fight back against digital noise pollution.


I'm working on a Next.js-inspired framework in Ruby. It's 100% server side but it's easy to make interactive web apps with it. Components are written in Haml and transpiled into Ruby. I'm currently rewriting it from scratch and it's going pretty well. I just wish I had more time to work on it.

Website: https://mayu.live/

Source: https://github.com/mayu-live/framework/tree/rewrite/example/...

I'm working on a game written in Common Lisp that I'm planning to publish on the web, compiled to WASM. ECL can compile to WebAssembly and I recently hacked up the SDL2 binding to successfully work.
I'm working on an open source personal management mobile app that can sync with web and desktop versions. I found the current solutions lacking, in UX, customization of transaction sorting and filtering, etc. Ever since Mint died, it's been annoying to find a good replacement, and honestly these days I'm leaning towards the YNAB philosophy of the envelope method of budgeting over the Mint philosophy, so I want to make a modern app that embodies that approach.
Programming an esp32 to act as HIDs so I can write input to my work laptop from my personal devices via whatever (web, terminal, app, plain http requests). I hate my work laptop, screen sucks, keyboard sucks, it’s loud, hot, etc. I work much less distracted from my personal devices and I want to avoid sending myself emails with stuff I write. So here we are.
I'm writing a book about the Spring Modulith project (https://spring.io/projects/spring-modulith).
A service that sends email alerts every time you receive a comment/reply on Hacker News: https://hackernewsalerts.com/ . Just finished it and wanted to test it on myself first for a while but hey, nothing like baptism by fire!
I'm working on a local-first web framework optimized for generative AI