Location: Delhi, India

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Only within the Delhi/NCR region, prefer remote

Technologies: C, Python, C++, Generative AI, HTML/CSS, Flask, Git, MERN, AI/ML, OpenCV, Open-Source, PHP, Java, CNN, SQL, Cloud, Software Development, Linux, LLMs, RAG

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SZxHFXaXUKBKd4nOFq7ADKTbd4X...

Email: ojuschugh(at)gmail(dot)com

I am a recent IT graduate from India seeking full-time software engineer positions, preferably remote. I have experience working with LLMs, fine-tuning LLMs, RAG, open-source software development, machine learning, and web development. Recently, I worked at SAS as a Gen AI intern, I have done the Google Summer of Code at the Eclipse Foundation and worked as a full-stack intern at Eutech as well in the past. I am passionate and dedicated, with a current focus on Generative AI and LLMs.

I am only interested in full-time positions, not contract roles. However, I am open to research positions or internships that involve publishing research papers. Feel free to reach out to me.

Thank you.

Location: Portugal

Remote: Yes (Preferably)

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: C/C++, Python, Java, Go, JS/TS, HTML/CSS, Docker, Ansible, Git, Bash, Linux, SQL (mostly PostgreSQL)

Résumé/CV: https://github.com/JoaoCostaIFG/cv/blob/master/JoaoCostaCV.p...

Email: joaocosta.work (at) posteo.net

I've been focusing on embedded software development for the aviation industry over the past 2/3 years, but I started working as a backend engineer this year.

Looking for a new job due to lay-offs at my current company. Seeking either embedded software development, backend, or full-stack work.


  Location: Portugal

  Remote: Yes

  Willing to relocate: Yes

    Python (FastAPI, DuckDB, PyTorch)
    TypeScript (Next.js, React)
    AWS (S3, EC2, ECR, ECS, RDS, Spot)
    Bash, Rust, HTMX, SQL, Docker, GitHub Actions, Redis

  Résumé/CV: https://ruicampos.org/resume

  Email: [email protected]
Location: Beijing, China

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes, but due to my unique diplomatic status, I cannot relocate unless the price is right. I don't need to work, but I will for the right project or company.

Technologies: C, C++, C#, TypeScript, JavaScript, Node.js, React, WEBASM, NGINX, SQL, Redis, Python, AWS, Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible, Terraform, CUDA, Video Encoding, Jupyter, PyTorch, LLMs, MPEG (Low-level video encoding), Linux, TV and Mobile development. HbbTV, ATSC 3.0 (NextTV). OpenTV. Design: Figma, Balsamiq, Adobe CS.

Hi. I'm a highly self-motivated builder and problem solver. Nominated for multiple technical Emmys. You name it, I have built it, at scale. Give me a team, and I will teach them how to do it right and efficiently. My previous project was a Twitch-killing streaming system for 200M+ simultaneous viewers. I can build anything. I can find a solution to any problem. I specialise in building streaming services. If you own a TV you are likely using my software already. For money, I design and build national-scale broadcast systems. Do you want to build a Netflix? I can do that from the ground up. For fun, I am currently building a large-scale AI project in public. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqvHjXfbI8o )

Résumé/CV: https://blog.metawrap.com/1994/12/28/resume-of-james-mc-parl...

Email: [email protected]

Location: India

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python, Ruby, NodeJS, GraphQL, Kafka, (willing to embrace any BE stack)

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OpUYE8xWVeeshY2OFah_Uqo4C-S...

Email: [email protected]

LinkedIN : https://www.linkedin.com/in/lubdhak/

Location: India

Remote: Yes, in India.

Willing to relocate: No.

Technologies: Java, Javascript, Nodejs, Golang, Python, C/C++, Assembler, HTML, CSS, Git, bash, Docker, SQL(Oracle, PostgreSQL, MYSQL, DuckDB), Redis.

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HummmW442v1dfvPphOF-EYJXSG6...

Email: [email protected]

Linkedln: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anjanbacchu/

Github: https://github.com/anjanb

20+ years experience developing Products as SaaS. Backend focused Generalist and Fullstack Software Engineer/Lead/Architect.

Have 10 years experience in USA and Switzerland working for Startups and Fortune 100/500 companies developing products. Huge Experience recruiting, onboarding and mentoring Engineers at all levels.

Location: Seattle

Remote: Please

Willing to relocate: Sorry, no

Technologies: Python, JS/TS, front-end, rust, C++. Moderate level of knowledge in Ml Ops, Data Science & NLP. CI/CD, Docker, GCP, sql/psql, etc. Expert in design/figma/css.

Email: See resume

Website: www.nikkwong.com

Resume: docs.google.com/document/d/1VijR1MF6xDNzH9IPrsv2UxLeC8sZ8nSF2Eux7lkuYQ8

Ex-FAANG. I've spent my recent career leading engineering teams of 10+ to ship world class products. Expertise in managing product timelines, overseeing architectural design/implementation, & keeping companies ahead of their competition. As an IC, I love to dig deep into technical problems, ship products with full autonomy/ownership, and make products look beautiful (see some old work at www.beaver.digital).

I have been getting wonderful offers from great companies but am still on the job market because I suffer from an unfortunate health condition that makes my sleep rather erratic. My working efficiency is still exceptional, energy levels are great, and my output is the best it’s ever been, but I sometimes start work as late as 10:30am pst which is unacceptable for most companies. Anyways, if this won’t be a problem for your team I’m happy to hear from you. I’ll be happy to make accommodations for you if you’re willing to make this one for me.

I'm excited to hear from you! :)

Location: Auckland, New Zealand.

Remote: Preferred.

Willing to relocate: No, unable due to family commitments.

Technologies: .NET/dotnet, C#, SQL, Payments, Web.

Email: jobs @ alyssa dot nz

My prior job suddenly went into receivership two weeks ago so I'm available immediately. Resume etc to come.

20+ years in development and engineering leadership. The last 6 or so focused on the back end of card payment processing from both the issuing and acquiring sides. My strengths are in simple, correct, scalable, and reliable systems.

Past work includes leading teams, hiring and mentoring, building mobile apps, C / C++ game development, database optimisation, and a whole lot of web dev.

Let's talk!

Location: Austin, TX Remote: yes Willing to relocate: no Technologies: Golang, Clojure, Ruby (Rails), Python, Javascript, Typescript, AWS, SQL/NoSQL, React, GraphQL, microservices, APIs, Rust (ramping up) Résumé/CV: https://linkedin.com/in/edbond Email: [email protected] Github: https://github.com/edbond

Hello, I'm Eduard, a seasoned developer with 15 years of experience in software development, seeking a new role. My background includes work in both the Finance and Healthcare sectors. I've built several intricate projects from the ground up, emphasizing high performance and code optimization.

I am enthusiastic about leveraging my extensive background to join a new team, contribute to engaging projects, and collaborate with other dedicated developers. If you believe we could be a good fit, feel free to reach out to me at [email protected]

Location: Oakland, CA

Remote: yes

Willing to relocate: willing to commute

Technologies: TypeScript, JavaScript, React, D3.js, Next.js, Tailwind, WebGL/WebGPU, Ruby on Rails, Python, Flask, C


Email: [email protected]

Hello, I'm Avery. I'm a software engineer with six years of experience, most of which I spent as the founding engineer of a data management and visualization platform for the biotech industry. I've worked on every part of the stack but spent most of my time on front-end. I have a technical background (degrees in philosophy and math), but I owned and operated a coffee shop in San Francisco before I started working in software engineering. As a former founding engineer and small business owner, I'm accustomed to working hard, learning on the job, and owning my work. I love learning new programming languages and paradigms. I'm seeking a front-end developer role at a small company or early-stage startup that would, ideally, involve some full-stack work.

Location: San Francisco, CA, USA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technical Skills: ● Business Skills: Product Strategy, Market Research, Competitive Analysis, Data Analysis, Cross-functional Collaboration, Stakeholder Management, Agile Methodologies (SAFE, Scrum, Kanban), User Acceptance Testing ● Tools: Figma, JIRA, Tableau, Power BI, Cloud Computing, Mockito, GitHub, Swagger/OpenAPI, Postman/HTTPie, UML ● Programming: Java, Python, SQL, Jupyter, Restful APIs (Spring Boot, FastAPI), PyTorch, Tensorflow, AWS, GCP, JUnit, Webhooks, OOD/P ● Databases/ORM: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Hibernate, SQLAlchemy

Resumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IA04n-vhaka-QK5B3ELC9e-TuH5...

Email: [email protected]

Location: Bend Oregon

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes (certain locations)

Technologies: Python, JS, HTML, CSS, SQL, Flask, React, Express, Node, Jest, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Git, Github, REST APIs

Resume: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GQP7YqaY-N0Cyxsmi3cjWb9t...

Email: jodonnell1313 AT gmail DOT com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jake-odonnell/

Experienced engineering professional transitioning from mechanical to software engineering, with over 9 years of experience in product lifecycle management, quality assurance, manufacturing, and client relations. Proficient in a variety of programming languages and frameworks, including Python, JavaScript, React, and Node.js. Demonstrated ability to bridge technical and operational domains, ensuring seamless project executions and innovations. Adapted to startup environments where wearing multiple hats is essential, enhancing agility and problem-solving skills in dynamic settings. Committed to leveraging a strong foundation in full stack development to drive success in software engineering roles.

Lotation: Aracaju, Brazil Remote: Yes Willing To realocate: No, remote only Technologies: PHP, Laravel and anyone PHP Framework i'm open also Resumé/CV:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Bn4tIifMQNBqwlEghnkl-FdFHKP... Email: [email protected] Portfolio:https://github.com/AlyssonSantos1

I am a Backend PHP developer with 1 year of experience and have knowledge of PHP, Laravel, Apache, Git, MySQL, Composer, HTML and CSS tools

I'm open to remote positions as a contract and I'm open to positions in a startup where I can grow with the company and show my skills and continuous improvement in problem-solving capacity in addition to building, maintaining and securing PHP applications

I am someone with a lot of energy to learn and contribute to the team, as well as being an excellent listener and someone who is hungry to show continuous improvements in PHP development.

I am available for both backend and full stack

Location: Connecticut, USA Remote: Yes (20 years experience, efficient, productive, and highly available) Willing to relocate: For the right position; remote with occasional travel much preferred

--- Seeking part-time or full-time work in development, source code audits, or reworking codebases left in poor shape. Specializes in Ruby, Rails, React Native, Node, React, and Javascript. Experienced in all phases of software development, including architecting solutions from the ground up, reworking/rebuilding/refactoring existing projects, and contributing to modern codebases. Focuses on React Native (core contributor), React, Ruby on Rails, and Javascript/Ruby. ---

Technologies: React Native (core contributor), React, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, Perl, Objective-C, Java, Swift, C, C#, Python, Node.js, Express, PHP, GraphQL (Apollo), Mobile Development (Native: iOS/Xcode, Android/Android Studio, Hybrid: Cordova/Ionic, HTML5/Canvas, CreateJS/ImpactJS/Phaser, Flux (Redux, Alt.js, Mobx)), MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Firebase, RSpec, Cucumber, Selenium, Mocha, Jasmine, Sphinx, Solr, Lucene, Elastic Search, AWS (S3, EC2, Lambda, Amplify, RDS, etc), Linux, Apache, Git/GitHub workflow, DevOps, Heroku, JIRA, Confluence, BitBucket, MongoDB, Web3, Crypto, NestJS, TypeScript

Resume: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kQ6wp-hvewB-fGRNEVnywVpL...

Email: [email protected]

Location: Romania

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: React, Node, Git, Docker, Redis

Résumé/CV: https://vlad.cuciureanu.me/resume

Email: [email protected]

5+ years experience working on full-stack apps for various large corporations. Last job was full-stack dev at Vocode (YC W23), looking for a new challenge.

Location: Panama City, Panama

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: JavaScript, React, Angular, Vue.js, Next.js, Node.js, Express, Nest.js, MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL, AWS, Docker, Kubernetes, Git, Linux, Nginx, Apache, REST, GraphQL, WebSockets, CI/CD, TDD, Agile, Scrum, Kanban, Jira, Confluence, Slack, Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Trello, Asana, Basecamp, GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, Jenkins, Travis CI, CircleCI, Heroku, DigitalOcean, Linode, Azure, GCP, Firebase, Twilio, SendGrid, Stripe, PayPal, Braintree, Plaid, Plivo, Nexmo, OpenTok, Zoom, WebRTC, SIP, VoIP, SMS, MMS, Email, OAuth, JWT, SAML, SSO

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OSOaO96hhiEGSm_fjIAyNCbihVb...

Email: juanmtorrijos at gmail dot com

I work as the tech lead and full-stack developer for a software development company in Panama City, Panama. I have 10+ years of experience in software development, and I have worked with clients from the US, Canada, UK, Australia, and Panama. I have a bachelor's degree in engineering and a master's degree in engineering management. I am looking for a remote job or a job in Panama City, Panama. I am willing to relocate to the US, Canada, UK, Australia, or any other country. I am open to full-time, part-time, contract, freelance, or consulting opportunities. I am available to start working immediately.

Location: Any

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes


1. virtualisation, cloud and large-scale distributed system design

2. database system architecture and design (postgres, mysql, redis, etc.)

3. user-centric, multi-platform, large-scale web business system architecture and design

4. decentralised systems, blockchain and web3 technologies, etc.

5. gnu/linux underlying technology, upper layer ecology and related development

6. has extensive theoretical and practical experience in cryptography and information security

7. the construction of artificial intelligence technology in the field of business and industry

8. Web3, Blockchain and cryptocurrency technology.

9. Familiar with AI / LLM / PyTorch / Transformer / PyTorch / TensorFlow / JAX, and have relevant technical R&D experience.

Email: xvac [AT] tuta [DOT] io

Location: India

Remote: Yes, full-remote (4+ years)

Willing to relocate: Negotiable

Technologies: Product Management, Growth Marketing

Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/151Mv6MtbXclnq3lKQb_goMUF...

Email: [email protected]

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rishabh16/

Key Highlights: Founding PM at two successful startups, steering growth from Seed to Series B. Developed Nigeria's leading B2B marketplace, SaaS, payment, and lending products from 0 to 1. Launched the Middle East’s first full-service digital pharmacy and scaled a B2C eCommerce platform. Mentored over 250 junior to mid-level product professionals. Expert-rated in SQL on HackerRank and LinkedIn. 4+ years of global remote work experience, with flexibility to adjust working hours.

Open to full-time, part-time & contract opportunities. Please reach out to [email protected].

Location: Cincinnati, OH, US

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: HTML/CSS, JS/TS, SQL, Node.js/AngularJS/ReactJS, C++/Java/Python (full list on linkedin/resume)

Resume/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/william-presley/

Email: preslews (at) mail (dot) uc (dot) edu

I have experience in web development (current and most recent) and embedded systems and I'm open to any sort of development position.


Location: Greater New York (US Citizen)

Remote: Yes (Remote Only)

Willing to relocate: No

ABOUT: Experienced fullstack Software Engineer in React.js / TypeScript / Next.js / Node.js / GraphQL / C# / AWS / MongoDB / PostgreSQL / Cyber Security. Worked in different roles dealing with Product Development, Solution & Enterprise Architecture, Security & Cloud


• Web: React | TypeScript | JavaScript | Next.js | Node.js | Express.js | GraphQL | MongoDB | Chart.js | D3.js | Material-UI | Tailwind | Bootstrap | Figma | Retool

• Microsoft: .NET Core | C# | Asp.Net MVC | Web API | Linq | Entity Framework

• Data: SQL Server | PostgreSQL | MySQL | MongoDB | Redis | CouchDB

• Cloud: AWS | Azure | GCP | Docker | IAM | S3 | EC2 | SQS | RDS | Aurora | DynamoDB | Serverless Functions

• Packages & Tools: Typegoose | Mongoose | Axios | WebPack | Babel | NPM | Git | Jenkins | Splunk | SumoLogic | Jira | Keycloak

• API Integration: Salesforce | Zoom | Google Calendar | Zuora

Email: jainrasik [at] gmail.com

Resume/CV: https://www.rasikjain.com/resume/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rasikjain/

Github: https://github.com/rasikjain

Stackoverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/users/1993944/rasik-jain

Location: San Diego, CA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No, but willing to commute within Southern California

Technologies: Full-Stack Development (Go, NodeJS, React, TypeScript, SvelteKit)

Backend Systems (Java SpringBoot, PostgreSQL, .NET Core)

Front-End Development (AngularJS, React)

System Architecture and Integrations

IT Infrastructure (Windows/Linux Systems Administration, Network Engineering, "Cloud" engineering, "DevOps")

Data Security and Analysis

Résumé/CV: <https://grahameger.com>

Email: [email protected]

Hey HN,

I'm Graham, currently based in sunny San Diego. I recently moved here due to a family relocation and unfortunately, my previous company wasn’t remote-friendly, so I’m on the lookout for new roles.

I've got a Computer Science degree from the University of Michigan and a varied tech background.

Feel free to reach out if you want to chat or think there's a fit!

Cheers, Graham


I am looking for work in software development or system administration. I have been working with computers for 18 years.


- Software Dev: ASP.NET, C#, .NET Core, python, PHP, Laravel, Node.js, Vue.js, Nuxt.js

- Database: Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Graphql, MongoDB

- Operating Systems: Windows, Linux, Android

Please contact me through my website: https://www.giantzoc.com/

Location: Middle East

Remote: yes

Willing to relocate: yes

Technologies: Remote Sensing, GIS, GEE, Python, JavaScript, AppScript, Bash Scripting, OSINT, AI


Projects: Syria Search Engine Building custom search engine using Google's PSE for all Arabic Syrian websites The search engine is still under construction you can try it here: https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=f13dcea58f19d44de#gsc.tab=0

SyriaInfo | https://medium.com/@Syriainfo A project utilising remote sensing and AI for Syria

Space inArabic Youtube Channel | March 2020 - 2022 https://m.youtube.com/c/spaceinarabic I make videos about space science and astronomy Languages: Arabic: Native English: Fluent French: intermediate Norwegian Bokmål : Intermediate German: Intermediate

Email: [email protected]


  Location: Ottawa, Ontario
  Remote: Yes, open to local 
  Willing to relocate: Maybe, depending on the role and location
  Technologies: Golang, Python, Typescript, React
  Résumé/CV: https://github.com/NickSavage/CV/blob/master/Nicholas%20Savage%20-%20CV.pdf
  Email: [email protected]
  Github: https://github.com/NickSavage/
  LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicholasbsavage/
Former financial auditor (CPA) who transitioned into tech. I work in a leadership role in technology now, helping the CTO manage their teams.

I don't write a lot of code at work anymore, but I have a number of personal projects I dedicate time to. My latest project is a zettelkasten interface written in Go and Typescript. It's at the point where I use it in production (if you can call a single user "in production"!)

I'm looking for a role in either of those two camps, dedicated to management or coding or maybe even somewhere in between.


  Location: Germany
  Remote: Yes/Optional
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Python, Typescript, Javascript, C++, Rust, Java, Docker, Git and more.
  Résumé/CV: https://ketzu.net/CV
  Email: [email protected]
Hey, I'm David from Germany. I enjoy software development and working with people. Currently, I live around Heidelberg, Germany, but I would like to move to Korea for personal reasons.

I have a PhD in computer science and currently work as a developer for a startup. My current focus lies on a typescript backend and internal tooling. I love solving complex technical problems, but also enjoy improving cooperation between teams and team members.

Feel free to contact me for anything :)

Location: Harrisburg, PA

Remote: Yes, also open to hybrid and onsite

Willing to relocate: Willing to relocate to Philadelphia, PA, or New York, NY (or surrounding areas)

Back-end: Node.js, Ruby, Golang, Python, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, AWS (EC2, ECS, Fargate, RDS, VPC), Redis, RESTful APIs, Express, Sinatra, Minitest, Jest, Cypress

Front-end: JavaScript, TypeScript, React, jQuery, Handlebars, HTML/CSS

Other Technologies: AWS, Docker, DigitalOcean, Git/GitHub, Nginx, Linux, Bash, HTTP, WebSockets, Object-oriented programming, Postman

Portfolio: https://morgansummerdavis.com

Résumé/CV: https://morgansummerdavis.com/assets/Morgan_Davis_Resume.pdf

Email: in résumé

Hi! I'm Morgan, a full-stack software engineer currently in Harrisburg, PA. I enjoy puzzles and am passionate about design and breaking down complicated problems. I also enjoy rock climbing. :)

Most recently, I built Reverb (https://reverb-app.github.io/), an open-source, asynchronous, event-driven workflow engine that reliably orchestrates complex background sequences. You can think of it like a lightweight Temporal with a higher emphasis on developer experience.

I would love to hear rom you if you think I would be a good fit for your team!

Location: San Francisco Bay Area

Remote: Preferred

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Python, Django, Terraform, Docker, all things AWS, Jenkins, Github Actions, Postgres/RDS/Aurora

Resume: upon request

Email: [email protected]

Hi! I bring over a decade of experience as a software engineer. I spent a solid portion of that time as a backend engineer building out APIs in Django. In my current position, I have built upon those skills and acquired plenty of new ones as a platform engineer. A significant part of my role has involved evolving and optimizing our infrastructure (AWS) with a focus on cost savings and maintainability with improved Terraform practices. In addition, I have built and improved multiple internal libraries and services to make our engineers' lives easier. In my next role, I'm looking to leverage these skills and help advance a team to the next level.

Location: Port Harcourt, Nigeria Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: JavaScript, Typescript, React, Next.js, Node.js, Express, Nest.js, MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Git.

Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HcUOZAxPPBkehKD238K5vjT4...

Email: [email protected]

I have 4+ years of experience in software development and have worked with clients from the US, Canada, and Nigeria. I am looking for a remote job and I am also willing to relocate. I am open to full-time, part-time, contract, freelance, or consulting opportunities. I am available to start working immediately.

Location: Dearborn, MI Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: No Technologies: Blender, Maya, Substance Designer, Substance Painter, Marmoset 3D Toolbag, Topogun3, Photoshop, Zbrush, Unreal Engine, Unity, Plasticity, CATIA, Fusion360, MATLAB Simulink, PSpice, Dreamweaver, AutoCAD, Autodesk Inventor, SOLIDWORKS, Mathematica, Bruel & Kjaer - PULSE, C#, C++, Python, Illustrator Résumé/CV: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/m8rzRv Email: [email protected]

I'm a mechanical engineer who spent a good deal of my time learning most aspects of the 3D pipeline. I'm capable of modeling, texturing, rigging, scripting alongside simple level designs and animations.

Location: Colorado

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Swift, C, C++, Objective-C, Python, Metal, Vulkan, CUDA, MLIR, VR

Resume: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniel-resnick-26534b3a

I am a generalist with deep experience in mobile apps, real-time systems, graphics, and audio. I have independently published several iOS, visionOS, and Meta Quest apps:





Location: NYC, NY, USA Remote: Yes Willing to Relocate: Flexible

Technologies: C++, Python, Rust, Julia, SAS, SQL, Ruby, Rails, Git, VSCode

Resume: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lc3j_bdWP5KIxDMoo8wbukvK...

Email: [email protected]

Hi everyone, my name is Brady. I'm a recent graduate with my MS in Scientific Computing with previous professional experience in both IT and Data Science. I love all things math and science and looking for engineering jobs to solve interesting problems!


    Location: Boston, USA
    Remote: Yes
    Willing to relocate: no
    Technologies: React, React Native, JavaScript, Typescript, Next.js, Expo
    Resume/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1E0fdbhWZRkSDc0jEK1er-GV4H4H8s04K/view?usp=drive_link
    Email: [email protected]
    LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/bradydowling
Product focused senior software engineer/team lead with 9 years of experience, including a small startup acquisition by Amazon. Can lead and manage projects. Experience working with LLMs and AI, publishing apps to the app/play store, and shipping services.
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: React, React Native & Node.JS development with JavaScript and TypeScript. Python, Pytorch for Machine Learning. My dream stack which I LOVE working with is Next.js + tRPC + Prisma and PostgreSQL

Résumé/CV: I have a masters in computer science, with a thesis in deep learning.

I also have a blog at https://www.mikealche.com where I've written several blog posts that made it to the front page in Hacker News: General problem solving: https://www.mikealche.com/software-development/how-to-implem...

Databases schema design: https://www.mikealche.com/software-development/a-humble-guid...

React animations tutorial: https://www.mikealche.com/software-development/learn-react-a...

Email: mikealche at gmail

Location: Turkey

Remote: Yes (CET timezones)

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: C#/Python/.NET Core/.NET Core MVC/ML.NET/EF Core/Flask/FastAPI/OpenCV/keras/Postgres/DynamoDB/AWS/nginx

Resume: drive.google.com/file/d/1AyEReyavpkGcCbAU_hStwgu04B_3NUL9/view

Email: kerem.eyuboglu[at]outlook[dot]com

Hi there, I'm a multifaceted developer as I enjoy learning new tech/patterns with 2.5 years of experience.

My main expertise is backend(.NET Core and Flask), integrating of AI models and creating AI pipelines. but I've also got knowledge in the following areas(most to least comfortable):

- web scraping(scrapy, selenium, playwright),

- frontend development with vanilla js in .NET Core MVC and Vue.js,

- AI(scikit-learn, keras),

- desktop app development(.NET 4.8 WinForms)

I've been currently working on a CRM like management application totally based on AWS with python lambdas, CDK, DynamoDB, SQS, SNS etc.

I am open to 3-6 months of contract work or part-time opportunities too.

Location: Washington, USA

Remote: Yes. I am an experienced remote worker. In-office work is great, too.

Willing to relocate: Yes! I am excited by the opportunity to live in a new city.

Résumé/CV: https://dillonbrown.me/resume.pdf

Portfolio/Website: https://dillonbrown.me

I want to help you create cool stuff. I'm looking for UI and UX positions, as well as more junior web development work. My standards are high and I like to keep things efficient.

I'm into usability. I like making people's lives easier. I'm always thinking about how technology can be improved and how people interact with it.

I can do some basic front-end web development. Plain old HTML and CSS are my tools of choice. I can hack together some JavaScript given enough time. By far the most impressive JavaScript I have cobbled together is for an open-source web site I built as a passion project, which can be seen here [1]. Please take a look at my portfolio [2] to see some of my favorite projects.

[1] https://github.com/dillonjohnbrown/the-drugulator/blob/maste... [2] https://dillonbrown.me


  Location: CT, USA
  Remote: Yes- preferred
  Willing to relocate: Negotiable
  Technologies: Ruby on Rails, Javascript generalist, mySQL, AWS, APIs. Honeycomb/Datadog/Sentry/dynamodb. comfortable with trying new things and loves learning! 

  Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1t9RFu9V1ciFIV-ya9Sf72uk3evjmU1AS/view?usp=drive_link

  Email: mercury 4063 at gmail dot com

I've gone from self-taught to 10 years of experience working in Fintech and would love another similar role that lets me take everything I have learned to the next level.

Location: New York, NY

Remote: Yes

Willing to Relocate: Yes

Technologies: Java, JS, TypeScript, CSS, HTML, SQL, MySQL, React, Angular, Express, Node, Redux, PostgreSQL, Git, GitHub, Rest APIs, Babel, Postman, Webpack, Vite, Spring Boot, TailwindCSS

Resume: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1j9s5F6x9CIumu2-s4vdIODgE...

Email: [email protected]

Seeking: Something cool in strategy, advisory and consultancy to startups, scaling teams or established companies / organisations

Location: New Zealand

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: See below.

Résumé/CV: https://architectfwd.com/about

Email: hackernews at architectfwd dot com

This would be a side thing but could look to see how much time ongoing would best serve the request. I am looking for part hours, or retainers, or work toward fully moving into a consulting / advisory capacity.

I have 20+ years solving business problems and maximising opportunities through technology in a variety of industries internationally. My core skills are in strategy, enterprise architecture, technology architecture, consulting and advice, agile, team leadership, coaching and mentoring.

I am currently a Principal Architect. I operate at both the enterprise strategy and solutions level with many years in architecture and technology in the private and public sector. I know how to use enterprise architecture frameworks, practices and principles from concept stage to delivery in order to execute on strategy and how to work with product and development teams to set direction and manage product evolution.

TOGAF 9 Certified Enterprise Architect, certified AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate, Scaled Agile SAFe certified architect, and Scrum Master (PSM1) certified.

I am ex-dev. Long list of tech. I don’t write code much anymore but this is changing as I look to build a SaaS. I have honed my architecture skills from designing and building scalable resilient solutions across private sector (process and plant automation, presell, corporate and companies law related, limited banking) and loads in public sector (government, large and complex).

Location: Gurugram, India Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: Yes Technologies: React.js, Next.js, JavaScript, Typescript, Redis, Socket.io, Webrtc, MongoDb, MySQL, REST API GitHub Résumé/CV:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OOJ4S9YnhhdS5QeQkmfxrDJTePT... Email: [email protected]

  Location: Leiden, Netherlands
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Possibly
  Technologies: Full-stack, embedded, javascript/c/c++, linux
  Résumé/CV: On request
  Email: [email protected]
With 50 years of experience, strong communication spanning all levels of organisation with a wide audience and a solid understanding of software and hardware. Listening, out-of-the-box thinking, inspiring others. Front-end, back-end, API, database, operating-systems, drivers, embedded, audio/video, codecs, micro controllers, firmware, debugging, electronics and soldering. The whole is more than the sum of the parts as provides architectural oversight.
Location: Sydney, Australia

Remote: yes, or in-office

Willing to relocate: no

Technologies: web: HTML, SVG, CSS, JS, PHP, SQLite, ...

Résumé/CV: https://www.virtualgeoff.com/portfolio/

Email: [email protected]

25 years experience in front-end web dev. 17 years at ABC Australia. Currently working on my own projects ( https://sunclock.net/ , https://degreeswhat.com/ , http://www.timepasses.net/ ) but looking for work.

Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia, Europe

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Scala, Cats Effect, ZIO, TypeScript, JavaScript, Kafka, PostgreSQL, Rust, GCP, AWS, Angular, Engineering leadership, Engineering management

Résumé/CV: https://bit.ly/otobrglez-cv

Email: "In CV above"

I'm a seasoned senior software engineer, architect, technical manager, and active member of the Slovenian tech community. I have over two decades of experience in technical management and modern front-end and back-end development. I can help you build whatever you imagine and lead the team to expand it further and beyond.


  Location: US, Texas
  Remote: Preferred
  Willing to relocate: Maybe
  Technologies: Go, Javascript/Typescript, Java, SQL, React, Docker, Kubernetes, AWS, Rust
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rideg/
  Email: [email protected]
Hello , I'm Sandor and I'm looking for a remote job. I've spent ~15 years in engineering roles at bigger companies like Google or Snapchat, however during the last 3.5 years I've been working for a startup. I also have 4ish years of engineering manager exp. I am open to both IC and management roles.

Why me?

- I believe I am a good engineer, who has a "pitbull" attitude. Throw problem at me and I don't let it go until it's not solved.

- I've been a founder myself and have brought a product from idea to market.

- I know how to lead engineering teams: I've run a team of up to 12 people.

- I have been on both sides: owner, employee. This helps me to be a better team member.

- It is very easy to get along with me, I'm friendly, respectful, and kind.

- I wore many hats before: engineer, designer, product manager, engineering manager, so I have a good grasp how these people think and can act as a bridge between company silos.

Update: formatting


  Location: Springfield MO Area
  Remote: Only interested in remote. Timezone flexible.
  Willing to relocate: No
    Languages: Python, TypeScript/JavaScript, Go, PHP
    Cloud platforms: AWS, OpenStack, Kubernetes
    Config and IAC: Puppet, Ansible, Cloudformation, AWS CDK, Terraform
    Databases: MySQL/MariaDB, Redis, PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch
    Observability: Logstash, Kibana, Grafana, Promethius, Loki, CloudWatch
  Résumé/CV: https://www.20after4.dev/Mukunda_Modell.pdf
  Email: [email protected]

  Extensive experience with infrastructure as code, deployment tooling, CI/CD pipelines, developer tools, engineering productivity. Long time contributor to open source including Phabricator & Phorge. 7 years developing and maintaining Wikipedia's development, testing and deployment infrastructure.

  Location: USA
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Java/Spring/Dropwizard, JavaScript/Node/React/React Native/Angular/Transformer.js, CSS/BLM/Tailwind, DB/API/System design, Cloud/AWS/GCP, Kafka, k8s
  Résumé/CV: JPL, Blizzard, Lego, several startups: For full resume email me at [email protected]
  Email: [email protected]
Java has changed considerably since Java 8 - with streams, lambda expressions, GraalVM, it is a modern, capable runtime capable of making high-performance REST servers using Java Spring (Boot) or (in my opinion the best) Dropwizard. Similarly, JavaScript has changed considerably with ES6 and beyond, particularly with arrow functions and native modules, in addition to an embarrassment of riches in libraries and frameworks. I particularly like React/Redux with or without Typescript.

Making software is a lot of fun, I've been doing it a long time and really enjoy the art and science of it. Keeping the build-test-debug cycle fast for the whole team, making iterations fundamentally faster; keeping the dependencies small to reduce attack surface to keep the service up; keeping an eye on new developments and carefully evaluating them.

Location: Toronto, Canada

Remote: Yes, and/or in-house

Willing to relocate: possibly

Technologies: Ruby on Rails, Javascript/ Typescript, React, Python, REST API's, Elasticsearch, SQL (Postgresql, SQLServer), data pipelines (Python, Pandas), DevOps (AWS, Terraform, Docker, Kubernetes)

Résumé/CV: LinkedIn https://tinyurl.com/jmujmczx, resume on request

Email: dumke.ct at gmail

Product focused senior full stack developer primarily with Ruby on Rails, Python and React skills. Have worked at various startups (Toronto, San Francisco) on CRM, e-commerce, payment systems. Have built products from ground up and maintained them, resolved scaling issues.


  Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

  Remote: Yes, hybrid works as well

  Willing to relocate: Yes

  Technologies: JavaScript, React, Express, Git, Node.js, Mongo, Python, Java

  Résumé/CV: https://milad-mehri.github.io/assets/MiladMehriResume.pdf

  Email: [email protected]
Hi, my name is Ahmad Milad Mehri, currently going into my second year for my B.Sc in Computer Science at the University of British Columbia. I have developed several projects with many different technologies and am in the process of creating more. A lot of them can be found on my github: https://github.com/milad-mehri .

I am interested in any position that will provide me with a hands-on opportunity to develop new skills and learn more about the tech industry.

Location: India

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes, anywhere in US/Europe

Technologies: Nodejs, Golang, Python, Java, C/C++, HTML, CSS, Java Script, Git, bash, Docker,SQL(PostgreSQL and MYSQL), Redis, Kafka, MongoDB


Email: [email protected]

Linkedln: https://www.linkedin.com/in/owais1412

Github: https://github.com/owais1412

Polyglot Fullstack Software Engineer with 3+ years of experience. Please feel free to reach out to me for any possible positions!

Location: Chicago, IL

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Maybe

Technologies: Kubernetes, Keycloak, Ceph, HPC, some React / Javascript (just enough to get the job done), Erlang / functional programming (my one true love), Python, Shell scripting, Linux and BSDs.

Résumé/CV: On request

Email: [email protected]

Greetings! I'm free/open source software aficionado, technical lead, and veteran of the DevOps wars looking for new opportunities in the distributed computing space. My background is primarily in supporting large-scale scientific computing in terms of job scheduling, storage, cloud services for over a decade and I would be most interested in an academic or research setting. Interesting work that doesn't involve crashing the economy or figuring out how to put more ads in front of children is far more appealing to me than a large salary.

Location: San Jose, CA, USA

Remote: Yes.

Willing to relocate: Yes.

Technologies: JavaScript, HTML5, PHP, Hacklang, TypeScript, Python, SQL, React.js, Redux, Next.js, TailwindCSS, Node.js, jQuery, CSS3, GraphQL, Serverless, AWS, Shopify, Liquid, Git, Jest, Flow, Mocha, MongoDB, MySQL



Email: emmanuelvo777 [at] gmail [dot] com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/emmanuelvo/

GitHub: https://github.com/evo777

I have 6 years of software engineer experience.

I have worked at Meta, PayPal, and startup companies.


    Location: Toulouse, France
    Remote: yes
    Willing to relocate: no
    Technologies: Python/Django, Elixir/Phoenix, DevOps
    Résumé/CV: https://alexmarandon.com/en/CV.pdf
    Email: [email protected]
+15 years of production experience with Python, both web dev and data processing

+4 years of production experience with Elixir as a developer and team lead

+20 years with Linux

What I have been doing a lot over the last 10 years is helping data science teams with technical "chores" such as architecture, debugging, packaging and deployment. So if you've got a bunch of PhDs doing clever stuff with Python but struggling to produce reliable software, I may be able to help.

I'd also be interested in working with Elixir again.

Please get in touch at [email protected] and I'll send you my detailed CV.

Location: Dubai, UAE Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Game Dev, Unity/C# (uGui, Ui Toolkit, App Ui), BrainCloud (successor to GameSparks Classic), Playfab with Azure Scripting, Epic Online Services, Xsolla Backend, AccelByte, Adobe + Figma

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/manofspirit

Portfolio: https://dribbble.com/manofspirit

Email: manofspirit [at] gmail

One-man army with a track record of designing, animating, and developing high-quality 2d games using Unity and apps with Unity UI (uGui, Ui Toolkit, and App Ui Package) utilizing app/gaming backends along with social/multiplayer features for desktop (Windows & macOs), mobile (iOs and Android), and WebGL.

Starting with GameSparks (RIP) in 2014, my journey continued with BrainCloud, PlayFab with Azure Scripting, Epic Online Services, AccelByte, and Xsolla Backend (AcceleratXR), crafting fully integrated BAAS games and apps. My projects often include Async and P2P multiplayer, user-generated content (UGC), social integration (friends, messaging etc), tournaments, achievements, leaderboards, monetization strategies (In-Apps, Subscriptions, Virtual Currencies, Sales, ad mediation etc), and Unity-based admin tools for seamless management of users, content, and analytics.

Does anyone ever hire from these threads?

Has anyone ever been hired from these threads?

Has anyone been posting to these threads regularly and having no luck?

If you've had any experience, good or bad, specifically with the "Who wants to be hired?" thread, I'd like to hear it.


  Location: Philadelphia, PA, USA
  Remote: Yes. Flexible on time zones.
  Willing to relocate: No (occasional travel fine)
  Technologies: JavaScript/TypeScript/Node/React/Angular, HTML/CSS, Google Cloud (GCP), C/C++, Bash (and shell scripting in general), Go/Golang
  Résumé/CV: Available on request
  LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brad-westhafer-91449b181
  Email: brad.westhafer at protonmail dot com
I've been a software engineer for the past 5 years. Have worked on an open source NoSQL database built on top of a compiler at a startup and also done full stack web development with Google Maps APIs and Google Cloud. Before that, I was a CS grad student (pursuing both Bachelors and Masters simultaneously) at Penn State and left a class short of a masters.

I'm a language agnostic generalist who has a history of learning new languages and technologies on the job and quickly becoming highly productive. Looking for an opportunity to make a bigger impact. Open to remote or hybrid in the Philly area. Also open to occasional travel. More frequent travel to NYC, Baltimore or DC would also be ok.

Location: Buffalo, NY

Remote: Hybrid

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Linux, Python, FastAPI, TypeScript, React, Kotlin, Android, Docker/Podman, Git

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nonnontrivial

Email: [email protected]

## about me

I'm a software developer with 7+ years of professional experience building across the whole stack on Linux and macOS in domains like defense and manufacturing in hybrid and remote team environments, using tech stacks involving Python, Postgres, TypeScript React, Docker, and Kotlin.

I studied art in school but made the switch to software after discovering that audio engineering was an optimization problem.

> Drop me a line if you would like to talk more!


  Location: US
  Remote: Preferred but not required
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Python, TypeScript, Ansible, OpenTofu/Terraform, Docker, Postgres, Vue.js, Astro, Directus
  Resume/CV: https://michaeltoohig.com/michael-toohig-resume.pdf
  Email: On my resume or "hello" [at] [myFullname.com]
Hello, my name is Michael Toohig, I have recently returned to the United States after working the past decade in the South Pacific island nation of Vanuatu. I worked on a dozen greenfield projects from whiteboarding to deployment as a solo-developer or the sole technical member of some teams. I've worked with many different technologies and built a variety of products and subsequently have become a strong generalist covering backend, frontend and devOps but a preference for backend work.

Looking for any kind of role with preference for backend but I would prefer a field that touches upon a topic that interests me such as drones, computer vision, GIS, or services that benefit remote or developing markets.


I am a Senior QA Automation Engineer with 12+ years of experience in Software Testing in an Agile environment. I have hands-on experience in all software testing life cycle stages, including both Manual and Automation testing.

I am currently seeking part-time or full-time contract work as a QA Automation Engineer. I prefer long-term commitments, but I am also available for smaller projects.

Résumé/CV: https://douglasfugazi.co

Email: itmteleco [at] gmail.com

Location: Medellin, Colombia (GMT-5)

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Not yet

Technologies for Testing: Selenium WebDriver, Cypress, Playwright, Postman, Rest-Assured, DevTools, Docker, JIRA, Confluence, Git, Jenkins, API, Adobe Analytics, AWS, Azure DevOps.

Rate: Flexible to suit the specific requirements of your project.

I am looking forward to hearing from you. https://www.linkedin.com/in/douglasfugazi

Website: https://douglasfugazi.co

Would you like to see more of my technical skills as a QA Engineer?

Review my Github profile: https://github.com/fugazi

Location: Boston, MA

Remote: Yes. I have worked both remotely and in-person on global/hybrid teams in the past.

Willing to relocate: For the right opportunity.

Technologies: Python, C, Modern Web Stack (TypeScript, React, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Express, NextJS, etc.), Zephyr RTOS, Docker, GCP, AWS, etc.

Resume: https://www.benmallett.com/resume.pdf

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/benmallett-

Email: bencmallett at outlook.com

Looking for software engineering roles in fast-paced, high-ownership, rapid-iteration environments. I've just ended engineering position at a carbon removal startup after the company ceased operations. I've led projects spanning cloud, web, and embedded tech stacks from initial architecture and design to implementation, maintenance, and user training. I'd love to continue to work on unique, meaningful problems. If you think that I might be a good fit, I'd love to setup a time to chat.

Location: Chicago, IL US

Remote: yes, or hybrid

Willing to Relocate: probably not, but maybe for the right role

Technologies: Python (pandas, flask, dbt, sklearn), Ruby (Rails, sinatra, chef), Java (spring/sringboot), HTML/CSS/JS (react, angular, jquery), SQL, Terraform, AWS, Clojure (no professional experience but a lot of side projects)

Résumé/CV: upon request

Email: [email protected] (alias)

Hey there! I'm a software engineer based in Chicago with 10+ yoe working in consulting and startups. I've had a good amount of exposure and experience across the stack, working with devops heavy projects, microservices APIs, and frontend applications. Most recently I've been deep in the world of data cleansing/pipelining/analytics, but not sure if I want to continue that path or return to more traditional application systems development.

I'm open to senior/lead eng roles at product shops or consulting shops. Would love to either work in an interesting tech stack or solve interesting domain problems. Would love to be in a role that's science/environment/medicine adjacent. Preference for teams with mature CI/CD and testing practices

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: YES!!

Technologies: Typescript, Javascript, Node.js, React, Next.js, Electron, Python, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, GraphQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, Docker, Nginx, Linux, Terraform, AWS, Git & Github

CV: Available on request

Email: [email protected]

Hi y'all,

I' Meron and I'm looking for a new job. I work as a full-stack developer and have worked with multiple startups and I've gotten pretty good at taking products from 0 to 1.

Here's a list of a few projects I worked on either full-time or freelance:

- LLM backed code generation: https://create.xyz

- Get cheapest prices for furniture: https://spoken.io

- Best way to play settlers of catan online: https://colonist.io

I also contribute to open source when I get the chance to. You can find my github at https://github.com/meronogbai.

Here's some of my open source PRs:

- Facebook's lexical: https://github.com/facebook/lexical/pull/6271

- Portkey: https://github.com/Portkey-AI/gateway/pull/246


  Remote:Yes, hybrid ok too. 
  Willing to relocate:Maybe 
  Technologies:.NET, ASP.Net MVC, Core, SQL Server, JS, C# (open to work with front end frameworks as I have been full stack developer, Postgresql, unfortunately I lack cloud experience although I can easily work. Currently I only use github, azure repos, jira, confluence) 
  Email:[email protected]
Secondary email: [email protected]
Location: Berkeley, CA, USA

Remote: Yes (Preferred but also open to hybrid)

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: TypeScript/JavaScript, Python, Go, React, Express.js, GraphQL, React Three Fiber, Vite, PyTorch, TensorFlow, PySpark

Resume: https://newtrino.ink/Resume.pdf

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nishanth-jayram/

Email: [email protected]

I have experience in front-end development and machine learning. I'm looking for a front-end or full-stack role, potentially in a position where I can leverage my DS/ML experience as well. In my current job, I'm building a recommendation system for matching cardholders with personalized merchant reward campaigns. I've also utilized my front-end experience to build internal dashboards for the aggregation and display of model performance metrics.

Location: Chicago, IL, USA Remote: Yes; Open to in person or hybrid positions as well.

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: JavaScript, Typescript, Node.js, Go, Python, Express.js, React, REST APIs, HTML, CSS, jQuery, AWS EC2, Digital Ocean Dropolet, Linux, Bash, HTTP, Nginx, OOP, MongoDB, SQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite

Resume/CV: https://joshlakenan.com/media/Josh-Lakenan-Resume.pdf

Email: Available on my personal site, https://joshlakenan.com

About me: I’m a software engineer who takes pride in solving challenging problems with positivity, creativity, and consistency.

Recently I built Pinniped, an open source Backend as a Service(BaaS) for fast moving Node.js developers. https://www.pinniped-baas.dev/

I’ve previously worked as a software developer at General Motors and in various operations leadership roles. No matter where I'm at, I’m always learning, and looking for ways to lift up the team around me.

Location: Philadelphia, USA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Programming Languages: Java, C++, JavaScript, Python, C

    Database: MongoDB, Cassandra
    Grid: Redis, KeyDB, Hazelcast

    Deployment: Ansible, Terraform

    AWS: S3, SQS, SNS, Lambda, EC2, VPC, CloudFront, ECS, IAM
Résumé/CV: https://sugradh.com/resume/resume.pdf

Email: aengus at sugradh.com

Summary: Extensive experience with scaling operations, distributed messaging, transactions, rate limiting and cache management.


  Location:Luanda, Angola
  Remote: (Yes)
  Willing to relocate: (Yes)
  Technologies:HTML,JS,CSS,React,Redux,Ruby on Rails,NodeJS,PHP,Mysql,PostgreSQL 
  Email:[email protected]
  GitHub: https://github.com/Graciano1997

  Location: San Francisco, California
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: JavaScript, TypeScript, Rust, Ruby, Go, Terraform, Kubernetes
  Résumé/CV: https://www.absurd.engineering/resume
  Email: [email protected]
I am a technical security generalist with a focus on cloud infrastructure and regulatory compliance. I help organizations secure their data, prepare for regulatory scrutiny, and improve their security practices. I interested in roles as staff security engineer at large organizations interested in safely deploying products leveraging AI and machine learning.
Location: Melbourne or Sydney Australia. Open to in-person, remote, hybrid.

Willing to relocate: Maybe

Areas of Interest: SaaS, Video Streaming, Content Management, Culture Management, Design, Education, NFP, HR, Payroll, Product Manager, Business Analysis, Product Owner. But of course open to other industries and aligning roles.

Short pitch/summary: As a Product Owner, Business Analyst, and Product Manager, I've helped a small organization scale through an acquisition and a large media organisation to deliver cutting-edge video streaming and content management capabilities that affect millions of users. Because I've worked in various roles in vastly different industries, I can manage multiple features simultaneously and work through high-pressure scenarios. I'm adept at solving complex problems, leading local and global multi-disciplinary teams through discovery, definition, development and delivery and learning, understanding and conveying complex concepts to a wide audience. I can be hands-on, from technical specs, understandable requirements definition and designing prototypes, to working through product strategy discovery and delivery.

Website: https://www.sauravmarasini.com

Resume/CV can be downloaded here: https://www.sauravmarasini.com/about

Email: [email protected]

Feel free to reach out via email.

Location: Melbourne or Sydney Australia. Open to in-person, remote, hybrid.

Willing to relocate: Maybe

Areas of Interest: SaaS, Video Streaming, Content Management, Culture Management, Design, Education, NFP, HR, Payroll, Product Manager, Business Analysis, Product Owner. But of course open to other industries and aligning roles.

Short pitch/summary: As a Product Owner, Business Analyst, and Product Manager, I've helped a small organization scale through an acquisition and a large media organisation to deliver cutting-edge video streaming and content management capabilities that affect millions of users. Because I've worked in various roles in vastly different industries, I can manage multiple features simultaneously and work through high-pressure scenarios. I'm adept at solving complex problems, leading local and global multi-disciplinary teams through discovery, definition, development and delivery and learning, understanding and conveying complex concepts to a wide audience. I can be hands-on, from technical specs, understandable requirements definition and designing prototypes, to working through product strategy discovery and delivery.

Website: https://www.sauravmarasini.com

Resume/CV can be downloaded here: https://www.sauravmarasini.com/about

Email: [email protected]

Feel free to reach out via email.


  Location:            South of Germany, Europe, Worldwide
  Remote:              Yes, occasional travel to meetups and company offsites welcome
  Willing to relocate: Not permanently, in-person onboarding is fine
  Technologies:        Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, Sidekiq, Hotwire, Heroku, API integrations
  Résumé/CV:           On request
  Email:               [email protected]
Hello! I have been working with Ruby on Rails for more than 15 years already. Across various industries, built several green field applications from scratch, but also worked with huge and old legacy applications with millions of active users.

And I have been in leading positions of different flavors in the past 10 years as delivery, project, tech, or team lead. Often being the CTO's right hand, working autonomously across teams and taking full ownership of web application development and operations.

Looking for a very senior IC position in a company utilizing a Ruby tech stack (currently I am a Principal Engineer). Happy to take over leadership, product and management responsibilities, for example as fractional CTO.

Ruby on Rails | start-up | remote

Location: Europe

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Java EE, Spring, Spring Security, REST, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Node.js, Python, Jaspersoft Studio, Eclipse, Tomcat, MySQL, Oracle, Git

Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lMjbMfEHKdCETFNXcV3Q4dRu...

Email: nishchalaro[at]gmail[dot]com

I am a senior backend Java developer / consultant with over 11 years in the industry. My expertise is in - building robust, secure and scalable backend services and enterprise Java applications, Javascript based geospatial maps and data visualization. I also have extensive experience with the TIBCO Jaspersoft BI product offering - Jaspersoft Studio, JasperReports Server and JETL (Talend ETL).

I am looking for part-time contract or freelance/consulting opportunities at the moment (up to 20 hours/week).

Website: https://www.nishchalarora.com/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nishchal-arora

Location: India

Remote: Yes, okay with Onsite, okay with Hybrid

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: JavaScript, Typescript, React, Next.js, Redux, Redux Toolkit, React Query, Node.js, Express.js, Nest.js, Prisma, Sequelize, MySQL, MongoDB, MS Azure, Firebase, GIT, Engineering leadership, Figma, Wireframing

Résumé/CV: https://saikatdey.netlify.app/resume

Email: [email protected]

I am a full-stack software engineer with over 4.5 years of experience, currently leading a remote team at a fast-paced UK-based real estate startup. My expertise lies in leveraging technologies such as TypeScript, Next.js, React.js, Node.js, and MySQL to build high-performance web applications. I have successfully led the redesign of PropertyLoop's search page, implemented advanced property inquiry analytics systems. My tenure at Infosys included developing responsive SPAs and optimizing database queries, significantly enhancing system performance. I am recognized for my technical expertise, innovative problem-solving skills, and my ability to foster collaborative, high-performing teams, driving projects from conceptualization to deployment with a passion for continuous learning and improvement.

Location: New York, NY

Remote: Yes (hybrid preferred)

Willing to relocate: Open

Technologies: TypeScript, JavaScript, Next.js, React, React Native, Python, Node, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, DynamoDB, Vercel, Figma

Résumé/CV: available @ https://stellalchoi.com

Email: stella [dot] choi [at] hyperisland [dot] se

I'm a frontend leaning full stack software engineer with experience at high velocity, early stage startups. I love making things. Previously, I pursued research in atmospheric science and taught CS at an all girls middle school. Here's a bike site I made if you want to find spots for beer or coffee - https://github.com/stella0000000/bikes-beats-brews

SEEKING WORK | REMOTE OK | Full-Time/Contractor | Backend & Blockchain Engineer - Location: Dominican Republic, S.D. (AST/EST/GMT-4 timezone) - Remote: Yes.

- Willing to relocate: Yes.

- Availability: up to 60 hours/week

- Programming languages: Rust / Go / Typescript / Node.js / C# / Python / Java

- Databases: PostgreSQL / MySQL / SQL Server

- Devops: AWS / Azure / Docker / Linux

- Résumé/CV: https://t.ly/12STl

- Email: RanEliasVargasCuevas[at]outlook[dot]com

- Languages: English (Fluent), Spanish (Native)

- LinkedIn: https://tinyurl.com/RanVargas

Location: Kentucky, US

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Possibly

Technologies: Ruby, JavaScript/TypeScript, NodeJS, React, Express, Jest, Postgres, SQL, MongoDB, Kafka, Debezium, Change Data Capture (CDC), Golang, Redis, Docker (and more!)

Résumé/CV: https://cameronbibb.com/assets/files/Cameron_Bibb_Resume.pdf

Email: [email protected]

Hey! I'm Cameron. I'd like to help you solve your problems, well, the ones that can be solved with code anyway ;). You can check out my most recent open-source contribution to get an idea of my experience and capabilities: Willow, an open-source framework for creating change data capture pipelines. You can find it here: https://willow-cdc.github.io/. I'm looking forward to connecting with you!

Recent mature grad, went back to Uni after packing up my eCommerce business I started as a young man. Finally finished and actually struggling to find work, even though my CV rocks and I know I could do the role of most of the companies CEO's that I've applied for. I've even been told this by a director.

I'm not dumb, I'm very committed to growing businesses and I'm actually surprised at how much ageism exists. I just need to pay my rent while I start a business but not many people like hearing that. Feel free to reach out if you think you can actually help, I'd be open to meeting in person too. Happy to exchange LinkedIn messages to see if I could help your business operate more efficiently.


  Location: United Kingdom, Scotland
  Remote: Yes (Don't mind the office either)
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: People, Presentations, Research, Marketing
  Résumé/CV: Send me an Email
  Email: [email protected]
Location: Bangalore, India

Remote: OK

Willing to relocate: Depends on the Opportunity.

Technologies: Python,Golang, Cpp. ML[NLP + GenAI], ROS, Linux [Kernel + Networking + eBPF], k8s+docker [as a PaaS operator]. Worked fullstack but these are my preferred tools for deep work.

Resume/CV : https://shaishav.kr/

Email: [email protected]

Engagement: Fulltime or Contract [if you have a welldefined need which I can help with]


I'm Shaishav (@wiresurfer) and I am seeking out my next challenge. I am on a career break after working for the last 15 years, so I am putting this out here to let serendipity do its thing.

A bit about me: >15 years of experience in the industry. Microsoft Research -> startup -> Head of Technology for a GigaWatt scale Wind+Solar Renewable Energy Firm -> Cloud PaaS +Industrial Robotics for a Series B+ Japanese Robotics Firm.

I have put on many hats over the years. I can setup business units, run product, or build out engineering teams + products

Thrive in deep tech environments. Healthcare/SpaceTech/Modern Datacentre stacks excite me. AI/ML/Renewable, Industrial Iot, Logistics and Robotics are things I can help on day 0.

Location: Orem, Utah, USA

Remote: Yes

Willing to Relocate: No

Technologies: JS, Ruby, Python, React/Redux, Ionic, Kubernetes, Jest, PostgresSQL, MongoDB, Go, Restful APIs

Résumé/CV: https://github.com/SarahNDaines/resume/blob/beccdde00c498dca...

Email: [email protected]

I currently work as a DevOps engineer. I am looking for part time work as a full Stack or Backend Engineer. I miss being able to write code instead of infrastructure. In my free time I am building an Ionic/React app to deploy to the Apple store. I could be a good fit if you or your company needs an app that can be deployed in both Android and Ios environments.

2X small startup head of engineering and 2X director level at scale ups (chipper cash, ampla). Have worked mostly in fintech (consumer and B2B, payments, banking, credit cards, and lending).

Usually I join companies as an early engineer and code a lot, and then move into leadership as the engineering team grows.

I'm open to engineering leadership (EM/director/head of) or IC roles that leverage my fintech experience. I lean towards people and technical leadership, but also do enjoy first gaining company and code base knowledge as an individual contributor before transitioning into leadership. Exact role isn't the priority for me, but rather the company culture and impact I can have at that company.

Location: Denver, CO

Remote: Remote / Hybrid / Office

Willing to relocate: Yes, and

Technologies: Many through the years and most experienced with Node/TypeScript/Postgres

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/karazin/

Email: [email protected]

Location: Taipei, Taiwan

Remote: Yes, but the office is good as well.

Willing to relocate: Yes.

Technologies: I have been primarily working in TypeScript with Node, Svelte and Vue recently, but have experience with Python, Rust, and C.

Resume: https://thespatula.io/resume/resume-software-reworked.html

Site: https://www.thespatula.io & repo: https://github.com/kilroyjones/

Despite being overseas, my hours are flexible and I can work a mostly US schedule is desired. Willing to come in at the ground floor and work my up.


  Location: Chicago, IL
  Remote: Full/Hybrid
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Ruby/Rails, Go, JS/React, AWS, Terraform (all used professionally) w/ hobby experience in Elixir & other BEAM languages
  Résumé/CV: https://bit.ly/3L7xdq7
  Email: [email protected]

Full-stack engineer with nearly a decade of total professional experience, and 2+ years of experience working in each of the following domains:

- Front-end React projects w/ an internal npm package repo

- Back-end Ruby/Rails monoliths

- AWS/Golang serverless microservices

- Engineering Management

I also have a strong interest in Elixir and other BEAM languages, and have been staying active as a full-stack Elixir hobbyist for 5+ years while bouncing between different languages/domains professionally.

While open to all opportunities, I am particularly interested in using Elixir professionally full-time :)

(Edited for formatting)

Location: United Kingdom Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: Yes, within the UK and the US

Technologies: Python, LangChain, LlamaIndex, Tensorflow & Keras, Pytorch, OpenCV, Blender

Skills: computer vision, deep learning, generative AI, image processing, object detection and tracking, computer graphics

Résumé/CV: https://mejhana.github.io/

Email: [email protected]

Hello there! I am a software engineer with 4 years of experience in ML, computer vision, and deep generative models. Most recently, I worked on a RAG-based chatbot to help simplify the immigration law jargon. Before that, I worked with generative models to enable the creation of 3D animations of characters following user-defined paths while performing specific tasks like walking or running.

I am looking for a computer vision or machine learning engineering role. I'm open to work in either the UK or the US. If you're interested in my experience, just drop me a message :)


    Location: Canada / India 
    Remote: Yes
    Willing to relocate: No
    Technologies: Java, Typescript, Javascript, Python, Golang, React, Postgres, Kubernetes, NextJS, Docker, Linux
    Résumé/CV: https://deepak.pro
    Email: contact @ above domain

I'm Deepak, and I'm currently seeking a remote job due to my frequent travel between continents. I have a total of 10 years of experience building and hacking products, with 6 years of professional experience. I am looking for developer or management roles. I'm flexible with time zones and have been focusing on building products for the past year, resulting in some interesting projects. I've discovered that my strengths lie in product development and management rather than sales.
Location: Ghana Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies:JavaScript || React || Ruby on Rails || Ruby || Redux || PostgreSQL

Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QpQPCcmzF2FK18qpCrmniC0A...

Email: [email protected]

Location: Lagos, Nigeria

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: NYes

Technologies: Figma, UX/UI, Motion Design, Micro-interactions, WordPress, Web Design, Design Systems, SaaS Design, User Experience, User Interface, UX Design, UI Design

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1O4XxOfcxIqS9z0Sd5XpXalPZ-LT...

Portfolio: https://www.mubarakabubakar.com/

Email: [email protected]

I am Mubarak, a UI/UX and WordPress Designer with 4 years of experience designing digital products in the design industry. I have a proven track record designing intuitive and delightful user experiences that drive user engagement and satisfaction. My design experience spans across various industries, including logistics, supply chain, financial services, Agriculture, E-commerce, Art, and Environmental service.

Location: Europe

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No


Design: Figma, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Experience and Miro

Presentation: Keynote, InVision, Microsoft PowerPoint

Project Management: Jira, Kanban Boards, and Trello

Prototyping Tools: InVision, Axure RP and Figma

Programming: Basic HTML & CSS

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1stXm3PbP-_20SKp-RK-KEPfINGO...

Email: shetyemanasi18[at]gmail[dot]com

Introduction: I am a UI/UX designer with a background in graphic design, art direction, and more than six years of experience in the design industry. I am proficient in creating digital products in agile environments for the consumer and healthcare markets. With my strong analytical, research, and teamwork skills, I have successfully led a variety of projects from conception to development in both office and remote settings. I have extensive experience crafting personas, qualitative analysis, user journeys, user flows, user interface design, low and high fidelity prototypes, stakeholder presentations and design systems for UI components.

I am looking for full-time contract or freelance/consulting opportunities at the moment (up to 40 hours/week) in UI UX Design

Portfolio: https://www.manasishetye.com/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/manasi-shetye

Location: Vancouver, Canada Role: Full Stack Engineer, Frontend Engineer Looking for remote jobs in: USA and Canada, San Francisco Bay Area, New York, Seattle, Vancouver, Toronto (PT) Remote: Yes

Technologies: Node.js, React, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Next.js, VueJS, Nuxt.js, Javascript, Typescript, Tailwind, AWS, GraphQL, Git, MongoDB, Apollo, CI/CD, Jest, Cypress

Experience: 6 years

Joining date: 2 weeks

Resume/CV: https://tinyurl.com/7bsprs6f

Website: https://prachirai.medium.com/

Github: https://github.com/prachi00

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/darshana-prachi/

Email: [email protected]


  Location: Malmö, Sweden
  Remote: Yes!
  Willing to relocate: Yes, if it helps.
  Technologies: Anything transistor-based :)
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bjornsmedman/
  Email: bjornsmedman (at) gmail.com
I wrote this email to the bugtraq mailing list when I was 20, 26 years ago: https://insecure.org/sploits/MesaGL.openGL.overflow.html

I've learnt a lot since (see CV). Now I'm mostly interested in cloud-native system architecture, AI/ML, data engineering, platform engineering and developer tooling. I've managed large teams, but I'm not above doing the work myself. Mostly looking for fractional CTO roles or similar for ambitious early stage startups.


  Location: United States
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
    - JavaScript, TypeScript
    - Vue.js, Nuxt.js, React, Express, GraphQL, HTMX
    - OpenAI, AWS, GCP, Docker, MongoDB, SQL
    - Technical Writing, SEO, Content Marketing, Documentation, Docs, Markdown, Git
  Résumé/CV: https://rb.gy/w4btb0
  Email: derick.realwebdev[at]gmail.com
  GitHub: https://github.com/dericksozo/
  LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/derick-ruiz-413061128/
Hey, I'm Derick Sozo Ruiz, a JavaScript Developer and Technical Writer with over 5 years of experience. I've written articles, emails, and developer docs for startups at different stages, including YC companies, helping them grow by using my technical knowledge and writing skills. With over 5 years of experience in technical writing, I've contributed to various companies including: - Crossmint (web3 payments): Helped attract more web3 NFT developers through a complete overhaul of technical documentation and new technical posts on Medium, leading to a 1.4x increase in onboarded developers in July 2022.

- Amplication (>13K GitHub stars): Revamped developer docs, wrote high-quality technical content, and doubled documentation engagement, resulting in a 53% increase in average documentation page visits per user and 63,478 total documentation page visits within 6 months.

- Vue Mastery: Grew Medium traffic by over 479,000 views through 8 educational, SEO-focused articles, achieving a total read time of 161 hours and 18 minutes.

- Text Blaze (YC W21), DigitalOcean, and The Startup (a top publication on Medium).

Are you looking for a technical writer who understands developers and can write you articles, emails, and developer docs that actually convert? Email me. I look forward to talking with you!

Location: Hamburg, Germany

Remote: Remote/Hybrid/Office

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Typescript, Javascript, React, Node.js, Next.js, C#, Python, Django, Java, PostgresSQL, AWS, CSS, Tailwind

Résumé/CV: https://scottgibbs.me/resume

Email: Please see resume

Hey I'm Scotty - a full stack Software Engineer looking to work on exciting, challenging, and impactful products based in Europe. For the past few years I've been remote contracting for various US startups and have worked on products with millions of users. I like to work on all parts of the stack from creating rich interactive frontends, to wiring up an API layer, to working on data heavy backend processes. Check out my website to see examples of projects I've worked on. I'm an English native speaker who's recently moved to Europe and I’m looking to work with a larger team and on a more established product. If that sounds like you then please get in touch!

- Parker, CO - Remote OK, On-site OK - not willing to relocate - technologies: Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Lua, PHP, C, C++, Swift, HTML, CSS, React, Vue.js, Angular, Bootstrap, Express, Node.js, Yarn, Vite, GIS, Postgres, SQL, MySQL, Redis, Git, GitHub, GitLab, Docker, Kubernetes, Cloud, Devops, IaC, AWS, Cloud Formation, Lambda, API Gateway, Cloud Watch, Route 53, Amplify, EC2, S3, GCP, Digital Ocean, Netlify, Vercel, Serverless, YAML, REST, API, SOAP, HTTP, CI/CD, Automation, Red-Hat Ansible Automation Platform (RHAAP), Cypress, Unit Tests, Confluence, Jira, Vim, Neovim, Xcode, Algorithms, Data Structures - Resume in email - email: [email protected]
Location: Romania, Cluj-Napoca

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Python, Kubernetes, Clickhouse, AWS

Resume: https://github.com/candale/resume/blob/master/resources/resu...

Email: candalealdoilea <<at>> gmail.com

10+ years of experience. I currently head the platform team at the current company; key accomplishments: year-long merger/migrations of two companies with no down-time, migration from three individual cloud providers into AWS, designing and contributing to projects that increased performance ten-fold and decreased cost by up to 20%; also created tooling and best practices that increased dev experience significantly, sometimes reducing operational time by up to 70%. Self-thought, passionate about systems design and IoT. Looking for a hybrid/remote job.

Location: Vancouver, Canada Role: Full Stack Engineer, Frontend Engineer, Backend Engineer

Looking for remote jobs in: USA and Canada, San Francisco Bay Area, New York, Seattle, Vancouver, Toronto (PT)

Remote: Yes

Technologies: Node.js, React, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Next.js, VueJS, Nuxt.js, Javascript, Typescript, Tailwind, AWS, GraphQL, Git, MongoDB, Apollo, CI/CD, Jest, Cypress, Scalable Systems, Complex database systems

Experience: 6.5 years

Joining date: Immediate

Resume/CV: https://tinyurl.com/bkkv4nvz

Website: https://deepinder.me

Github: https://github.com/deepinder10

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/iamdeepinder

Email: [email protected]

Location: Irvine, CA

Remote: Yes, also open to hybrid/on-site in the LA area

Willing to relocate: Yes, for the right opportunity

Technologies: Node.js, Express, React, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Docker, AWS, Terraform, JavaScript, Typescript, HTML/CSS, REST APIs

Resume: https://mattlui.github.io/assets/files/MatthewLuiResume.pdf

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matthew-lui-652b076/

Email: mattclui at gmail.com

Hi! I'm Matt, a full-stack engineer who is passionate about solving complex problems and creating meaningful user experiences. Recently I co-created Snowclone (https://snowclone-base.github.io) an open source backend-as-a-service that streamlines the process of provisioning and managing cloud infrastructure for the development of realtime-enabled web applications. Previously, I honed my communication and leadership skills through over a decade of experience in the investment management industry. Please reach out if you're interested!

Location: Berlin, Germany

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No (Yes, if Italy)

Technologies: Python, SQL, Transformes, Pytorch, Tensorflow, Keras, Jupyter, Sklearn, Spark,LlamaIndex, Langchain, OpenCV. Kubernetes, Docker

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19pS-drmhAMPXcE5ZgVy4z8qfiz_...

Email: daniel.pavlicek [at] gmail [dot] com


I bring a decade of experience in machine learning, data science, and data engineering. My expertise includes fine-tuning large language models (LLMs), object detection models, traffic forecasting models, and tabular models for various tasks. I am skilled in developing fast and efficient data pipelines for processing and crawling large datasets. Recently, I have been focused on developing Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) frameworks for information extraction.

Location: Los Angeles, CA, USA

Remote: Yes, open to hybrid

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: HTML, CSS, Javascript, Vue, React, Jest, Bootstrap, Material-UI, Jira, Trello, Slack, Figma, some interest in AWS, CI/CD,

Résumé: Available on request

Email: peeterkang at gmail.com

Hi, I'm Peter, a frontend-leaning software engineer with about 3 years of experience. Currently in a frontend role in edtech, and I'm passionate about making products people love.

I've worked with various technologies and consider myself framework-agnostic -- I love talking about and learning new tech, ultimately making decisions on the best ones for the task at hand.

I like to take risks, learn from mistakes, and empower those around me to succeed together as a team. I'm excited to take ownership on things I work on as well as build on top of what has already existed.

I thrive in collaboration, I write detailed code reviews and pull requests, and love to share knowledge as well as hop on a pairing session.

I love all things frontend, from Javascript, collaborating with design, accessibility(!!), building component libraries, and much more.

I have a few years experience in edtech and customer education, but have a vast array of interests across industries. I would love to hear about what your team is building!

Location: Currently South East Asia (UTC+7), very flexible with working hours, can accommodate most timezones, experienced remote worker.

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Hi I’m Mark, a Web Developer, Consultant and Automation Engineer originally from the UK. I specialise in devops/system tools, workflow automation integrations, and NodeJS web development.

10+ years working in IT, experienced delivering large projects for Fortune 500 companies internationally, and working remotely.

Most recently I’ve been developing social media SaaS and statically generated (a.k.a Jamstack) websites, built using GitHub actions, deployed to Netlify.


NodeJS, Perl, Python, Bash, Git, Express, Eleventy, Passport, Mocha, HTML/Javascript/CSS, ES2015-2020, JQuery, Backbone, Bootstrap, AWS, Digital Ocean, Netlify, Heroku, Docker, Lambda, Serverless, Message Queues, Stripe, Mailgun, Linux, Postgres, MongoDB, Redis, Nginx, Letsencrypt, GitHub Actions

About me: https://markjgsmith.com/about

Portfolio: https://markjgsmith.com/portfolio

Recommendations: https://markjgsmith.com/recommendations

Résumé/CV: On request via email

Email: [email protected]


  Location: New York, New York, USA
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes 
  Technologies: Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Go, AWS, 
  React, Node.js, Express, CSS/SASS, CI/CD (Github Actions), 
  Apollo GraphQL, Docker, Kubernetes

  Resume/CV: Available upon request. 
  Email: wrogejohn at gmail.com

I'm a full stack software engineer. My work involves designing an open source Kubernetes monitoring tool, building a workflow management application at Hack for LA, and working on various freelance projects. I'm open to contract, part time, or full time positions.

https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-wroge/ https://github.com/johnwroge

Location: San Francisco, CA

Remote: OK

Willing to Relocate: No

Programming Languages: Ruby, Scala, Python, Javascript, TypeScript, Haskell Programming Strengths: Data Structures and Algorithms, Data Engineering Programming Language Theory, Type Theory, No-Code, AI&Prompt Engineering

Databases & Tools: Postgres, HBase, MongoDB, Kafka, Jenkins, AWS, Docker

Other Skills: Leading Teams & Managing Projects, Managing Interview Pipelines, Architecting & Implementing Greenfield Solutions, Education & Team Growth, Leading Communication and Coordination Between Stakeholders Across Teams and Organizational Silos

CV: Available Upon Request

Email: [email protected]

I am a seasoned (>10 years experience) full-stack principal software engineer and software manager specializing in the backend. In the past, I've led teams of up to 12, managed interview pipelines, pioneered a number of no- and low-code solutions for stream processing, data model and query generation, form building, workflow systems, and front-end construction for a variety of industries, including those with strong regulatory requirements and complex business rules such as healthcare and fintech.

More recently, I've built a workflow engine for coordinating LLMs and other generative AI processes, and on top of this a platform for minimizing hallucinations and working with documents that are too large for existing context windows.

If any of the above seems like a match for you and your organization or project, don't hesitate to reach out.

Location: San Francisco, CA, USA

Remote: Open to hybrid or remote

Willing to relocate: Yes for the right opportunity

Technologies: JavaScript, Typescript, Node.js, Go, Express.js, React, REST APIs, HTML,CSS, AWS EC2, Cloudflare Workers, Digital Ocean Droplet, Linux, Bash, HTTP, Nginx, OOP, MongoDB, SQL, PostgreSQL

Resume/CV: https://emargetis.com/assets/Margetis_Erik_Resume.pdf

Email: Available on my personal site, https://emargetis.com/

About me: I’m a software engineer with a strong background in product management, growth and general business.

As an engineer, I have experience building many projects. I recently built Syncosuaurus, an open source an open-source framework to help other developers quickly build real-time, collaborative web applications: https://syncosaurus.github.io/

As a product manager, I worked for both a late-stage start up in San Francisco (Rev.com) and a seed-stage startup in Lagos, Nigeria building customer-facing features and doing growth-related work. Given my background, I have a keen product sense and extensive experience shipping software in a team setting.


  Location: Canada (but currently in Europe until December)
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Java, Python, Typescript, Go, SQL, K8s, Docker, Terraform, AWS, Spring 
  Résumé/CV: https://psmagicman.github.io/CV2024.pdf
  Email: julienlaw1[at]gmail[dot]com
Introduction: I am a software developer with over 8 years of experience working in the full stack. My expertise is in quickly building both backend and frontend services. I am highly experienced in creating features and services in Java backends through spring and implementing the frontend that uses such features (JS/TS). I am a language agnostic developer and can quickly pickup whatever language is used in the team. For most of my career, I have been working with teams distributed across multiple timezones, and as such I am accustomed to working asynchronously with others.

  Location: USA
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Linux, Azure, Python, Kubernetes, BurpSuite, Metasploit
  Résumé/CV: email me. Build/deploy/secure E2E, Backend SE, Security SE, Penetration Tester. email me.
  Email: [email protected]

  Email: c410.f3r (at) gmail.com
  Location: Brazil
  Remote: Yes
  Résumé/CV: https://c410-f3r.github.io/curriculum.pdf
  Technologies: AngularJS, Assembly (x84_64), C, C++, Cryptography, Docker, Docker Compose, Ember.js, GCP, Golang, Java, JavaScript, Kubernetes, Linux, MongoDB, MySQL, NodeJS, PHP, Polkadot, PostgreSQL, Python, ReactJS, Rust, SQL Server, Smart Contracts, Solana, Solidity, Substrate, TypeScript, Vue.js
  Willing to relocate: No
Hello! I am a software engineer with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, more than 10 years of experience and 10 professional certifications earned after a lot of study and hard work.

You can see several technologies in the above list but I personally prefer to work with anything related to the Rust Programming Language. Backend? Blockchain? Compilers? DevOps? Embedded? Mobile? I am totally onboard as long as you have a little bit of Rust involved.

For more information, take a look at my CV (https://c410-f3r.github.io/curriculum.pdf) or my GitHub account (https://github.com/c410-f3r).

Location: Europe

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: LLM, RAG, Python, Document Processing, OCR, Image Processing, NLP

Résumé/CV: https://superdocs.io

Email: [email protected]

I'm a freelance consultant specializing in document processing.

Currently building LLM + RAG apps. If you're interested in a "chat with your PDFs" app, I can help.

I can also help with:

  - Extraction of data from PDF documents (structured, semi-structured, unstructured)
  - OCR projects
  - Table detection/recognition
  - Document classification
  - Document splitting
  - PDF workflow automation
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Remote: open to it

Willing to relocate: negotiable

Technologies: C, C++, Python, Golang

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14xHu74VYA2fKglPmEvluKc06S38...

Email: [email protected]

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fbelletti/

Hi, I have 10+ years of experience in software development, in diverse fields like software defined networks, relational databases, 3D graphics and high-performance computing. I worked in several locations (Italy, Japan, Ireland, Canada, Denmark) and I am used to work with colleagues all around the world.

Location: Slovenia, Europe

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: yes for onboarding period, offsites, etc., but ultimately I'm staying remote.

Technologies: Ruby on Rails, GraphQL, React.js, Postgres, Heroku, Shopify app ecosystem, Sidekiq, with ~10 years of fullstack experience. Last 2 years in a principal role (still very much coding daily)

Résumé/CV: available on request, but Linkedin has all basics covered https://www.linkedin.com/in/sebastjanstojnsek

Email: sebastjan[dot]stojnsek[at]gmail[dot]com

I'm a YC-company alumni. Primarily looking for a remote-first senior/lead role in Rails ecosystem, startup or well established. Worked on dozens of apps fully remote even before Covid. Last 2 years experience with running a standalone business unit - major Shopify app - at scale.

Systems Designer Engineer

  * Web technologies specialist / full-stack
  * apps, games
  * experienced
USA or UK companies only ( English culture )

  Location: New-York timezone (near USA)
  Remote: yes. Favored/proven. Full-remote, mainly-remote
  Willing to relocate: yes, very interested. to USA or England
  * typescript, javascript, nodejs, deno,
  * Go, dart, Zig,
  * C#(games), Some C, C++, Swift, Rust...
  * html5, CSS...
  * web frameworks: Vue.js, Svelte, others... no-framework, my-own-framework
  * Games: Godot, webGl, blender, game-design, interest in Unity/Unreal...
  * NoSQL, SQL
  * Linux, cloud platforms, github, graphics-design/UX 
  Resume/Profile: on request 
  Email: xzzulz (at) gmail (dot) com


  Looking for work, where I can perform well.
  Have done design/implementation/contributed-features,
  or full-project on web-apps, apps and games.
  * self-taught * fast-learner * self-direction
  Good at: 
  * code/features contributor, to existing project 
  * Feature lead / small project lead
Location: London, UK Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: Flexible Technologies: REST API/Postman; SQL; Frontend + Backend Testing; JavaScript; Web based applications, Android and iOS Résumé/CV: On request Email: [email protected]

Highlights: Hi, experienced Technical Business Analyst and QA Lead with over 15+ years of experience in software development. I like to pull things apart and ensure they work as they are supposed to and if they are going to fail - they do so gracefully! I am on the lookout for part-time or full-time role. Past industries include Ground Transportation (B2B-B2C and SaaS), startup Fintech Cloud Accounting. Please reach out for a chat to know more.


  Location: Asia/Beijing/London/Flexible Timezones
  Remote: yes
  Willing to relocate: on a hybrid basis, yes
  Technologies: React, JavaScript, LLMs, AI, TypeScript, Neo4j, Node, NextJS, Redis, Git, GenAI (incl. ComfyUI, Various LLMs, custom pipelines, multimodal)
  Résumé: https://j11y.io/cv/cv2024.pdf
  Email: [email protected]
Hi! Full-stack JavaScript expert with 15+ years experience. Author of 'Clean Code in JS'. Created cron.js (1.6M weekly downloads). StackOverflow top contributor (110k rep). Worked at Meta, Twitter, Stripe. Now primarily focusing on AI-driven tools and consulting. Passionate about accessible tech, knowledge sharing, social inequities. I care about purpose, scale, culture, equality, education, optionality, and flexibility.

Projects of note: published author (j11y.io/js-book), ablf.io, tiptap.chat, veri.foo. Bunch of others too!


  Location: NY
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Email: [email protected]
  LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/peterwwillis
  GitHub: github.com/peterwwillis
  Technologies: AWS, Ansible, Apache, Auth0, Bash, C, Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment/Delivery, CFengine, Celery, CircleCI, Cisco IOS, DataDog, Docker, Drone, DynamoDB, ElasticSearch, FastAPI, Flask, Google Cloud/GCP, Git, GitHub Actions, Go, GraphDB, Helm, Java, Jenkins, KVM, Kubernetes, MongoDB, MySQL, NFS, NMAP, NewRelic, Nginx, OAuth2/OIDC, OpenShift, OpenVPN, Perl, PostgreSQL, Puppet, Python, QualiSystems CloudShell, RabbitMQ, Redis, Riak, Samba, Snort, Software Development Lifecycle/SDLC, Splunk, TCP/IP, Terraform, VMware, Vagrant, Wireguard, Wireshark, Zookeeper, Linux diagnosis tools, All common network protocols
Principal DevOps, Platform, Systems, Site Reliability Engineer. 19+ yrs experience building/running systems (mostly Linux), writing software (mostly python/perl/c/bash/go), working with dev teams, in-cloud & on-premise, for startups & enterprises.

I'd really love to work with a high-performing team on challenging problems, but I'd also be happy to help a team level up its performance and product delivery from a systems perspective. Motivated most by industries/products/services that help people & the environment. Also motivated to replace crappy old tooling with modern best practice tools, improving security & reliability, reducing pain/toil, and increasing productivity.

Location: Rutland, Vermont, USA

Remote: Yes

Relocate: No

Technologies: Next.js, Astro, Gatsby, Ionic, Supabase (Postgres), Nodejs, AWS (S3, SQS, Lambda), Netlify, Algolia, Angular (1, and 2), Drupal (7, 8, 9), Technical SEO

Experience: 12 years, 7 as a freelancer

Joining date: Immediate

Website: https://www.andrewgwardwell.com/

Github: https://github.com/andrewgwardwell

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewgwardwell/

Email: https://mailhide.io/e/jrNN2QjA

Role: Frontend Engineer, Drupalist. Contract preferred, but open to permanent

I am currently a full-stack engineer at a web3/digital identity startup and love to build cool products with cool people. :)

I recently completed an Ethereum Foundation-funded project for managing trusted issuers in our US pharma ecosystem. In my free time, I play around with Swift/SwiftUI, building my open-data weather app. Let's talk no matter what you are working on!


Location: Leipzig, Germany

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Typescript, NestJS, Prisma/ Drizzle, NextJS, React, Tailwind, Jest/ Vitest/ Cypress, ethers/ web3js/ viem, Solidity, Verifiable Credentials, Decentralized Identifiers, Fly

Résumé/CV: https://bolte.id/assets/cv-philipp.pdf

Email: [email protected]

Location: Jakarta, Indonesia

Remote: Yes, also welcome to RTO in some case

Willing to relocate: Possibly

Technologies: Node.js, Go, Python, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Databricks, Kafka, RMQ, AWS, GCP, Datadog, and some other more in my 6 year career, in terms of domain experienced in payment integration, finance operation and reconciliation, and KYC.

Resume: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1e6RzZZYm_hsytlUPikjZtAEt9e6...

CV: https://cv.cakjulpikar.id/

Email: [email protected]

Hi HN, I'm Zulfikar,

I casually looking for new position to explore new opportunity there. I have joined a YC company in the past as early engineer.

I'm also open for any open source / volunteering work. Lets chat further in email :)


    Location: Wisconsin
    Remote: Yes
    Willing to relocate: No
    Technologies: Kubernetes, Docker, ONNX, PyTorch, FastAPI, Django, Python, JavaScript, Postgres, MySQL, AWS, DigitalOcean, Grafana, Redis/Valkey
    Resume: Given upon request
    Email: In profile
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/quintenlisowe/

I'm a platform engineer with expertise in AI inference systems (stateless and RAG based), particularly the MLOps side of things. I've scaled GPU clusters to tens of thousands of requests per second in a k8s environment. I've founded a couple (failed) companies, including a humanoid robotics company and an AI Essay writing company with GPT-2, before OpenAI had even made the first commit to their API. I also have a lot of experience working with webservers like Django and FastAPI.

I have some experience in management through mentoring a high school robotics team for a few years and the previously mentioned companies.

I'm mainly looking for contract IC roles, but I'm open to full-time or product management.

As a sort of "showcase" for some of my technical skills, I recently built and open sourced an all-in-one batteries included AI deployment repository: https://github.com/Mockapapella/batteries-included-ai-deploy....

Location: Nashville, TN Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: No Technologies: JavaScript, TypeScript, React, AWS, Tailwind UI, Figma, Jira, IT Support Résumé/CV: Available upon request Email: [email protected]

Self-taught software engineer with extensive technical curriculum completion, solo and group projects (ongoing). Seeking role in software engineering or technical support.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/megan-k-byrd/

Portfolio: https://meganbyrd22.github.io/portfolio/

GitHub: https://github.com/meganbyrd22

Location: Oslo, Norway

Remote: Yes, preferred

Willing to relocate: Maybe

Technologies: machine learning, deep learning, Python, PyTorch, NumPy/Pandas, flask, SQL, Docker, Rust

Industries/domain expertise: PhD in mathematics (statistical methods/modeling, topological data analysis, representation theory), master's theses in finance and neuroscience, application of machine learning/deep learning to banking/finance for risk evaluation and fraud prediction

Résumé/CV: available on request

Expertise in data science and development of ML/DL models across domains (in banking/finance, for domain-specific image analysis and for neuroscience); 6+ years professionally working with Python and machine learning

I'm actively exploring remote opportunities where I can apply my unique combination of skills coming from a math and developer background

Open to freelance/contract work.

E-mail: hn [at-symbol] vixe [dot] re

Location: Berlin, Germany

Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Go, TypeScript, Python, K8s, Docker, Terraform, AWS, GCP

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bensarmiento/

Email: me at bensarmiento dot com

I'm passionate about people management (10+ YoE), self-hosting, open source and product building.

My current projects:




Location: San Francisco, CA but looking to relocate to New York City, NY

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: SolidWorks, Figma, Onshape, Adobe Suite, Java, Python, Fusion 360, R, Miro, KiCad, Procreate, UI/UX, Rapid Prototyping, Sketching, Ideation, Innovation Design Thinking, User Research, Usability Assessment, User Testing, Problem Framing

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kRRy6-6ismcGjYDwRR-UHg3LNVJ...

Email: [email protected]

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/braeden-wong

Portfolio: https://www.braedenwong.com

I'm a recent graduate having studied Human Factors Engineering and Studio Art. I'm interested in usability product design and design engineering, especially when it comes to engineering hardware and physical products. I love combining the creativity of art making with the technical praxis of engineering to create meaningful, user-centered products. I implement my backgrounds in engineering, machine design, and sculpture to inform the innovation design thinking process. I have previous experience with product management, innovation design thinking, wearables design, user research, user and usability testing, ergonomic design, UI/UX design, rapid prototyping, and robotics. I'm actively looking for positions, so I would love to hear from you!


  Location: UK (though have worked for US companies remotely coast to coast since 2008)
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No, but will travel
  Technologies: Ruby on Rails, Postgres, Aurora, Go, AWS, GCP, Terraform, Linux Sysadmin, heroku, Nginx.
  Résumé/CV: https://willj.net/about/hire-me/january-2024-ian8ah/
  Email: [email protected]
Hi, I'm Will Jessop, currently the now part time CTO of Impactive looking for new opportunities in Rails application scaling and performance or technical leadership. Technically I have a huge amount of experience in scaling and optimising Ruby on Rails applications, Postgres database performance and scalable application architecture. I also have a lot of experience managing a team of 19 people, mostly engineers. I'm product focussed, and among other successes re-orged the product pipeline at Impactive to improve delivery reliability and quality outcomes, while drastically improving staff morale.

Employment history includes Impactive, Rubytune, 37Signals/Basecamp and Engineyard.

Location: Dublin, Ireland Remote: yes Willing to relocate: In Ireland Technologies: Python, R, SQL, SAS, AWS(learning) Skills: data analysis, business analysis, machine learning, modelling and prediction, time series analysis, project and product management, team leadership Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/eliot-huang Email: [email protected]

9 years of experience in data analysis in finance and economics, 4 years of experience in project management for the full cycle of product development and consultancy in trading and investment. Analysis skillset easily transferred to other industries. Open to any analysis-related roles :)

-Location: Syros, Greece, and Glasgow, Scotland (UK)

-Remote: Yes (Prefer in-person)

-Willing to relocate: Yes. Can work anywhere in the EU. Will require sponsorship for non-EU locations


-Programming Languages: Matlab / Simulink, Python, C

+Design & Analyses: Computer-Aided Design (CAD) - Fusion 360 Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)- Star-CCM+ Finite Element Analysis (FEA) - Abaqus, Strand7 Materials selection - ANSYS Granta EduPack

+Prototyping: Analog and Digital signal processing; Engineering drawings for system assembly, DXF for laser cutting, and folding diagrams; Design of experiments for Validation and Verification, Testing, and statistical analysis; Programming of smart electronics, sensors, and actuators

+Résumé/CV: https://rocos.notion.site/Filippos-Rokos-52c7c3317f7b46569bf...

+Email: procos[at]gmail[dot]com


  Location: Montreal, Canada
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: iOS/macOS, Objective-C/Swift, SwiftUI
  Résumé/CV: http://chriscomeau.com/resume
  Email: [email protected]
Location: Vancouver, B.C., Canada (Full work rights in US as well) Remote: Yes; Open to in person or hybrid positions as well.

Willing to relocate: Potentially. Preferably Austin or NYC.

Technologies: JavaScript/Typescript, Node.js, Go, Express.js, React, REST APIs, HTML, CSS, jQuery, AWS, Docker, Terraform, Linux, Bash, HTTP, Nginx, OOP, SQL, MongoDB

Resume/CV: https://timw-csi.github.io/assets/Tim_Williams_Resume.pdf

Email: timw-dev AT pm DOT me

About me: I’m a software engineer who enjoys working and learning at the limits of my knowledge and experience. I enjoy breaking down complex problems into their smallest solvable pieces and writing clean code up from a foundation of fundamentals. I focus on clear communication, especially when working with remote engineering teams-- I love a good detailed PR. Dachshunds are my favorite dog breed.

I recently built Snowclone ( https://snowclone-base.github.io/ ), a backend-as-a-service with real-time functionality that streamlines provisioning infrastructure to AWS.

In a previous career I worked in IT and am always interested in systems and platform work in addition to SE roles.

Location: London, UK

Remote: Open to any in London, otherwise remote

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Django, Python, TypeScript, HTML/CSS/Tailwind, Hugo, Angular, React/Next.js, Alpine.js, Figma, Adobe Photoshop

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WsxSHUjoUjj0GeEYxla4hlPYOOu...

Email: [email protected]


Hi, I'm Zoltan. Currently staying in London (originally from Romania), I'm seeking UK visa sponsorship or remote work with non-UK companies. I enjoy coding and design, and I'm open to frontend, backend, or full-stack roles.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions!

Location: Hong Kong and Sydney

Remote: Preferred, Yes worldwide possible (as fractional, consulting or similar freelance arrangement or full time employee).

Willing to relocate: Yes. Preferably HK/APAC/AU.

  Technologies: I'm a Global Product Management leader (VP, Director, CPO) who has worked on Mobile and Consumer Internet products used by hundreds of millions of people. 15+ years experience with Google, Booking Group (Agoda), Trip.com (skyscanner), SEA (Garena) and running my own startup Placety and more in California and across Asia (BKK, SIN, HKG, AU). 
Stanford MBA and Berkeley CS educated. Specialising on User Experience and rebuilding or invigorating product lines.

Also open to talk board and advisory positions. Résumé/CV: http://www.ulfw.com/docs/CVulfw.pdf

LinkedIn Contact: https://www.linkedin.com/in/waschbusch/

eMail: calstanford at gmail dot com

-- UX Designer --

Location: Chicago, IL

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Figma, Photoshop, Sketch, XD

Résumé/CV: available on my portfolio site: https://pigeonladyux.com

Email: available on my portfolio site: https://pigeonladyux.com

I'm a UX designer with 5+ years of experience. I've worked in all areas of UX including visual desktop design, user research, content writing, and mobile design. I've worked in the business domains of B2B SaaS, talent acquisition and consumer banking.

Excited to get into a new role at a smaller-ish (non-megacorp) company where I can get the opportunity to wear more hats and collaborate more with non-product/design folks.

- Location: São Paulo, SP, Brazil

- Remote: Yes (hybrid is OK, even if travel is needed)

- Willing to relocate: Maybe

- Technologies: Python, Java, C#, Rust, go. SQL and NoSQL databases. AWS, GCP and clouds in general. Open-source, AI, 3D printing, and IoT enthusiast. I have been working for several years as a CTO and software architect with various technologies, primarily focused on Web Development platforms. I have participated in numerous successful projects, contributing to achieving goals that include new product conception, rebranding existing ones, enhancing customer experience, and fostering a strong team spirit.

- Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/equake/

- Email: [email protected]

Senior Backend Engineer with 11 years experience.

I’m taking care of a customer facing backend pipeline at work and am committed in having it run as smoothly as possible, investing heavily in observability. I also designed, implemented and maintained services that are customer facing. More details are on LinkedIn.

I have been also taking care of an ETL pipeline using Python and heavy SQL queries that I crafted for some and helped optimized for others.

I’m searching for a similar role or for an SRE role.

I like functional programming and infrastructure as code. I have my own server at home for 10 years now with which I self host a lot of services and which help me hone my on-premise server management skills. I started with Ubuntu then switched to Arch Linux and now I’m using NixOS. My latest project in this space is Self Host Blocks https://github.com/ibizaman/selfhostblocks which I talked about in NixCon NA 2024 https://youtu.be/lw7PgphB9qM?si=XfUe3OAa40z9PZ4-

Location: Europe (Belgium or Switzerland) Remote: Hybrid or Full Willing to relocate: yes Technologies: Golang, Python, SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Docker, Nix, bash, Linux, Jenkins, Erlang, Elixir, Haskell, GitHub Actions, Infrastructure as Code. Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pierre-penninckx/ Email: [email protected]

Location: Philadelphia, PA, USA

Remote: Yes, preferred

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, Python, React, Node.js, Express, Tailwind CSS, MongoDB, SQL, Git, Vite, Webpack, Jest

Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14Wd7GUJ78RpPyRjSw0-iUrVt...

Email: matthewraubert [at] gmail [dot] com

GitHub: https://github.com/matthewaubert

About me: Self-taught software engineer with a background in graphic design, seeking a junior-level web developer position. Passionate about continuous learning and using emerging technologies, such as AI, to tackle complex challenges.

Location: Bali, Indonesia

Remote: Yes (US/EU/AU timezone)

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Figma, Framer, Webflow, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, and HTML/CSS/Tailwind

Portfolio: WIP, in the meantime -> https://uisual.com

Résumé/CV: Available via email

Email: [email protected]

― ― ― ― ―

I'm El, a digital product UI/UX designer and graphic designer with more than 6 years of experience working remotely for US/EU/AU-based companies. I'm the creator of Uisual (https://uisual.com), a free library of Framer and Tailwind CSS components and templates. I charge $50/hr, and am also open to a long-term contract or project-based work.

Location: Tokyo, Japan Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: no

Technologies: Startup Tech Consulting, Devops, Svelte, React, Python/Django, Go, AWS, Docker, Terraform, Kubernetes

Resume/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/philisaac/ [or] https://philisaac.com

Email: isaac.phil [at] gmail [dot] com

Sr. full stack engineer and manager, 8+ years experience. Former co-founder and head of engineering at a successful startup (>1M MRR). I help scaling startups find their footing whether through infrastructure, architecture, refactors, or bootstrapping new products. I value quick and open communication and fast iteration.

Open for medium to long term consulting/contract work, or full time work with small companies working on exciting products.



  Location: Barcelona, Spain
  Remote: Maybe
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Python, SQL, Pandas, Flink, Kafka, Airflow, Snowflake, Postgres, Cassandra, Kubernetes, AWS, Cloudformation, Duckdb, Bash
  Résumé/CV: https://app.box.com/s/isde8jfyo9cllzqcju86nbrn56ksicrq
  Email: [email protected]
Hi, I'm Ole. Looking for a job in the U.S., do have a job authorization. The bulk of my experience is in Python and SQL in data engineering and generic backend. However occasionally I've used Scala and Rust on my job and in my free time it's all about Haskell and Nix.
Location: Boston, MA/New York City Remote: Remote / Hybrid Willing to relocate: Yes, for the right role

Technologies: Javascript/Typescript, Node, React, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Docker. Of course, I’m eager to learn others, and can quickly ramp up on other technologies (e.g., Python, Golang, etc) if needed.

Résumé/CV: https://www.arnocai.com/assets/files/resume.pdf

Email: [email protected]

Looking for: Full-time Software Engineer roles.


I am a full stack engineer with experience in a range of technologies, including JavaScript/TypeScript, PostgreSQL, and React. Before software development, I worked within academia as a research analyst, examining interesting questions in the public health/healthcare spectrum - I primarily analyzed healthcare data and did a lot of data analysis.

I recently built Willow with a team of four engineers. It is an open-source, self-hosted framework for building Change Data Capture data pipelines, which updates Redis caches in near real-time based on changes in a PostgreSQL database. You can read more about Willow here: https://willow-cdc.github.io/

If any of this sounds interesting, please don’t hesitate to reach out!


  Location: Europe
  Remote: Preferred (any timezone)
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Go, Python, JavaScript, C, C++, Bash, HTML/CSS, SQL, ES6+, PHP, GNU/Linux, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Docker, Docker Compose, Git, CI/CD, Flask, FastAPI, Node.js, React, Next.js, Grafana, Prometheus, Kafka, Elasticsearch, Redis, KVM, Kubernetes, Nomad, Digital Ocean, Scaleway, AWS, GCP
  Résumé/CV: Upon request
  Email: hired at codecyanic dot com
Hi, I'm a backend-focused generalist software engineer with over 10 years of experience. My expertise is in Go and Python backend development, as well as JavaScript frontend development. I have a strong experience in technical leadership and driving projects from inception to completion.

Furthermore, I've founded multiple business, so I also have experience that comes from wearing many hats like Product Management, UI/UX Design, Customer Success and QA.

I'm looking for a remote opportunity, either full-time or part-time, but I'm also open to relocation (especially Southeast and East Asia).

If you're still unsure about getting in touch, check out my latest project at https://gitfront.io. I wrote the frontend, backend and did the design.


    Location: USA
    Remote: Yes
    Willing to relocate: No
    Technologies: Python, C, C++, JavaScript, TypeScript, Node, Ruby, Rails, Django, Express, React, PostgreSQL, Linux, Bash, AWS, HTML, CSS. Trying to find time to play with Go and Rust.
    Resume/CV: 15 years experience as a full-stack engineer (web, native, frontend/backend, firmware, devops). Contact for resume.
    Email: ptx2 at-sign ptx2 dot net
Product-minded full-stack engineer with 15 years experience.

Recent technical write-up and open-source project I made that reached #1 on HackerNews: https://ptx2.net/posts/unbricking-a-bike-with-a-raspberry-pi

Some things I've designed/built/launched/maintained professionally: high-traffic web frontend/backends, realtime interactive graphics apps, data visualizations, computer vision apps, firmware, reverse engineering, video/image processing, apis, api integrations (payments/social/data), distributed systems, linux sysadmin, refactoring/maintaining legacy systems, managing small engineering teams, remote work, customer facing work.

Some areas of interest: the outdoors, health and fitness, art, music, environment, games, human computer interaction, product design, ui/ux, embedded/iot devices, privacy, security, networking, optimization, unusual companies/products, web, linux.

Looking for interesting software engineer or tech co-founder/director/advisor opportunities!


  Location: Georgia, Tbilisi
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Maybe
  Technologies: PHP / Symfony / Laravel / Vue.js / TypeScript / Go / Docker / Kubernetes / Google Cloud / AWS / Redis / Kafka / RabbitMQ / Clickhouse / MySQL / PostgreSQL / GraphQL and more
  LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rbilalov/
  Email: [email protected]
Hey! 15+ years of backend experience in small and enterprise-like teams. Able to cover the entire backend: code, databases, message queues, API, devOps, etc. I have experience in complex high-load projects, analytics databases and etc.
Location: Baltimore, Maryland, USA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No


    Hardware: Instrumentation & conditioning, filtering, ADC/DAC, RF Applications (IEEE 802.15.4), phase locked loops, IGBT & SCR control, power supplies, microcontrollers, memory, peripherals, USB, Ethernet, EtherCAT, CAN, PCI, ISA, TEDS (IEEE 1451.4), UART, SPI, I2C, PWM, quadrature encoders, PID control, IIR/FIR filters, phase locked loops, synchronous detection, IMU, INS, optical sensors, cold gas thrusters, EMC, RFI

    Software: C++, C#, MATLAB; C; Python; VHDL, Verilog; Assembler; Familiar with Javascript, SQL, Visual Basic, UNIX shell and tools; Windows, QNX RTOS, Real Time Linux, bare metal; Eclipse, Visual Studio, TI Code Composer Studio, MPLab, GNU, Atmel Studio; Xilinx, Altera, OrCAD, Eagle CAD, LTSpice, git 
Résumé/CV: http://dave-page.com/cv

Email: [email protected]

Hi there! I am a very experienced embedded systems designer and manager with a proven track record delivering results. I can help define requirements, create an electronic design, write software, and build a conforming prototype.

Location: Berlin, Germany

Remote: 100%

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: PHP, Python, JavaScript/TypeScript, React, Postgres, MongoDB, MySQL, PowerShell, HTML/CSS, Docker, GraphQL, Node.js

Résumé/CV: https://cv.thelastcode.io

Email: tyteen4a03 [at] thelastcode.io

I'm a 5 YoE full-stack software developer with an interest in using technology to solve social problems. Currently a system architect IT Volunteer with Crisis UK (homelessness charity) and Technical Lead at Toontown: Corporate Clash (volunteer-run revival of the Disney MMO Toontown Online).

Looking for my next role at €80k+ (can trade less money with less hours). 100% remote or office visit up to once a month. I am a permanent resident in Berlin, DE so prefer German companies but can accept jobs anywhere in the EU. Open for both permanent employment and contracts.

Location: Bristol, UK (French citizen)

Remote: yes, also open to hybrid in Bristol and London

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Ruby, Rails, RSpec, JavaScript, SQL, GraphQL, Heroku, Kafka, ElasticSearch

Resume: https://niamor.notion.site/Romain-Hallary-Resume-150b8a43a57...

Email: [email protected]

Github: https://github.com/niam0r

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/niamor/

Hi, I’m Romain.

I recently finished my stint as a Ruby on Rails backend developer at [Barnardo’s](https://www.barnardos.org.uk/). I was a backend developer instrumental in the development of Journey, a platform that helps young people leaving the care system plan their progression to independence and puts them in control of their progress. I was involved in its technical development from rails new.

Ideally I’d like to stay in the charity / tech for good area but I’m also open minded to work on something new. I love to learn and am quick to pick up new skills.

I'm looking forward to tackling new and exciting challenges.


  Location: Bangkok
  Remote: Yes, 10+ years remote, flexible with time zones
  Willing to relocate: Possibly
  Technologies: Python/Django, DBA (Postgres), Kubernetes, bare metal Linux, JS/TS/HTML, DevOps stacks, ELK/Grafana stack, IoT firmware/hardware
  Résumé/CV: https://sayap.in/resume-michael-sayapin.pdf
  Email: [email protected]
  LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-sayapin/
I work in software for 20+ years. I'm a pragmatic builder who is laser-focused on bringing value and shipping to users. My core areas of expertise are Python/Django, SQL, Kubernetes, Linux, and IoT.

In the past I co-founded two startups which helps me better understand the business side of development, how to identify value, how to measure and optimize for ROI, what makes a good hire (and how to be one), what are the true costs of rewrites, unit economics, and many other things.

Don't hesitate to drop me a message – I'd love to chat!

Location: California

Remote: Yes (US citizen)

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: React, TypeScript, Next.js, Python, Django, node.js, Tailwind, etc.

Résumé/CV: stevenirby.me/resume

Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stevenirby1/

Email: <HN username at> stevenirby.me

After surviving multiple rounds of layoffs, I decided to quit and not wait for the final big one. (happened months later)

That was ~9 months ago. I’ve done ZERO leetcode practice. I’ve been too busy shipping for my users and customers.

Here is what has been keeping me busy.


Shipped a Next.js/React app for artists to maintain artist profiles and submit art to the newsletter. Using MySQL, Prima, TypeScript, Tailwind, and React. Sent my 2,500,000th email/piece of art.

Onboarded 100+ artists.

Launched an AI version: https://randomdailyart.ai

(Go Hugo, tailwind, lots of cool vanilla JavaScript animations, and tailwind.css)


My most ambitious project yet. Fix email with a browser extension. I ship daily. Using vanilla class-based TypeScript, some React, tailwind.css. Launching in a few weeks.

Location: India Remote: true Willing to relocate: false Technologies: ML, Embedded devices& prototyping, Wolfram Language, Web technologies Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rfU9Zkh3XmouZQfUQRHaisAMKVC... Email: shrey (dot) arora _ ug25 (at the rate) ashoka.edu.in

I am a rising third-year computer science student at Ashoka University, actively seeking internship opportunities—either remote or in-office—that will help me learn. I have taken ML, Computer Org& Systems, Algos & DS courses

I am particularly interested in sustainable computing and have been exploring projects that will focus on energy-efficient AI (quantized LLMs, tracking energy use, etc.).

If you know of opportunities or projects in this area, I would love to connect and discuss further. Thank you!

Location: Madison, WI Remote: Only

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Python, NumPy, Pandas, matplotlib, Keras, Hyperopt, scikit-learn, SciPy, statsmodels, FastAPI, SQL, PostgreSQL, Linux, Docker, Databricks, Spark, AWS, Azure, R, Tidyverse, ggplot2, Neural Networks, Generalized Linear Models, Regularized Regression, Hypothesis Testing, ANOVA, Random Forest, Boosted Trees, GAM, ARIMA, k-means, PCA, GMM, MARS, LLMs (e.g. GPT, BERT), Vector Embeddings

Résumé/CV: https://www.oranlooney.com/docs/Oran-Looney-Data-Scientist-R...

Email: "".join([ "o", "looney", "@", "gmail", ".com"])

About Me: https://www.oranlooney.com/about/

Data Scientist with 18 years experience. Master's degree in Physics. Individual contributor track. Balance of theoretical statistics/ML knowledge and strong programming/database skills. Looking for deep technical challenges.

Location: Northern Iowa, USA

Remote: Open to remote or on-site (full on-site is fine)

Willing to relocate: Yes, with a specific interest in major tech hub areas


- Languages: Java, Scala, Python, Dart, Typescript/Javascript, HTML/CSS/SCSS

- Tools / Frameworks: Angular, Apache Spark, SQL & NoSQL

Résumé/CV: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zlwpvi2ibpoulwlh2oa0a/HOGLAN_...

Email: hoglan (dot) jd (at) gmail

Software Engineer with experience touching many parts of the stack (databases, backend, frontend, data / ETL pipelines, etc). I spent two years at First Orion - a smaller company - helping found & build out a data engineering team as one of the first hires. I then spent four years at Google working full-stack on internal applications - largely framework-oriented in nature.

I took time from 2022 - 2024 out of industry for personal and family reasons, and am ready to rejoin the workforce. I'm passionate about helping others, teaching, and building tools to improve the experience for developers and other end users.

Location: Cork, Ireland

Remote: Yes, Hybrid or On-site

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Java, Spring, JUnit, C#, .Net, dotNet, PHP, Laravel, Javascript, NodeJS, Express, Docker, Kubernetes, New Relic, Elasticsearch, Git, GitHub, BitBucket, HTML, HTML5, CSS, GO, GO Lang, Google Cloud Platform

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ArtgprpVirrUhv91j0EI6qYnYio...

Email: [email protected]

With over 9 years of experience as a Software Engineer, I bring a wealth of expertise in backend development, clean code principles, and the creation of robust test suites. Throughout my career, I've demonstrated a knack for quickly mastering new languages and technologies, enhancing code coverage, and streamlining deployment pipelines. Notably, I've led technical initiatives that significantly reduced integration times and boosted production deliveries. My hands-on experience spans a range of technologies, including Java, C# and Javascript, alongside proficiency in cloud platforms like AWS and GCP. I thrive in dynamic environments, fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing while delivering impactful solutions aligned with business objectives.


  Location: Los Angeles, CA, USA
  Remote: Desired
  Willing to relocate: Maybe
  Technologies: SPL, SQL, Python, Linux, Splunk, CrowdStrike, CyberArk, Tenable, KACE, TrendMicro, MITRE, OWASP, CISSP, GRC, NIST, CIS, ISO 27001
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tyvion/
  Email: Please reference url above
Over eight years of assessing, data analysis, implementing & managing technical controls, and cultivating relationships with all involved stakeholders. Looking for opportunities with a motivated & adaptive team. Ty
Location: London

Remote: Happy to work fully in person although hybrid is preferred.

Willing to relocate: For the right role

Technologies: Machine Learning (Language modelling, Computer Vision etc), Data Science, Python, Kubernetes

Resume: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bclarkson-code/bclarkson-c...

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/benedict-clarkson-779b43154/

Email: [email protected]

I'm a Senior Machine Learning Engineer looking for my next challenge. I have a strong background in Deep Learning: I built a state of the art CV model for cancer detection and I'm the author of the Tricycle (https://github.com/bclarkson-code/Tricycle) deep learning framework. I built it from scratch (nothing but python, numpy and a bit of cuda) and recently used it to successfully train a GPT-2 small model from scratch.

I'm looking for an AI Engineer role in london, preferably an AI research engineer role.

Location: Mission, TX

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Generative AI, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js; many others that might not be as relevant.

Resume/CV: I've been focused on gen AI since mid/late 2022 when I found out about ChatGPT. Have built multiple services, products and components with LLMs/agents and some image gen. A few demos of some of them on my Upwork profile.

I started learning programming as a kid and have spent the majority of time as a full-stack engineer largely with Node, JavaScript, TypeScript, Next.js etc. Recent years have been increasing Python usage. Could give a long list of languages and platforms that I have used in different phases or projects though. Most of which aren't particularly relevant or practiced now. But I am adaptable to different technologies (such as gen AI, which I try to leverage now in programming).

My main project right now is an agent framework (and hopefully someday platform) built with Python and Lit web components. I also started on a Rust one some time ago but decided there are more advantages for me with Python. The focus of my new framework is on customizing and sharing agents, services, plugins, etc. via registries. The plugins, services, agents, commands are working, registry is in progress.




Email: [email protected]

Location: LA area

Remote: Hybrid in the LA area (especially south bay or OC), remote is fine too.

Willing to relocate: Generally no, might consider Denver or Portland for the right position.

Technologies: Lately Ruby/Rails. Python/Flask before that. Some React sprinkled in there. Standard suite of supporting tech: postgres, some dynamo, redis, memcached, observability tooling, etc. I’m not too picky about tech stack – I've switched a few times and I'll probably be able to pick yours up.

Resume: on request

Email: [email protected]

I'm a value-minded backend engineer, currently in a staff+ role at a successful ecomm company. 16ish YoE, most of that in backend roles at startups. I’m value/business oriented, pragmatic when it comes to tech choices (I can work well in codebases I didn’t write, err on the side of incremental improvements rather than ground-up rewrites, and know where/how to compromise technical perfection for other concerns), collaborate well, and enjoy learning about business/customers/etc. I’ve been with my current employer for several years, currently lead engineering on a critical business system (supporting 10-15 ICs) and support the broader org on some infrastructure/system QoL projects.

I’m targeting senior/staff backend IC roles with a hands-on focus. I like engineering teams that are value/business driven, pragmatic, collaborate well both internally and with folks outside of engineering, supportive and have a good variety of backgrounds/experience levels (I’d love to not be the most senior person in the room for a change). Prefer companies that are mature/established enough to not have a crazy work/life balance. Plus points for being related to health, fitness, the environment, logistics/shipping. US citizen, if it matters.

Hey I'm Gabriel, originally from Brazil. I'm a backend engineer specializing in AI focused products, most specifically data querying and transformation using LLMs. Very fast learner.

  Location: Atlanta, GA, US
  Remote: Yes/Optional
  Willing to relocate: Yes

  Technologies: Python, LLMs, Javascript, SQL, GO, PyTorch (AI/ML), Flask, RESTful APIs, Docker, AWS, Git.

  Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bMYp8IpVxn2HTR7SNGk4Vo-SN-y81i-n/view?usp=sharing

  Email: gabrielmunhoz12345 [at] gmail [dot] com

  Location: Fairfield, Iowa
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Python, Django, Flask, Java & Spring, PostgreSQL, Docker, AWS, HTML/CSS/JS, CI/CD pipelines
  Email:[email protected]

  With 3 years of experience, I've led teams to create cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions using Python & Django & maintained one of the most popular HR tools in Nepal for a year with the same. From frontend to backend, DevOps, and desktop apps, I've done it all. Looking for interesting work, willing to relocate :)
Location: Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Java, JSF, JTA, Python, AutoIT, Hibernate, PostgreSQL, Payara Server (Tuning and maintenance)

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gustavo-lazarotto-schroeder-9b08...

Email: gussch [ at ] outlook [ dot ] com [ dot ] br

I am currently a Full Stack Developer at a Brazilian credit union. My work involves a broad range of technologies, from popular languages like Java and Python to niche tools such as AutoIT. I have a Master’s degree in Applied Computing and a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. My academic credentials are enhanced by a deep passion for researching and solving real-world problems that yield significant and positive impacts.

*Currently in Hack Reactor for Full-Stack Web Dev, but been in IT for 12+ years*

email: publicprivacy]@]me.com Location: Los Angeles,CA Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: For the right opportunity Technologies: Computing Platforms: Windows, Linux/Unix (Kali/Ubuntu), OSX, AWS, iOS,Android Programming Languages: Ruby, Go, Python Javascript, Bash, C, HTML, CSS Network Services : SSH, FTP, NFS, DNS, IMAP, SMTP, SSL, HTTP/HTTPS Software / Services : ElasticSearch, Crowdstrike Falcon,Cortex xSOAR, Qualys, InsightVM,Wireshark, Burpsuite, Appsider MySQL, Postgresql, Metasploit, nmap, IDS/IPS, Qradar, Cisco FireSight, Websense, Solarwinds, InfoBlox, Splunk, McAfee EPO,Service Now, JIRA, JAMF, Google G Suite

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/saunderscaleb/

Github:https://github.com/ghettoeinstein Open to Security Engineer, Incident Response, SecOps, Full Stack Web Development(Python/Go/JS) roles.

Location: Denver, CO

Remote: Yes

Willing to Relocate: No

Technologies: Go, TypeScript, Scala, Rust, C#, Java, Python, C/C++, SQL, HTML/CSS, JavaScript

Résumé/CV: https://kyleu.dev/resume

GitHub: https://github.com/kyleu

Email: [email protected]

I've been creating software for more than 25 years, and coding is still my true passion. I specialize in software performance, simplicity, developer experience, and solving the difficult problems that arise with complex distributed systems. In my last role, I served as a Principal Engineer for a large engineering team, designing and building a large global web commerce platform where I created architecture, frameworks, and backend services, mostly in Golang and TypeScript.

I've built many open-source projects, with Project Forge (https://github.com/kyleu/projectforge) being the best representation of my work. It’s a solo project with almost 100KLoC, and has delivered significant value to the organizations I collaborate with, despite being currently unannounced and under-documented.

I'm seeking full-time employment as a Principal Software Engineer or similar role. I'm eager to bring my extensive experience to a new team, contribute to exciting projects, and work alongside other passionate developers. Feel free to drop me a line at [email protected] if you think we could be a good match.

Location: USA Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: yes in USA

  Technologies: Programming and related skills Java,C Sharp,Python,OOPs,Android Programming(Java),go
Frameworks and Tools MySQL,Apachekafka,postgreSQL,AWS DynamoDB,AWS S3,AWS Lambda,AWS ECS,Kubernetes,Docker, goroutines. Web Technologies JavaScript,ReactJs,HTML,CSS,PHP Program Management Agile/scrum methdologies,cross functional teams,Requirement gathering, Design ,Data analysis, Datadog metrics Project LifeCycle SDLC,Waterfall,Agile,Iterative and incremental,Adaptive Other Technologies Git, Github, Maven, Spring MVC, MySql,PL/SQL, terraform, BuildKiteSkills

  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bhavana-vakkalagadda-529ab1a1/overlay/1713992259982/single-media-viewer/?profileId=ACoAABWyjLEBd-LHKlgWznKs7ORF79BNy65pZYI

  Email: [email protected]
Location: Berlin, Germany

Remote: Some remote would be preferred but don't mind a good office culture either

Willing to relocate: Wouldn't mind moving to Canada or the US if desired (but H1B would be a bitch afaik)


Python, Java, Kotlin, Typescript, (Ruby, C/C++, Smalltalk in University setting)

Spring Boot, Django, FastApi, Pydantic, React, TailwindCSS

Terraform, AWS, GCP, Azure

Postgres, MySQL, ElasticSearch, (Neo4J)

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1v2fBE437xO7qwRcS_9tGWJOFsIP...

Email: [email protected]

Tried founding my own startup but decided against raising capital since initial traction was hard: https://kviklet.dev/ https://github.com/kviklet/kviklet

The project is now open-source and I'd like to continue maintaining it since it does have a few users and I still believe in the value it provides. But I also want to work in a larger team again on a more meaningful endeavor.

I have 4+ years of startup experience of various sizes and have done a lot of different jobs in those. Definitely a backend focus, but wouldn't mind learning anything new, I tend to pick things up quickly. I have some leadership and product management experience and wouldn't mind doing that again as long as I can keep somewhat hands-on.

Location: Austin, TX (currently located in Australia but moving to the US soon)

Remote: Prefer in-person, open to hybrid

Willing to relocate: Maybe

Technologies: .NET, C#, Java, C++, Python, WPF, WCF, Azure, GCP

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-makestas/

Email: [email protected]

I'm a senior software engineer and technical lead with 7YOE, specializing in software rescue and modernizing legacy systems. I've worked with a wide range of technologies across different industries but am most comfortable with enterprise-scale systems (finance, defense and government) in C# and Java. The majority of my career has been as a consultant, including running my own consultancy for a few years. I've built and led teams up to 10 people, managed large customer accounts, architected new systems and more.

Location: Slovenia, Europe

Remote: Prefer Hybrid or Office-first

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Web-stack: JavaScript/TypeScript, React, Angular, Vue, Python, SQL, MongoDb, Firebase, Git(Hub), Linux

Résumé/CV: https://tinyurl.com/mk-linked-in

Email: see CV

A full-stack developer, with a specialization on FE with more than 15 years of experience. Experience in tech startups from several sectors. An advocate of an agile mindset and a certified Scrum Master. Work well alone, but thrive in a collaborative team environment. Have several years of mentoring and teaching experience.


  Location: Portugal, Japanese National

  Remote: Yes

  Willing to relocate: Yes

  ML libraries such as Scikit-learn, Numpy, Pandas, Lightning
  Backend: Flask, Fastapi, Nodejs 
  Orchestration: Airflow and Prefect
  Databases: Postgres and some noSql experience as well
Résumé/CV: [Google Drive Link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UN7c_OydU_W-eRK1yqn2Xnj5pms...)

I have been working for a very promising fully autonomous Vertical farming company from Milan for the past two years as a Machine learning engineer. I am looking for jobs that would allow me to work on interesting problems and technologies. I enjoy challenging work and environments that are encouraging and supportive.

I have 3 years of experience and all of it has been devoted to building Machine Learning services (research and production).

My communication skills have been praised by my peers and my perseverance and problem solving skills allow me to tackle daunting tasks with relative ease.

You can find my contact details in the pdf file. Thank you for reading!

Location: New York City, NY, USA

Remote: Hybrid preferred to remote. Remote preferred to full on site.

Willing to Relocate: Not for the next year

Technologies: Python (pandas, scikit-learn, PyTorch, numpy, scipy, Flask), SQL, JavaScript (React, Node), R

Resume: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ldtcooper/

Email: Available on my website https://www.logan-cooper.com/

About me: I've got around five years of experience combining SWE, data science, and data engineering. In my professional career I've built educational apps for business schools, data pipelines for the Federal Reserve, a prototype NLP app for a large educational publisher, and I'm currently working on data analysis, ML, and economic modelling in the transportation sector.

I'm ideally looking for data science, data analysis, or data engineering job, but I could be open to the right SWE job especially if it touches on the data world.

Location: Virginia

Remote: Yes (have worked exclusively remotely for past 13 years)

Willing to relocate: No

I've been doing backend work for the past 13 years, with Python, Django, and Django REST Framework. I'm intimately familiar with schema and data migrations, including migrations between Django projects. I've done a lot of full-stack work as well, with HTML, CSS, JavasScript/jQuery, and React.js. I've worked extensively with startups and I've worked with Twitter. I have a lot of experience working with distributed teams and am open to occasional travel. Available full (~30hrs) or part time. Interested in Python work or full-stack with Python.

Résumé: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8b4x4qzEFAOS0FFb1NhcDBOVkE...

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dustan-bower-722331ba/

Technologies: Python, Django, Django REST Framework, migrations, JavaScript, React

Email: dustan.bower at gmail

Location: TX

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No


- NLP development, including local LLMs, GPT, BERT, Pinecone, Langchain, LSTM, vector databases, sentence transformers and summarizers.

- C# and .NET development, including SQL Server, Entity Framework, ASP.NET Core, and NUnit.

- Java development, including the Spring Framework, Hibernate, Maven and JUnit.

- HTML5, CSS, JavaScript and TypeScript, including React, Vue.js, Node.js and Angular.

- Python, including Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, Pytorch, and TensorFlow.

- Scala development, including Akka, Play Framework, and ScalaTest.

- C++ and Rust development, including the Standard Template Library (STL), Boost C++ Libraries, Qt and native Win32.

- Backend and infrastructure work in Golang with Kubernetes and Terraform providers.

- GPU computing, including Vulkan, OpenCL, OpenGL, WebGL and WebGPU.

Email: [email protected]

Open source work: https://github.com/nauful

I have deep experience with frontend, backend, ML, traditional enterprise development, scientific software, low level systems, have architected enterprise software and led a small startup team from inception to acquisition. My most widely used project serves 12+ million monthly active users (big tech, enterprise C# and ReactJS) while another recent project (backend C++ and Rust, custom time series database) serves 1k+ simultaneous clients per node millions of writes per second. I'm open to either full time or part time.

Location: Milwaukee, WI

Remote: Yes or Hybrid

Willing to relocate: No


● Data Science: Machine learning, deep learning, NLP, machine vision, statistics

● Data Visualization: Tableau, seaborn, matplotlib, react, D3JS

● Data Engineering: AWS, docker, kubernetes, Snowflake, dbt, airflow, Terraform, CUDA

● Software Development: Python, TypeScript, React, Git, OOP, CI/CD, API design

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rKQeghwh1YOBhRzL6F8KdL5LEPS...

Email: [email protected]

Looking for either Data Science Manager or individual contributor roles. Unfortunately, I was a victim of the layoffs at my last company which puts me on the market. About 5 years management experience and 9 total years in the data science and analytics field at several companies. Lots of experience in developing people, helping get teams adopt professional practices, and developing many data science models that went from idea to production.

Mmmm interesting.

Location: Denver, colorado Remote: Open to it. I've worked remotely since long before covid. depends. Willing to relocate: will travel for work, in some situations technologies: - lots of "human api stuff" around writing and technical documentation, informed around a mix of skills and dispositions harmonious with my time on support teams, enterprise sales teams, engineering teams, and more: https://josh.works/blog for samples - ruby/rails stack. I'll do other stuff along the way, but I vastly prefer the RoR ecosystem - here's an odd conversation-starting piece: https://josh.works/mobility-data. - If your engineers are unhappy, I'm tempted to ask you to hire me to help them feel happy again, but I don't know if 'engineering manager' is the right fit. I'd do it in a fractional capacity, for sure.


  Location:            Poland
  Remote:              Yes (EST/PST timezones OK)
  Willing to relocate: No but occasional travel OK

    * Python, Django, Django Rest Framework, FastAPI, GraphQL
    * AngularJS, React / React Native, Next.js
    * Airflow, Kafka, Spark, Flink (+ PyFlink), ELK, TensorFlow, NLP/NLTK
    * AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, Terraform, CloudFormation, Docker, Kubernetes

  Résumé/CV:           https://michallech.info/static/Michal-Lech-Resume.pdf
  Email:               michal [AT] michallech.info
  Website:             https://michallech.info

I am a Full Stack Developer and Software Architect with 13 years of commercial experience (esp. FinTech, Healthcare) in prototyping, MVP, backend and frontend development as well as maintenance and DevOps.

I can help you accelerate development and solve difficult problems.

Great communication skills, Startup experience, team leadership, passionate about programming, self starter, OK with freelance/consulting as well as full time work.

I work with a senior React/Node/Django dev who can help if you need more hands on board.

LLM Solutions provides advisory and implementation services for everything LLM-related. We have developed novel approaches for leveraging LLMs against problems such as text classification, named entity recognition, semantic search and retrieval, and question/answer systems. If you have needs beyond typical "prompt engineering" and RAG-based systems, feel free to reach out.

Location: USA

Remote: Only

Email: [email protected]

* Location: Melbourne, Australia * Remote: Yes

* Willing to relocate: Yes - Australia

Technologies: Mostly Javascript. I've coded in pretty much all non functional languages though. Most of the databases sql/nosql. Comfortable with gCloud/aws/heroku etc. Mostly worked with node/rails/laravel/python/golang backends.

* Résumé/CV: https://registry.jsonresume.org/thomasdavis

* GitHub: https://github.com/thomasdavis/

I'm a full stack web developer who can build apps from the ground up. I've worked mostly at startups so I am used to wearing many hats. I am a very product focused developer who prioritizes user feedback first and foremost. I'm generally very flexible when investigating new roles. Nothing too big or small.

3Play Media | On Site (Boston) | Full time | 3Play Media

I lead the recorded engineering team at 3Play Media, a company focused on digital media accessibility. 3Play Media is a rapidly growing, profitable technology company revolutionizing how people consume online media. Our premium transcription, audio description, and translation solutions serve over 10,000 higher ed, enterprise, media, and government customers.

We are expanding our engineering team. We're looking for someone who is:

- Proficient with backend systems: we use Ruby on Rails, AWS, and Mongo

- Comfortable integrating designing and integrating with APIs

- Excited to interface with internal and external stakeholders

Please reach out to me with your resume: ian [at] 3playmedia [dot] com.

Location: Bangalore, India (Working in multiple Time-Zone-US/UK/AUS/NZ and EUR)

Remote: Yes

Focus Areas:

FinTech:- Financial Services Product Development, Payment SDKs, B2B SaaS (USA, Europe, India)

AI & ML:- LLM, OpenAI, GPT4 All (Working with 4 clients in LLM based Agents)

SportsTech:- Sports Product Development (USA, Australia)

LegalTech:- Document Assembling, DocumentAI (Blockchain)

Real-time Engagement with Audio and video, Streaming

Schedule a Chat: https://calendly.com/mobilefirst-intro

Email: rupal(.)mobilefirst at gmail(.)com

Technologies: NextJS, NestJS, NodeJs, Angular 14, TypeScript, Redux, NoSQL, ReactJS, Tailwind CSS, Shopify, AWS, Serverless, Kubernetes, iOS, Java, React Native, Flutter, Full-stack

Availability: We are a product consulting & development studio. Due to budget cuts, 2 of our large customers have paused their engagements. We do have more bandwidth in the coming months. We also provide fractional engineers for services.

In the last engagement, we managed the front end (Storybook + React) & back end (Serverless). We follow a ticket-based branch strategy & have written unit test cases (TDD) as well

Location: Oakland, CA, USA (San Francisco Bay Area)

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: to Prescott, AZ (my hometown)

Technologies: Python, JavaScript, Node.js, React, Express, MySQL, MongoDB. Adequate in C/C++

Résumé/CV: http://linkedin.com/in/mejarc

About me: I am a web developer now enlarging my skills beyond the front end. I graduate with a B.S., Computer Science in September 2024. I've worked remotely on successful projects with aggressive deadlines for over twenty years. My experience includes working with startups, the public sector, medium-sized companies, and large multinational corporations.

I'm a considerate, reliable, valued co-worker to Design, Product, and QA. I'm often the one to initiate documentation and code quality standards. I am well suited to teams that emphasize user research and testing with prototypes. I am open to both contract and full-time roles.

Email: please send me a message through LinkedIn

Location: Paris, France

Remote: remote 3 days per week, office 2 days

Willing to relocate: no

Technologies: TypeScript, Node.js, React, Next.js, GraphQL, Apollo, Prisma ORM, Jest, Docker, relational databases (Postgres)

Website: https://www.arnaudrenaud.com

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/arnaudrenaud/?locale=en_US

Email: [email protected]


Self-owned projects:

- https://www.filmorama.app

- https://www.form-to-email.com

8 years of experience building web applications in small or larger teams, and training students to do the same. I'd like to work on a larger project with challenging business and UI issues.


  Location: Nashville, TN, USA
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Figma, Sketch, Adobe, HTML, CSS
  Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Cjh2PjPb5h4v7g3iXsshfo8uUhno5cI7/view?usp=sharing
  Portfolio: https://figma.fun/JNcI9W
  Email: [email protected]
Hello there. I’m Mark West, a seasoned designer with a strong background in User Experience Design and a proven track record of delivering impactful solutions. With a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Storytelling & Illustration from the School of Visual Arts and a background in Web Development from the NY Code & Design Academy, I possess a unique blend of creativity and technical expertise.

My skills include User Experience Leadership, UI/UX Design, Wireframe Development, Prototyping, Brand Strategy, Design System Implementation, Usability Testing, Information Architecture, Product Design, Visual Design, Developer Collaboration, and User Research. I’ve worked in the Healthcare, Financial, and Government sectors.


  Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Depends
  Technologies: JavaScript/TypeScript, NodeJS, React, Graphl, Relay, Apollo, Nextjs, Python, Postgres, Mongodb, Couchdb, Dynamodb and etc and etc. AWS/GCP. RDF/OWL/RDFS, langchain/langgraph.
  Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1m4A_XFaPKFqUky2n3WdGsFpXWuALTPd2/view
  Email: [email protected]
Hi, my name is Sergei, 20 years in software development. I like a challenge and working with interesting and new technologies.

  Location: Oxford, UK
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Typescript, React, NodeJS, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Docker, Live Audio/Video production
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rjmunro/
  Email: [email protected]
I've been making websites for over 20 years, initially in plain HTML, then PHP, Javascript, Angular, React, Typescript and NodeJS. I like PostgreSQL for the back end but I've also used MongoDB. I also like making Javascript tools with no backend at all. I'm looking for senior roles, where I can work alongside more junior developers and be involved in the system architecture and development processes.

Recently I've mostly been working with NodeJS/Typescript and React front ends, but I'm open to learning new technologies.

I'd be willing to work full time in an Oxford or nearby, hybrid work in London or a similar distance with one day a week in the office, or work full remote.

In my spare time I direct and mix multi-camera YouTube Live streams, and have done sound engineering for many years.

Location: Seattle, WA Remote: Prefer on site/hybrid, open to remote

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: NodeJS, JavaScript/TypeScript, React, Go, Express, Redis, CRDT (yJS), AWS, Docker, WebSocket, MySQL, MongoDB, Python, Ruby

Résumé/CV: https://flowcv.com/resume/8uchlmdetk or https://www.linkedin.com/in/richardalancole/

Email: in résumé

I recently built the Websocket service and React functionality for a collaborative computational notebook (think Jupyter Notebooks with Google Docs functionality). White paper available here - https://pennant-notebook.github.io/ for https://www.trypennant.com

I'm proficient across the stack with a preference for backend and infra. I'm also interested in real world/geospatial systems.

Location: Chicago, IL

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Maybe

Technologies: JavaScript, Typescript, Python, Node.js, Next.js, React, Vue, Three.js, Tailwind CSS, AWS, DynamoDB, S3, Postgres, LLMs

Email: [email protected]

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/keenankarich

I’m a seasoned Full-Stack Software Engineer with a 9+ years of experience creating scalable web applications and leading technical teams. Proficient in JavaScript, AWS, React, Vue, and Three.js, I specialize in building dynamic user interfaces and scalable backend solutions.

Most recently I founded Transfer Thought, a Techstar's company, where I built a web based virtual reality platform that empowered users to create VR applications. This allowed anyone with a browser to build and deploy immersive experiences. I am interested in becoming part of a team of creative developers who are committed to producing exceptional products and pushing the boundaries of technology.


  Location: Seattle, WA, US
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Racket, Swift, Python, Ruby, Common Lisp, C#, Java, C, Postgres, ...
  Résumé/CV: (I don't have a recent or relevant one, but I can put something together if needed)
  Email: [email protected]
I left the software industry several years ago, after 15+ years at a keyboard, and have been happily making a living out in the real world building physical things. I still write programs for fun -- mostly Racket or Clojure, or occasionally JavaScript when I want it to run in a web browser.

This spring, I was injured and had to take some time off. I'm in occupational therapy to get back into shape, and I'm only slowly getting back to work.

I'd be interested in part-time / temporary work. If I enjoy working for your company, it could conceivably be part-time indefinitely. It doesn't have to be programming: I love finding bugs and writing bug reports, for example.

Location: New York City / London

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes, for the right opportunity

Technologies: Python, Javascript (Node.js, TypeScript, React, React Native), Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform, AWS, GCP, OpenAI, Haskell, OCaml, GraphQL, SQL/Postgres, MongoDB, Redis.

Résumé/CV: Available on request via email

Email: sam [at] jayasinghe [dot] io

Generalist software engineer with a broad range of experience including frontend, backend, and cloud infrastructure development. Past roles include full stack engineering at a YC-backed startup and VP of Engineering at a quantitative hedge fund.

What sets me apart? I have entrepreneurship experience that gives me an understanding of the end-to-end product development process at early stage startups. I am skilled at taking initiative on projects and turning vaguely defined requirements into concrete solutions. I am passionate about functional programming, engineering reliable and scalable software systems, and building engineering teams that consistently deliver quality results. I also speak 3 languages fluently (English, Sinhala, and Mandarin Chinese).

Location: Seattle, WA

Remote: Open to Hybrid, Remote or On-site

Willing to relocate: Yes


* Data science & Analytics: Python (pandas, numpy, scikit-learn, nltk, spaCy, TensorFlow, LangChain), Statistics, NLP, LLM, R, SQL, Tableau, Excel, Amazon QuickSight, Splunk, Grafana,

* Database Management: Snowflake, ETL, Data Models, Graph Database, SQL & NoSQL Database, Airflow

* Software Development: Java (Spring, SpringBoot), JavaScript, HTML/CSS, Angular, Azure DevOps, CI/CD

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pkNy-r7NvoPqDReYx-BMLF6MZ0x...

Email: [email protected]

With over 4 years of experience in data science, analytics, software development, and data-driven problem-solving, I've led initiatives across diverse domains spanning the entire data lifecycle. Would love to discuss opportunities in data science and analytics, feel free to reach out!

SEEKING WORK | Laravel / PHP and React / Vue

Remote: Yes

Location: UK (Flexible on your timezone)

Relocation: No


* PHP + Laravel + PHPUnit/Pest

* Javascript

* Typescript

* Python

Backend: Laravel, Node

Frontend: React , Vue , Livewire

Email: [email protected]

Very competitive pricing available for fast turnaround PHP / JS or Node projects. If you are looking to develop a new project, clean up/refactor an existing one or something else/different then please get in touch. Just as happy to work on legacy/vanilla PHP applications as Laravel apps, or to port from one to the other (or give opinions on feasibility of that for your project).

I like to work in a methodical way, typically writing simple tests for new functionality as I go, and also isolating any bugs/likely bug surface area. At the same time I also get satisfaction from "shipping". So it's important to me to achieve a harmonious balance between these, so expect this to be an area of focus in terms of communication. My technical interests are anything from simple CRUD/REST APIs through to integration of more advanced features, which could be real time application (Pusher/Websocket, possibly Reverb when this is released) or integration with ML models and pipelines.


  Location: New York, USA
  Remote: Remote/Hybrid/Office
  Willing to relocate: Yes
    Programming: Python, C, Go, Java, SQL
    Frameworks: Django, Flask
    Databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL, Redis
Portfolio: https://arjunhm.github.io

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/arjun-hm

Email: [email protected]

Backend developer with 3 years of experience. Currently working on databases. Looking for a full-time SDE roles and also looking to break into database development.


  Location: Bay Area
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Kafka, Flink, Spark, Cassandra, Scala, Python, Zookeeper, BigQuery, Redshift, Kinesis, Airbyte, Airflow, DBT, Snowflake, Qdrant, PrestoSQL, Trino, Clickhouse, SQL, Big Data
  Resume: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dgH60LlI5dRYR5KPf5vY8WoAwD-7ISC6/view
  Email: in the profile
[Remote or Bay Area] I'm pursuing a role in the high-scalability distributed systems space. I'm a well-rounded Scala data engineer with deep knowledge of the internals of distributed datastores.

Core Skills:

● Cassandra (Data Modeling, Troubleshooting Performance And Operational Issues)

● Stream Processing At Scale: Kafka, Flink, Spark Streaming

● Custom-Crafted TF-IDF / Embeddings, Vector-Based Semantic Search, Deep Intent Recognition In Search Engine Queries

● Languages: Scala, Python, SQL (proficient), Rust, Golang (ramping up)

Educational Background: Computer Science.

Well-rounded Scala data engineer with deep knowledge of the internals of distributed datastores. Solid experience working remotely and working with teams that are distributed geographically. I typically work Pacific Time hours.

Location: Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.

Remote: Yes, open to remote, hybrid or in office.

Willing to relocate: Yes, in Canada or USA(will require visa). Technologies: JavaScript/TypeScript, React, HTML, CSS/SASS, MYSQL, Firebase, Azure, C, Python, Node, Express, Storybook/Chromatic, Pub/Sub, NoSQL, Material UI, Next.

Resume/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NfRxILJO7wqj4SX_W85SgYK3... https://www.linkedin.com/in/keegan-bond/

Email: [email protected]

I have a YOE working as a Founding Software Engineer at the startup company mfg.parts. I was the Frontend team lead developing the vast majority of our web application. If your looking for a young eager junior engineer with startup experience, reach out!


  Location: Germany
  Remote: preferred
  Willing to relocate: no
  Technologies: Node.js, React, MongoDB, HTML/CSS/JavaScript, Python, Docker, Java, Spring, Git, CI/CD pipelines, ...
  Résumé/CV: https://cv.dobuch.de
  Email: [email protected]

Hallo! 15+ years in full-stack development in Germany, currently in the role of a technical lead in a global team. I like working with people and solving complex tasks together. I have a strong background in globalization due to my previous jobs and roles and always eager to learn new things.

Location: Los Alamos, NM, US

Remote: Open to remote, hybrid, and in person

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: C, C++, Fortran, Java, Message Passing Interface (MPI), Python (Matplotlib, Numpy, Pandas, Scipy), SQL (especially SQLite)

Résumé/CV: Available upon request

Email: andrewtretteljobs at sent dot com. Please include information about the position when contacting me.

Hi, I'm Andrew Trettel. I'm a scientist with a PhD in mechanical engineering looking for any potential opportunities outside of academia. I have over a decade of experience in scientific research, especially on the numerical side. I have years of experience in writing software for and running large simulations on high-performance computing (HPC) systems. I also have years of experience working with large datasets, including the tasks of calculating statistics and developing hypotheses/models/theories from data. I've worn many hats over the years and love learning new and interesting topics.

Location: Boise ID, USA

Remote: Either remote or in-person fine

Willing to relocate: Yes, anywhere in USA


- Languages, roughly in order of experience: Python, Rust, C, C++, SQL, Javascript, Typescript, HTML/CSS, Java

- Libs/tech I’ve used in projects:

- Python: Numpy, Matplotlib, Pandas, PyTorch, Keras, OpenCV, Pillow, Libsurvive

- C++: Boost, OpenCV, SFML, CUDA

- Rust: Tokio, Serde, Actix-web

- Databases: PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MySQL

Resume: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15YdOnNNjdpeFKEv4EvPJqXMlqI0...

Email: [email protected]

Github: https://github.com/Fubs

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/max-b-997b5b139/

I've been a daily Linux user for 7+ years now. I’ve learned a lot from tinkering with (and occasionally breaking/fixing) things over the years. I have a background in physics, and I enjoy solving interesting problems.

Location: San Francisco Bay Area

Remote: Open to all (Remote, in-person, hybrid)

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, React, React Native, Java, Spring, MySQL, PostgreSQL, HTML/CSS, Javascript, AWS

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16EC9TJGZjCvxVtfToyHL3cJPRW7...

Email: [email protected]

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicholas-crandall-658849a/

Experienced Software Engineer and Leader with 13+ years of industry experience. Much of my experience includes being Engineering Manager, but I'm also very hands on.

In my current role I've built integrations with Salesforce Marketing Cloud and Adobe Journey Optimizer with Java and Spring. I'm also very experienced with the Ruby on Rails framework. I'm open to full-time and contract positions.

Location: Webster, NY, USA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Embedded systems, microcontrollers, Linux kernel, u-boot, UEFI, Debian packaging, Yocto / OpenEmbedded, Buildroot, C, C++, Python

Résumé/CV: https://github.com/bradfa/resume

Email: [email protected]

I'm an author of the Cross Linux From Scratch Embedded book. I have upstream contributions to the Linux kernel, u-boot, and OpenEmbedded. I have 19 years experience in embedded systems with all of the above listed technologies but my background also includes power supply and system integration, reverse engineering, battery operated and battery-less RF development, and antenna design. I am a US citizen.

SEEKING WORK - remote (updated!), email in profile.

Location: West coast Canada, remote only.

Technologies: Machine learning/AI, LLM's, Python, Tensorflow/Keras/pytorch, A whole host of technologies over 25 year career.

I'm a veteran senior data scientist, who's worked on a number of interesting projects. I'd like to work on more.

So an ideal fit would be a small/medium company with hair on fire problems that need solving that I can talk about publicly. I'm currently quite interested in routing/optimization problems, and AI with logic and external memories.

Some past work:

  - real-time Vehicle routing, Get a couch from where you are, to where you want it to be.
  - Failiure prediction for a well known stuttgart auto maker.
  - Server fleet failure prediction for a well known cloud vendor. Give a 5 minute warning to do load shedding.
  - Voice agent in the pre-LLM era. The goal oriented structure used is likely to make a comeback as "router" infra between models.
  - Taxi fleet maintenance optimization and failiure prediction for a latam taxi company.
  - Automated sports highlights - Feed in video, get highlights of diving catches, touchdowns, etc.
  - Wound identification and mangement - Identify what sort of wound, label and categorize the tissue.
  - Account grading and revenue optimization for ARM. 
  - Maritime anti-piracy - Identifying pirate skiffs, and at risk vessels. 
Who shouldn't contact me:

  - Ads or gambling. I'd rather sleep at night. Thanks.
What I'm working on right now:

  - Metabolic flux anaylsis - Predicting how metabolic networks consume and produce metabolites. 
  - AI with logic (Eg: NOT peanuts) and connecting them to interpretable and defensible knowledge bases.
Location: Pacific/Los Angeles

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: SQL, Glide, Hubspot, Asana, Monday, Miro, Git, JIRA, B2B, B2B2C, Scrum, Postgres, Canva, Trello, Slack

Résumé/CV: https://umagp.com

Email: [email protected]

Certifications: Professional Scrum Master I, Professional Scrum Product Owner I


I'm an experienced generalist with a background in early-stage startup development across a range of product verticals. Most recently, I was the cofounder of a SaaS/e-commerce startup and I'm currently an associate at an early stage fund. I spent four years working as a marketing consultant helping companies to understand product-market fit, and helping to set up and model data in their CRM, marketing software, and CMS systems. I'm looking for mid-level product/marketing positions, particularly in SaaS/B2B/B2B2C, and ideally with a socially-impactful company.

Location: Rio Negro, Argentina

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python, Rust, Lua, JS/TS, Vue, Svelte, Docker, SQL, NoSQL.

Portfolio: https://tocuto.github.io/

Resume/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/115KlSpUX0trcN0ZRyAa6lNWeF4M...

Email: [email protected]


  Location: India
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No, but open to travel
  Technologies/Skills: Product Management, SaaS, Gen AI, Rails   
  Résumé/CV: https://www.resumonk.com/experienced-founder-and-a-generalist
  Email: Available in the resume & HN profile.
I'm a versatile generalist with programming background, adept at product/program management, and thrive in roles involving learning and exploring unknowns.

I currently run a bootstrapped micro-SaaS that has been used by over 1.7M users and we recently added AI-powered features using Azure OpenAI GPT-4.

I can contribute as a technical product manager, but happy to take on any other responsibilities required to build a product/venture that is loved by the customers.

Location: San Antonio

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Rails, Astro, Framer, Figma

Résumé/CV: https://voodoo.github.io/Resume.pdf

Email: [email protected]



Interested in everything. Skilled in a few.

Developed MBLZ (a CRM - contacts, invoices, calls, Twilio) , with Rails, for more than a decade. https://www.vudmaska.com/#mblz


  Location: Vancouver, Canada (UK national with Canadian PR)
  Remote: Yes, and happy to work other timezones. In person in Vancouver is also fine too.
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Java, Python, SQL
  Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OWZFSuF0RwH9Usu5YmxckVZTc6BHC_mQ/view?usp=sharing
  Email: [email protected]
Hi there,

I'm a systems engineer based out of Vancouver BC, currently completing a master's degree in CS whilst working full time. I have a background in data analytics and engineering (with a bit of DS thrown in) and systems architecture. I'm looking for an engineering role (probably more junior level), somewhere I can continue to grow and develop.

I also have a background in biosciences - with a master's in systems and synthetic biology, so somewhere within the biotech sector would be a good fit for me. However, I am open to anywhere I would get the opportunity to work on interesting problems.

If I sound like a good fit for any of your roles, please do reach out!

Contract, part-time employment, technical co-founder

Location: Africa or REMOTE

Remote: yes

Willing to relocate: yes, to any location in Africa, where I can get the necessary permission to live and work.

Technologies: Linux, Fullstack, System Administration.

Résumé/CV: on request (software development, CTO, mentoring, training, fluent in English and German)

Contact: Email: see profile or http://codingforafrica.at/

Like this Ask HN: Recommend employers with positive social impact [https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31518945], I am looking for similar work. I am a European software developer who has lived and worked on four continents. Now it's time to move on and so I am in the process to relocate to Africa.

While I could find a job elsewhere I believe that the experience living in an area where my work is going to have an impact gives me a better understanding of the needs of the location I am serving. Whether it is through direct contact with clients and users or just by being part of a local community and learning about the reality of living there.

I have more than a decade of experience running a company, doing software development, support and training and mentoring adults and students, as well as working on educational projects, and I am willing to take on a mixture of roles as needed to support a project.

I am also open to work for a company anywhere as long as the work can be done fully remote from Africa.

In addition, I want to use part of my income to hire local interns and junior developers and train them in order to pass on my experience. If you want to support this, I would love to work with you. Also if you are interested in hiring African developers yourself. I can help you build up a team for you.


  Location: Thessaloniki, Greece
  Remote: Yes / hybrid
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: C, x86 ASM, SageMath, Lean 4, LaTeX
  Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1woxVNcJ4AmT7dD2WEnYr9BHEEY7Li39p
  Email: [email protected]
I am a mathematician (PhD from UIUC, 2014) specializing in number theory, Lie groups and dynamical systems. I have amateur experience in numerical algorithms, cryptography, and UNIX/POSIX system administration. Recently I used the proof assistant Lean 4 for general purpose programming and formal verification projects (see my github).

I am looking for part- and full-time jobs related to numerical or scientific computation and anything that has to do with Fourier/Wavelet/X-ray transforms, Galois fields and applied number theory.

For more details and links, please check my webpage: https://ykonstant1.github.io/

Location: Washington D.C

Remote: Yes.

Willing to relocate: No.

Technologies: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Python, Django, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, JavaScript, Turbo, Product Design, Supervised Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Text Summarization, Image Classification

Résumé/CV: https://zachhajjaj.com/resume.pdf

Email: [email protected]

Some of my recent work: https://breue.com/

A sample project: https://oatmel.com/ - https://github.com/breue/oatmel

Another sample: https://ooutliers.com/

I also specialize in natural language processing: https://zachhajjaj.com/nanobird_relevancy_engine.pdf and SMS/phone based apps.

Location: EU ( North Europe) Remote: preferred

  Willing to relocate: I could take it into consideration based on the location
  Technologies: Modern C++, Python, Bash, CUDA, Linux / Unix backends / QT frontends, Embedded, MCs: Arduino, RP2040, ESP32, ESP8266, Networking, etc

  Résumé/CV: contact requests using following email address

  Email: infomycv <<AT>>> proton.me
I've experience in building Linux / Unix backend and related tooling / clients / etc for a variety of custom project for etherogeneus customers. I worked both as consultant or employee.
Location: Pacific time zone (PST/PDT) - Coeur d'Alene, Idaho / Spokane, Washington

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Unlikely

Technologies: Rust, C, Lisp, Shell, Python, Linux, NixOS, POSIX, ZFS, Git, Emacs, debugger, profilers, abstraction, data structs, algorithms, formats

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BPpCYuC1xBz4jTk5PBGJ0F1zebH...

Email: [email protected]


Hello, I'm seeking to work with Rust. I have 8 years of full-time professional experience (in addition to further experience). I like implementing parts correctly the first time and improving existing parts. I'm excellent at making clean, robust, maintainable code with great comments, and at doing debugging, research, and reviewing. I'm open to either a long-term position or a contract.

Location: US (ID/WA)

Remote: Preferred

Willing to relocate: Depends on the role. Would like to stay in the PNW if possible.


    * Python (proficient), Bash (proficient), R (intermediate/learning), SQL (intermediate), HTML, JS (learning)
    * Pytorch, Tensorflow, and all the usual suspects (pandas/numpy/scipy/etc.)
    * NGINX, Zabbix, Docker, SLURM, AWS, Ansible
    * Linux systems
    * GROMACS, OpenMM, FoldX, PyRosetta
Résumé/CV: https://barnes.science/jbarnes-resume.pdf

Email: jonathan [at] barnes.science

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/barnesjonathane/

Hi, I'm Jonathan, currently a computational scientist in a postdoctoral fellowship role looking to transition out of academia. My postdoc is unique as I operate like a contractor. I work with faculty from various disciplines across campus, applying my skill set to diverse and varied problems. My current work involves more machine learning and applied LLMs with my prior work being molecular modeling focused. I'm adept with Python and Bash, working with both sparse and large datasets, as well as working with an HPC environment. On the side I've hosted server infrastructure for open source projects utilizing bare-metal servers, VPS, and AWS. I also host my own infrastructure as a hobby, from the hardware to the nameservers.

I'm a strong communicator, having collaborated across disciplines and presented work for both technical and non-technical audiences. Having worked at a startup before I’m comfortable wearing many hats (and enjoy the variety). I'm self-motivated and love to dig into new complex problems and learn new tools.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Owner of a PhD in cryptology, I worked as a tech leader/CTO for the last 10 years in startups building security solutions based on secure computation enclave, co-founded one. This gave me the opportunity to become familiar with a wide range of technologies, from embedded computing to cloud-based services.

Location: Rennes, France

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Possible in 6 months

Technologies: Cryptography, Go, Kotlin, Docker, Kubernetes, C, STM32, Javacard, ISO7816, WebAssembly, REST, GRPC

Résumé/CV: https://dallot.net/cv/cv_dallot.pdf

Email: See résumé

Location: São Paulo, Brazil

Remote: preferred

Willing to relocate: yes

Technologies: Go, Python, AWS, Linux, C, R, MongoDB, MySQL, Mathematica, GCP, HTML, JavaScript, docker, shell

Résumé/CV: https://myr.sh/w.html

Email: bleemayer [at] gmail.com

Location: Netherlands

Remote: yes, preferred

Willing to relocate: no

Technologies: Python, SQL, Java, Scala; dbt, Airflow, Spark, Flink, Beam, GitLab CI, Kubernetes, Docker, Terraform; GCP (BigQuery, Storage, Bigtable, Dataproc, Dataflow), Azure (Data Lake, Data Factory, Databricks)

Email: [email protected]

I am a Senior Data Engineer with more than 10 years of data experience. I can also help with Analytics and ML engineering.

I supported Analysts/Data Scientists with engineering, worked on all sides of data pipelines: terabyte-scale click-data measurements, setting up CI/CD and infra, implementing ML algorithms, serving recommendations at ~5000 requests/sec, designing/implementing components of a data platform, and even developing a distributed stream processing framework (Flink).

Location: Singapore

Remote: Remote/Hybrid/Office

Willing to relocate: yes

Technologies: React, Vue, Svelte, Typescript, Sass, MongoDB, NodeJS, websocket

Resume: https://drive.google.com/file/d/ 1vkjdftUUw6nQL30LGrWH32r3Plm9swHS/view

Email: [email protected]

Portfolio: https://www.junongx.com/

While my professional experiences appear limited, I have built a good amount of things, as displayed on my portfolio website, and know my way around getting things done. I'm also very happy to be full-stack, if the job allows.


  Location: Finland (GMT+3)
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: TypeScript, JavaScript, React, HTML/CSS, Python, Django, Next.js, Node.js, PostgreSQL, Tailwind CSS, Azure, GraphQL
  Résumé/CV: https://juhanajauhiainen.com/cv.pdf
  Email: [email protected]
  Personal website: https://juhanajauhiainen.com
I'm a software developer with 10+ years of experience ranging from C++/Qt to Python, TypeScript and React. Last 6 years I've been working as a consultant in web projects (React, TypeScript, Python). Most of my experience is from working in small teams or as a solo developer so I'm used to wearing many hats and working on all levels of the stack.
Location: San Jose, CA Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: Yes Technologies: Backend: Python, C, Java, SQL, Go Frontend: HTML/CSS, JavaScript, React.js, Angular, React Native Platforms: Docker, Kubernetes, MongoDB, Firebase, IBM DB2, Heroku, AWS services Résumé / CV: given upon request Email: noureddin (dot) bakir @ gmail .com GitHub: noureddinbakir LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/noureddinbakir/

Hi, I'm Nour, a software engineer with a strong background in backend development and experience in frontend projects. I've worked on large-scale systems processing millions of ads per minute and have a keen interest in building efficient, scalable applications. I'm currently looking for opportunities where I can contribute to impactful projects and further hone my skills. Feel free to reach out to discuss potential opportunities!


  Location: Belgium
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, minor Go experience
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hannes-fostie-07860380/ or I can send over a PDF via LinkedIn or email
  Email: [email protected]
Interested in Senior or Lead positions, with a focus on the back-end. Interested in applying my extensive Ruby experience but open to other languages as well such as Golang, Python.

12 years of experience as a software engineer, 9 of those working remotely at companies such as Heroku (Salesforce) and Clearbit (acquired by HubSpot).

SEEKING WORK | REMOTE ONLY | Freelancer/Contractor Only | Backend Developer

  - Location: Lisbon, Portugal (UTC+1 timezone)
  - Hourly rate: 60 EUR / hour (65 USD / hour)
  - Programming languages: Go / Typescript / Node.js / Ruby / Python
  - Databases: PostgreSQL / MySQL / Dynamodb / Redis  
  - Devops: AWS / Kubernetes / Docker / Terraform / CloudFormation / Ansible / Linux
  - Monitoring: Prometheus / Alertmanager / Grafana / Loki / FluentBit
  - Certifications: AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate / Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)
Software Engineer with 13 years of professional experience as a freelancer. I currently specialise in Backend Development using Golang. In addition to Go/Golang (5 years experience), I'm proficient in Typescript/Node.js/Python/Ruby. I have also worked on Cloud Engineering and DevOps tasks. I can help you architect, build, deploy and maintain scalable services using modern software development best practices.

Recent project examples:

  - Business VPN Provider (Germany): Extended Rules Configuration Backend and implemented payments and subscriptions system.
  - Supply Chain Project (USA): Implemented Cloud Infrastructure, Monitoring & Alerting Platform for microservices using AWS / Kubernetes / Prometheus / Grafana.
  - Global Food Delivery Platform (UK): Helped decompose a Ruby monolith into Go microservices. Designed the technical architecture for several subprojects.

  - Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adilha/ (Full CV via email on demand)
  - Github: https://github.com/didil
  - Blog: https://didil.medium.com
  - Email: [email protected]
Location: Denver, CO, USA;

Remote: preferred, been working remote since '04;

Willing to relocate: for the right situation, sure;

Technologies: Python, C/C++, Docker, Git, Windows/Linux (preferred but I know Mac too) LLM development and integration, server development, cluster development, SaaS full stack full organization, facial recognition, 3D reconstruction of humans, 3D animation (36+ video games and 9+ feature film VFX), Finance & International Business MBA (2nd in class, beta gamma sigma honors), operational audits, conflict resolution, mentoring, team creating, new division creation, founder experience multiple times multiple industries, global patent author: https://patents.justia.com/inventor/blake-senftner

Resume: https://blog.blakesenftner.com/blog/1

email: [email protected]

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danioso

  Location: Mexico
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Open to remote work and willing to relocate.
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danioso
  Email: danosot [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com
I've got about 19 years of experience as a fullstack engineer, with a strong focus on software design and architecture, UI/UX, and leadership. I've worked with both big companies and startups, and I've also led a few startup projects myself. My main skills include Node.js, React, Svelte, AWS, Kubernetes, Terraform, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Linux, CI/CD, and SEO optimization. I also have experience with Python, PHP, and I'm adaptable to working with other technologies and languages.

I'm good at turning complex technical ideas into user-friendly applications.


  Location: currently Oslo, Norway but also considering Canada
  Remote: Office preferred
  Willing to relocate: yes
  Technologies: Rust, python, go, LLMs (guardrails, prompt injection type stuff), linux (cgroups, eBPF, ptrace, etc), kubernetes
  Résumé/CV: https://whatthefox.dev/cv.pdf
  Email: [email protected]
Recently have been working with some higher level LLM-related stuff in ICS/OT security and I think securing those has some interesting challenges, but also interested in something where I'd be dealing with packets or syscalls or similar low-level stuff, preferably with a relation to security.
I'm Pedro, I've been working for the past 10 years with the development of medical devices (electrical impedance tomography) using C++. I have experience both in the programming side and the tomographic reconstruction algorithms side.

- Location: Brazil

- Remote: Yes

- Willing to relocate: Yes. Will require visa sponsorship

- Technologies: C++, yocto, Qt, Rust and Python.

- Design and Modelling: Experience with Validation & Verification of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) for Medical Devices, and mathematical modelling of lung behavior.

- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dallapacce/

- Email: pedrodallapacce[at]gmail[dot]com


  Location: Portland, OR, USA
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes (Bay Area, SoCal, possibly NYC area)
  Technologies: Primarily Node, TypeScript/JavaScript, and whatever web frontend is popular this week, but broad experience in everything web tech related.
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/iancopp/, https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQoF5kxoZSkQZbxuIayinj_knccqWtdchi72QcBMEv9s8bKujjNhiptK6gTAHDBJw/pub
  Email: See resume
A bit over 10 YoE in the web space, with roles that have had a heavy lean towards niche business needs, niche tech stacks, or both, and mostly smaller companies. I'd be a pretty good fit for being "the web guy who can do all the web stuff" in an early stage company or any other team that needs to keep headcount efficient.
Location: Muscat, Oman

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Backend, Fullstack, ML, Go, Python, C#, Kubernetes, Elastic Search, Postgres, Kafka, Vue, etc.

Resume: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mohdrasbi

Email: [email protected]

--- Eng Leadership ---

Location: San Francisco, CA

Remote: No

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: AI/ML (Entity Resolution, Knowledge Graphs, Search, LLMs, Predictive Models), Data Engineering (Warehousing, Orchestration, Analytics, A/B Experimentation, ETL/ELT, Visualization), Fullstack Software Engineering. Most recent experience on Python/JavaScript/DuckDB on AWS but worked professionally with Ruby, Scala, Java, Go, TypeScript, R, SQL, dbt, Snowflake, Postgres, Solr, Cassandra, Hadoop, Spark, Airflow, Docker, etc.

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/avyfaingezicht/ or more info on request

Email: avy at faingezicht.com

10+ years of experience building data heavy products, both as an IC and EM.

Looking for eng management or player/coach roles at growing startups. Excited to wear many hats. I'm ex-Apple, and a former founder.

Location: Madison, WI, USA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Maybe, but would require large stipend

Technologies: Rust, Python, HPC, networking, scientific computing, realtime systems, embedded, distributed systems

Résumé/CV: https://resume.packetlost.dev/

Email: [email protected]

Been working over the last year to deliver a bleeding edge atomic clock system and that project is coming to an end soon. I have experience working on distributed and resource constrained systems with soft real-time constraints in a embedded-adjacent environment. Deep Linux systems and networking experience. I don't care for web development, but for the right thing I'll put up with full stack (especially if using Clojure or Elm), but really I'd rather be working with custom databases, distributed systems, and performance sensitive data-centric systems. I have a soft spot for data encoding and non-volatile datastructures.


  Location: Vienna, Austria, EU (have worked for US companies)
  Remote: Yes.
  Willing to relocate: No.
  Technologies: Typescript • React, VueJS, Svelte and similar • Docker & Orchestration • Postgres, MySQL & SQLite • Node.js • Linux • Git, Github and Gitlab • Golang • Figma • Cloud Providers • Continuous Integration • Natural Language Analysis • Elastic Search Redis • Mongo • Python
  Résumé/CV: https://www.arni.at/cv.pdf
  Email: arnold [dot] graf [at] gmail [dot] com
Senior Software Engineer with 15 years full-stack experience, focus on front end, product design, many years of team-lead experience. Most recently worked at the company that acquired the startup I co-founded. Looking for exciting companies and projects!

schedule a meeting: https://calendly.com/arnold-graf/


  Location: London, UK
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Go (Golang), Distributed Systems,       
  TypeScript/JavaScript/NodeJS, Python, Kubernetes, SQL, CI/CD,     
  Automation/DevOps, React
  Résumé/CV: Email for PDF, or see linkedin below
  Email: hello [at] arai.dev
  Principal / Tech Lead consultant. Remote/Hybrid (prefer flexibility). Would consider permanent full-time too
Embedded Firmware Engineer

Location: Sarasota

Remote: Preferred

Willing to relocate: No thank you

Technologies: C; Sensors; Communications; Drone/UAV/robotics: New product development; Sustainment; Embedded/firmware/bare metal, FreeRTOS, NuttX; *nix/RF/crypto; Kinetis KE Cortex M0+ & M4, Nordic Semi's M4 SOC, ST's M4 ARMs, Espressif's ESP8266, Microchip dsPIC; realtime; IAR, gcc via MCUXpresso & Kinetis Dev and TrueStudio & unix like systems; MPLAB-X IDE; Embedded FreeBSD; Embedded Linux on for ex. Raspberry Pi / Broadcom BCM2837; PX4 drone NuttX on STM32F4; gdb; clang; UML; debugging development prototype hardware; embedded HTTP server; grid support power generation systems; TCP and UDP over IP; Ethernet; power line communications; RS-485; RV-C CANBUS; Bluetooth LE; LoRa; Battery powered devices; storage scopes; visual studio; Java w/Android Studio; GNSS. Licensed attorney & pilot (ASEL/IA); amateur radio extra class

Resume: Please request by email

Email: [email protected]


  Location: Seattle, WA
  Remote: Prefer in-person
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Java, Go, TypeScript & JavaScript, React, Kubernetes, AWS
  Résumé/CV: https://resume.sjer.red
  Email: [email protected]
  GitHub: https://github.com/shepherdjerred
Hi, I'm Jerred. I'm a fullstack engineer with 5 YOE. I love programming and I'm hoping to find a spot where I feel challenged.

I'm more than happy and capable to work on something outside of the skillset I listed above. I'd be very interested in working in a functional language or Rust.

Part-time I'm getting my masters in CS at Georgia Tech. I've taken compilers, distributed systems, and advanced operating systems among others.

Location: Denver, Colorado (Have worked remote for San Francisco + New York companies)

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Possible, but not likely.

Technologies: React, React Native, Next.js, Node, Javascript, TypeScript, PostgresSQL, PostGIS, Git, REST APIs, GraphQL, OpenAI APIs, UI/UX, Figma, Googling.

Resume: https://samschooler.com/SamSchoolerResume.pdf

Email: hackernews.july * samschooler * com

LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/samschooler

Experienced Frontend-specialized fullstack engineer. I am product + user driven. I'm looking to solve real user problems with UI/UXs that make sense. I take on product management, and love to collaborate with product and design to make sure we're building something right. Sound like I might fit your team? Drop me a line. I'm actively looking.


  Location: Spain
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes. If full-time relocation isn't possible (e.g., unable to sponsor a US visa), I'm willing to travel for a couple of months per year.
  Technologies: Optimization, AI, Backend, SRE, Go, Java, Spring, HTTP, Distributed Systems, AWS, Datadog, Kafka, Docker, Rust, React, Tailwind
  Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GTS1t1fUx3PTit7t5pMvtnqsLXlg4zut/view?usp=sharing
I traveled a lot the past years. I have experience working fully remote across different time zones in distributed teams, from the US to East Asia.

This summer, I want to build a BitTorrent client and tracker web server in Rust to showcase as a project: https://github.com/vrnvu/rust-bittorrent

Location: Dubai, UAE (EU citizen)

Remote: Yes (any timezone)

Willing to relocate: Yes (Only to the U.S.)

Technologies: Penetration testing, Reverse engineering, Python, C, Assembler, Low-level development, Emulation, Embedded, Electronics, Linux/Unix/BSD/Windows

GitHub: https://github.com/chris-pcguy

Email: [email protected]


Preferred positions: Redteam Pentester > Reverse Engineer > Embedded > Software Developer

I would be glad to hear from you.

Location: Seattle, WA Remote: Open to Remote, Hybrid, and On Site Willing to Relocate: Yes, depending on the city Technologies: Go, C, C++, JavaScript, SQL, Linux, Windows, and more that I can't think of at the moment. Resume: https://josefbertolini.github.io/resources/files/resume.pdf Email: [email protected]

I'm a software engineer with 3 years of experience. I'm very adaptable and can learn whatever I need to solve a problem. I'm not interested in AI related roles, but open to almost anything else. Most of my experience is C++ development, but I have experience in WebDev as well.

Feel free to send me an email if you think I have what you're looking for!

Location: Romania, EU

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Rust, Javascript/Typescript, PHP, Haskell, Lua, Bash, Java, Python, Ruby, SQL, PL/pgSQL, Git, Docker, AWS, CloudFormation, Terraform, MySQL, PostgreSQL, TimescaleDB, SQLite, Redis, RabbitMQ, MQTT, Nginx, OpenResty, Linux, PostGraphile, Hasura, PostgREST

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Rf_DALiifNWtev_sj2zqjgcdsnl...

Email: Available in the resume


20+ Years of professional experience with a wide range of languages, tools and technologies in the web ecosystem with a focus on rapid development of backends (PostgREST/Hasura/PostGraphile). Proven track record of architecting, implementing and integrating complex systems spanning from infrastructure provisioning all the way to user facing mobile technologies.


  Location: Serbia
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: React, Next.js, JavaScript/TypeScript, Node.js, Astro, TailwindCSS, Jest, Cypress, Prisma, PostrgreSQL, MongoDB, Docker, C#/.NET
  Resume/CV: Available on request
  GitHub: https://github.com/nemanjam 
  LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nemanja-mitic
  Email: nemanja.mitic.elfak [at] hotmail.com
I am a full stack developer with a Master's degree in Computer Science and 4 years of professional experience with JavaScript and C#/.NET. In the last few years my main focus has been the React/Next.js ecosystem, followed by Node.js. I am a JavaScript professional and a Python beginner interested to get more exposure to it. I have also worked with ASP.NET in the past which is not my primary focus at the moment. I have a basic understanding of DevOps tools.

A quick and easy way to assess my current skill level, the quality of my code and documentation, and my preferred tech stack (Next.js, TypeScript, React Query, Prisma, Postgres, TailwindCSS, Docker, Github Actions) is to check out one of my latest projects: https://github.com/nemanjam/nextjs-prisma-boilerplate

I have experience working remotely for startups within globally distributed multicultural teams.

I am looking for a full-time remote position. We can discuss relocation after some time spent in the company. You can check out my other projects at https://github.com/nemanjam . I have detailed resume available, you can tell me about your company and project by email: nemanja.mitic.elfak [at] hotmail.com or by LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nemanja-mitic .

Location: Idaho, US

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Node.js, Vue.js, SQL (MySQL, PostgreSQL), AWS, DevOps, Go, PHP

Résumé/CV: https://pocketarc.com/cv.pdf

Email: [email protected]

Senior software engineer with 15+ years of experience in full-stack development. Strong background in React, TypeScript, and SQL, with a focus on automation and performance optimization. Led development of core platforms and management systems at Just Move In (PropTech). Recently relocated to the US and looking for remote opportunities. Fluent in 5 languages and experienced working with international teams.

GitHub: https://github.com/pocketarc

Website: https://pocketarc.com

LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/pocketarc

Location: Canada

Remote: Only

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Various optimization tools (CPLEX, Gurobi, OR-Tools, etc), Python, C++, Bash, Linux, and others

Résumé/CV: https://github.com/PhilippeOlivier/curriculum-vitae/blob/mai...

Website: https://www.pedtsr.ca

Email: See CV or website

I have a PhD in computer engineering, specializing in operations research. I can translate any real-world problem into a mathematical model that can be solved via integer programming, constraint programming, or other methods. I'm the father of four young children, so I'm looking for flexible/remote part-time work. I'm also open to contract work (see my comment in the "Freelancer? Seeking freelancer?" thread for more details).

Location: India (can work onsite, can work remotely/can relocate)

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Java, Javascript, Python, AWS DynamoDB, Stepfunctions, elasticSearch, Cloudwatch, Cloudformation, ECS Fargate, VPCs, PrivateLinks, ReactJs, MySQL, Git, AWS SQS, AWS SNS

Resume: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adityabharadwaj198/details/featu...

Email: [email protected]

Backend heavy software development engineer 2 with 4 years of Experience at Amazon.

Current Position: Senior Data Engineer

Location: Houston, TX (US citizen)

Remote: Remote Only

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Python, GCP (BigQuery, Cloud Composer, Cloud Functions, IAM Management), AWS (DynamoDB, Lamda), Azure (IAM Management), Snowflake, Linux, Terraform, Qlik Replicate, SQL Server, MongoDB, Rust.

Resume: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/export?format=docx&id=1...

Email: [email protected]

Hey y'all, I'm a Senior Data Engineer with 5 years of experience working in the Data space in the top cloud platforms. I'm highly experienced in cloud migrations, cloud architecture for batch jobs, data pipeline development, building internal alternatives to 3rd party SaaS's and development of internal python tooling.

Please feel free to reach out!

Location: EU, Portugal

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Node.js, JavaScript/TypeScript, SQL/NoSQL databases, React, Redux, Postgres, MongoDB etc

Email: [email protected]

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dmitrythaler

GitHub: https://github.com/dmitrythaler


Full-stack web developer with over 10 years of experience. My core technical expertise lies in Node.js, JavaScript/TypeScript, SQL/NoSQL databases, React, Redux, Postgres, MongoDB.

Good practical knowledge in DevOps: AWS (CF, EBS, RDS, Fargate, SNS/SQS, KMS, EKS etc), Opentelemetry, self-managed cloud infra on Hashicorp’s Nomad, Consul and Vault.

My ideal position is as a Backend Developer, or alternatively, a Fullstack Developer with an 80/20 split between backend and frontend development. In addition, I am also interested in incorporating a touch of DevOps into my role.

Location: Monterrey, Mexico

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Flexible

Technologies: Elixir, Rust, Ruby

Résumé/CV: https://thelastinu.it/resume

Email: [email protected]

Location: Burlington, VT Remote: Open to remote, hybrid preferred Willing to relocate: Yes Technologies: DataDog, Docker, FastAPI, git, GraphQL, gRPC, HTML, HTTP, Javascript, Node, Postgres, Python, React, SQL Resume: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13FC9V37QZi0rLm8eTALdK_G1nQ4... Email: https://veilmail.io/kirk

Spent 2+ years working at SunPower building their Virtual Power Plant system, mostly backend services utilizing gRPC, FastAPI, Postgres. Would like to continue working on the backend in the energy sector if possible but open to the right opportunities.


  Location: UK, Southampton
  Remote: Prefered
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: AWS, GitHub, Git, Python - robot framework, PostGres, 
  Résumé/CV: Available on request
  Email: [email protected]

13 years in the industry, the majority of it spent in software QA. After a more hands-on QA role, currently in a managerial position. Experience in scientific and engineering software domains. Broad scope of testing across multiple platforms, product types and everything in between.

Location: Portland, OR, USA Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: No Technologies: Javascript, Typescript, React, Ruby, Go, PostgreSQL, Cloudflare Workers Résumé/CV: https://www.alexsklar.dev/assets/Alex-Sklar-Resume.pdf Email: [email protected]

I’m a full stack software engineer with an excitement for everything systems: designing, tinkering with, understanding, building, and optimizing them. Even my hobbies involve playing with systems; rock climbing (rope systems), being an amateur barista (coffee systems) and playing Factorio (automation systems).

My most recent project was Syncosaurus, a serverless React framework for real-time, collaborative web applications. https://syncosaurus.github.io


  Location: Chennai, India
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No (possible in a year)
  Technologies: Backend: java, django, phoenix, postgresql, node Frontend: CSS/Bootstrap, Angular
  Résumé/CV: please contact for a conventional CV, but if you 
  want a quick look at the projects I have done - please 
  visit https://alles-tools.com/
  Email: suvarnanarayanan2g (at) gmail.com

  Looking for junior backend roles that are open for fresh graduates. I have around 10 months of experience in
  a django based startup :)
Location: US/Europe Remote: Preferred Willing to relocate: No

FT?: Open to FTE for right opportunity, very open to contracts, especially if they can fluctuate between PT/FT, or are contract to hire.

Technologies: Ruby, Rails, Ops (heroku/aws/ansible/docker), CI/CD, testing, API design, integrations/plumbing. Some: Python, Elm, IoT stuff, machine learning Love: architecture, mentoring, useful and absurd experimentation

Email: [email protected]

Resume: http://tinyurl.com/eshnresume2024


Senior full-stack dev (lean more towards devops->backend than backend->frontend, but I can still sling some React components together and reduce your JS payload size). Lately I've been loving Stimulus Reflex and playing with a lot of micropython/ESP32/IoT stuff.

I excel at figuring out how to solve problems at all levels of abstraction (including what level of abstraction you should use), getting a solution in place, and then figuring out the feedback loops to iterate on that solution. I'm the senior engineer that knows that most coding is coming to an understanding of what problem you are trying to solve. Sometimes the most impactful code is the code you don't write.

Trying to change the world, still parsing the source code. I've been programming on the web since 1995, had a first career as a social worker and policy statistician, and have worked full-time as a programmer for almost a decade now.

Especially enjoy API and system design, integrating with crappy systems, user research, and really weird bugs. Make a decent PM in a pinch, but would prefer you have great PMs.

Will give you more looks if you can tell me why what you are doing makes the world better, but you've got to really believe it in your heart.

Hi, all! I am a Product Manager and Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO) located in the Miami, FL area. In my 5 years in the industry, I have launched more than 4 consumer facing websites and mobile applications. I use data to drive my decision-making and roadmapping. I look forward to connecting with you!

Location: Miami, Fl

Remote: Yes, please!

Willing to relocate: Not at this time.

Technologies: Scrum Fundamentals, Certified Scrum Product Manager (CSPO), JIRA, Mixpanel, requirements gathering, and more

Résumé/CV: www.linkedin.com/in/sara-nachman-product

Email: [email protected]

Location: Nairobi-Kenya, Remote: Preferred, Willing to relocate: Yes, Technologies: React Ruby-on-rails JavaScript HTML& CSS PostgreSQL, Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aM6Fsqkv-a225D63oKLHTPkVlnf..., Email:[email protected]
Location: New Jersey, USA

Remote: Preferably, or hybrid

Willing to relocate: Yes (US/EU Dual Citizen)

Technologies: Python, C#, C++, Kubernetes, Linux, NGINX, PHP, CI/CD, Unity, WWISE, Blender, Adobe

Résumé/CV: https://keehar.net/data/resume.pdf

Email: [email protected]

Hi! I have 2 years of professional experience having worked at IBM and another company as a Data Engineer/Software Engineer. I am looking for work as a Software Engineer, Full-stack Engineer, Game Developer, Audio Programmer, Graphics/Rendering Engineer, or similar roles. Most of my hobbies have always revolved around a computer; 3d modeling, audio design, programming, building hardware: so I'm pretty quick to pick up new things, and come up with solutions. Thank you.

Location: Bay Area, CA, USA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Hyper-scale IaaS and SaaS Infrastructure

Resume: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jlssjgy8x3amm9s/Craig%20Carl%20CV....

Email: [email protected]

Relevant previous employers: AWS, Oracle Cloud (OCI), Splunk

Engineering and product leader focused on building effective teams that deliver solutions to delight customers. As a leader I foster a culture of customer obsession and ownership with a strong bias for action. I build strong engineering teams that deliver excellent product on-schedule. Experience hiring and developing globally distributed teams. Successful in reducing delivery costs and increasing direct and drag-along revenue. Track record of leveraging internal and external customer feedback to iterate on and improve product. Inventor with 7 issued patents.


- Location: US (Chicago or Remote)

- Remote: Yes

- Willing to relocate: No

- Technologies: Frontend (Vue.JS/React), Python, Java, Devops (Github Actions), AWS, Docker, Kubernetes, Security, Terraform, Git ...

- Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IEM_FiCl6lL-Xp_M5Ane3yyRl55...

- Email: Check resume


I have 2+ years of professional experience, currently working in Chicago/US. I love developing software, and I enjoy working with technologies and learning on my own. I have experience with software development (doing a lot of frontend recently) and taking care of my own (or my team's) infrastructure (mostly in AWS) and I'be been focusing in Devops a lot recently.

I'm looking for remote opportunities (or Chicago Hybrid). Could also consider moving to Europe (I'm from there) for a remote work (don't need visa).

Location: Central Alabama

Remote: Open to

Willing to relocate: Yes!

Technologies: Python, TensorFlow, PyTorch, Linux, Docker, C++ (embedded), ...

Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lqFEWmVIF-KmlKJEoq3wYoIa...

Email: edunbar02 $AT gmail.com

I am a 2024 EE graduate from Rice University, specializing in data science and systems. I'm interested in pursuing a career in AI/ML as an engineer and continuing to learn while I'm still newly out of school. I'm quick on my feet and enjoy tinkering. My skills outside of those that allow me to wrangle data and create models in Python are well suited to creating ML pipelines and infrastructure.

Reach out if anything in my resume interests you, and I will be happy to tell you more about it.

Location: Phoenix, AZ

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Languages: Rust, TypeScript / JavaScript, Python, C#, SQL, F#, Ruby, Java, CSS, HTML

Technologies: Node.js, React, Docker, Kubernetes, Linkerd, Vault, Helm, Tokio, Airflow, Postgres, MongoDB, Redis, AWS, Twilio, Akamai, Neo4j, Networking (IP, Firewall, DNS, DHCP), GitHub Actions

Resume: https://1drv.ms/b/s!ArD5hqFzHvQphuxK8GECQBNsJnNnYQ?e=10gEmm

LinkedIn: See resume

GitHub: See resume

Email: See resume

Info: I'm a passionate developer with 15 years of experience in software development known as an expert technical problem solver, responsible for fixing many 'ghost-in-the-machine' bugs, and as a last-minute point of contact to assist colleagues in technical triages. I would love to find a new role that allows me to build high-quality, very secure software combined with mentoring (a) junior developer(s).

Location: US & Europe

Remote: No preference

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Functional programming, type systems, language design, compilers, parallel programming languages, GPU programming, Haskell.

Résumé/CV: See https://rschenck.com

Email: See https://rschenck.com

I'm a soon-to-be-graduating PhD student at the University of Copenhagen looking for either an industry job or a postdoc. My PhD work has been on the functional array programming language Futhark (https://futhark-lang.org/), including work on the type system (sum types, rank polymorphism) and automatic differentiation. I'm broadly interested in all things type systems/functional programming/compilers/language design. I can work in both the US and the EU without a visa.

Location: Cleveland, OH and Harrisburg, PA Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Ruby – Ruby on Rails – Python – JavaScript – TypeScript – React.js – Golang – PostgreSQL – MongoDB – RESTful APIs – AWS – Git

Résumé/CV: https://masisserson.dev/assets/files/Matthew_Sisserson_Resum...

Github: https://github.com/masisserson

Email: [redacted]

Hi! I’m a software engineer with 3 years of experience. I love reading and writing, as well as playing and designing video games.

Location: Detroit, Michigan, USA Remote: Yes, Willing to relocate: No Technologies: Java, Go, Springboot, Hibernate, Kafka, SQL, Docker, Terraform, accessibility testing Resume: https://docs.google.com/document/d/122lDgy7KXTtjoHnZBzz3RFmf... Email: [email protected] I am a developer with ten years of Backend development experience primarily with Java and Go. I also have significant Devops experience with a focus on Kafka administration and monitoring. I'm looking for Backend roles but am language agnostic. Ideally, I'd like my next role to be working with Kafka or other streaming technologies but I'm open to other Backend opportunities as well.
- Location: Morocco

- Remote: Yes

- Willing to relocate: Depends

- Technologies: Full-stack Web Developer (PHP, SQL, jQuery, WordPress, WooCommerce, Shopify, HTML, CSS, jQuery, Tailwind, Figma, Git..etc ) + DevOps experience ( AWS, GCP, Docker ) + A little bit of experience with Python, FastAPI.

- Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_F8snhgH0wIw6ol2dIJNQuwC...

- Email: [email protected]

Also open to one-time projects.

Location: NH, USA

Remote: Strongly preferred, but NH commute would be great! Not interested in commuting into Mass.

Willing to relocate: Potentially, but not to large metropolitan areas. Possible exception of SLC, UT because I like paragliding.

Technologies: C, Python, Javascript, WebUSB. I have done a little of many things; from embedded C to web, DSP to cloud security, robotics to RF test equipment automation. Most of it is open source and sharable and I'd love to talk about it.

Résumé/CV: On request

Email: hnhired2024 ~ mmcginty.me

I worked for VMware until the recent acquisition. Please contact me if you want to hire for a startup with PMF that needs to scale, small internal teams that operate like a startup on new products, or for a research and development team that is proving concepts or turning a concept into a product.

Location: Southern California

Remote: yes

Willing to relocate: possibly

Technologies: Rust, C, C++, Julia, CUDA, Swift, Metal, Objective-C, Cocoa, UIKit, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript

Skills: systems programming, application development, GPU programming, low latency networking, DSP, numerics, backends, frontends, distributed systems, databases, compilers, high performance computation, machine learning, UI development

I don't just write code, I solve hard problems. Strong foundations in several scientific fields (CS, math, physics, probability, formal logic).

Implemented core tech for a startup which later sold for ~$1B.

Looking for opportunities in the machine learning and/or systems space.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adam-nemecek-b40153104/

GitHub: https://github.com/adamnemecek

Email: my username at gmail dot com

Education: A.B. in CS from Harvard

Location: Singapore

Remote: Yes, Hybrid ok, Office ok

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Java, Golang, Typescript/Javascript, Node, Kafka, Postgres, Kubernetes, Docker, Terraform, GCP, AWS, extremely beginner Rust

Resume/CV: https://ronaldsuwandi.com

Email: https://veilmail.io/ronald

Hi, I'm an experienced engineer who is passionate in both technology and people management. I'm flexible in terms of company size (worked in both small early stage startup all the way to big corps). I'm a father to two wonderful sons :)

Location: EU

Remote: Yes, EU timezones preferred

Willing to relocate: Depends on the location (but with a strong bias for EU-Schengen/US locations)

Technologies: Java, Python (and variants thereof like Groovy, Clojure, Pypy), Node/TS | AWS/Lambda Serverless, GCE/Kubernetes | Redis, MySQL, PostgreSQL, DynamoDB

Resume: https://bit.ly/3B3o65M (It links to my CV repo at Github, pinky promise. You can also visit github.com/<hnusername>.)

I'm not actively looking (hence why my resume link is obfuscated like that) but I'm at least interested in getting a feel for the market right now. That said, I'm willing to consider a position with a great fit for my skill set and career goals.

Here's my pitch: I have experience in a multitude of industries and positions. From improving legacy infra and processes in an established telco company to scaling a fast-moving startup from 200K to 2M users. In my free time, I love writing Code That Is Poetry but day-to-day I am not an idealist engineer who doesn't compromise. Well-engineered code is clean and correct but correct above all else.

Oh, also, I'm great at writing documentation. I consider myself introverted but apparently my communication skills are above average for Software Engineers. I also pride myself on my humility and modesty.

I'm currently a backend engineer developing features and improving infra for an online game with millions of daily active users. I'd love to explore other technical positions in the games industry short of joining a AAA studio because (a) I don't want to crunch and (b) my skill set does not lay that way; other tech-creative industries would also appeal to me! Another particular interest is in B2C businesses where the 'C' is software developers. I'd love to chat and network about opportunities; if you think you have a product that could benefit from my skill set, drop me a line!

Location: Phoenix/Los Angeles

Remote: yes

Willing to relocate: no

Technologies: Architect, Team leader, Senior engineer. Extensive experience in payments and healthcare including fortune 500. Created the open source HealthCloud/ClearHealth electronic medical record system. AWS, Linux, everything web/cloud, Node/PHP/C/etc, React/Vue, AI/LLM.

Notes: I'm author of "Hacking Healthcare" for O'Reilly. Managed ClearHealth for 10+ years operating hundreds of US hospitals and clinics leading to a successful 2017 acquisition. Led the project that modernized Subway's payment infrastructure servicing 37,000 restaurants at 24 sandwiches a second and billions of dollars a year.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/duff-uhlman

Email: [email protected]

Location: New York, USA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: for the right opportunity

Technologies: Python, Go, Node.js, React, Kubernetes, Databases, AWS, Terraform, LLMs

LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/ethan-yuyang-deng/

Résumé/CV: https://ethand605.github.io/resume.pdf

Email: ethand.2091 <at> gmail.com

Hi, I am a software engineer with experience with both infra and product/fullstack. I've worked in high-growth, fast-paced startup environments.

I've led end-to-end integration of LLMs, encompassing backend, infra w/ GPUs, model training, and model serving. A notable achievement includes managing and optimizing ML infra to handle 500k+ daily messages and reducing cost by $30k/month.

Location: Barcelona, Spain.

Remote: Yes. 100% only remote.

Willing to relocate: No.

Technologies: Angular, Rust.

Resume/CV: https://jamm.dev/resume.pdf

Email: [email protected]

I have over a decade of experience with Angular, and I teach other developers how to use every new feature, providing clear explanations to the Angular community through my blog.

You have a unique opportunity to hire an Angular expert ;) I could create a new Angular app using Nx 19, Angular 18, Playwright, and Jest, making it 100% zoneless with outstanding performance and low memory consumption.

Or, I could assist you in fixing bugs in an existing app, improving performance, and implementing features of any complexity.

More info: https://jamm.dev/

Location: Europe | Estonia

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: React, TypeScript, Next.js, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Node.js

Résumé/CV: https://hexjelly.com/cv.pdf

Email: [email protected]

I have 6 years of professional React and TypeScript experience, love all kinds of technology and trying out new languages. Most of my experience has been frontend work, but I am eager to branch out and dip my toes into all aspects of software development.

Looking for 100% remote work within EU, with occasional office visits or team events if covered.


  Full-Time or Contract
  Location: UK
  Remote: Yes or Hybrid (London)
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Spark, SQL, Postgres, Kafka, Protobuf, Arrow, Linux, Scala, Rust, C#, .NET Core, AWS, GCP
  LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vladimir1/
  Contact: [email protected] or see https://github.com/vladimir-lu

I am Vlad, an experienced software engineer that loves using functional/statically typed languages to solve data engineering or distributed system problems.

Location: India Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: Yes

Email: [email protected]

I am not looking for a job per se or looking for a salary. I am looking for some sort of apprenticeship where I can work on some tough problem in distributed systems, operating systems, or Machine learning under some guidance. Would appreciate apprenticeship on functional programming too.

I am on a career break learning the above things, but I lack the confidence to contribute to open source. And have no projects that I can work on.

I am an experienced developer with mostly mobile development experience. Comfortable with C++/JS/Swift/Kotlin/TS. I am a quick learner.


  Location: British Columbia, Canada
  Remote: Yes, preferred, have been since 2020
  Willing to relocate: Very open to it depending on the location
  Technologies: Python, Rust, PostgreSQL, Linux, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, C, Qt
  Résumé/CV: https://froghat.ca/cv/BalladSushiExit
  Email: [email protected] or just about anything at that domain
I'm a bit of a generalist/dilettante with an attention to detail and experience in desktop, full-stack, and systems programming. Most of my experience is Python but I appreciate Rust and enjoy making invalid states unrepresentable.

My health, for about three years, made it difficult to work but I'm doing a lot better now and am looking for either permanent or short term contract work to get back in to the swing of things.

Location: Bangalore, India Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: Yes Technologies: C,C++, JavaScript, TypeScript, SQL,NodeJs, NextJs, Redis,Redux, React Native Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10nanFPnse6hFgpKQfF9Q3KyYlDz... Email: [email protected]

I am a software engineer, fresh out of the college and I am one of the top contributor at OpenDevin, open sourced AI-tool, Won National Walmart's Sparkathon Converge among 8000+ students, have also been offered equity partnership at an Indian startup due to my financial skills. I am self-learned and love to work on new problems. Currently making various SASS application to solve niche problems!

Location: Amarillo, Texas

Remote: yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Go, Kubernetes, AWS, C#, C/C++, JavaScript, SQL, Ruby, React

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/trent-nix/

Email: trentnix at gmail.com

I'm an experienced development manager/director/VP Engineering looking for a new remote opportunity in leadership that still has an impact on implementation and technical direction. I've developed, managed, hired, and consulted during my career and am passionate about building great teams and delivering great software. I also worked full-time in my own business for nearly a decade (retail and eCommerce) and have all the experience, knowledge, and scars that come from that journey.

Send me an email and I'll be happy to send my resume and answer any questions.

--- Founder / Technical Co-Founder / Exec Leadership / Head of Product ---

  Location: Atlanta, GA
  Remote: Yes, but prefer hybrid/on-site.
  Willing to relocate: No, but open to occasional travel.
  Technologies: 25 years of full stack work in C/C++/Obj-C/php/js/ruby and more. Data Science in R. Embedded, MacOS, iOS, Web (1.0, 2.0, SPA). AWS/GCP. Postgres.
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alanpinstein/
  Email: please contact through LinkedIn
I am 3x exited founder looking to join an ambitious startup focusing on society-altering products. I am particularly interested in AI, biotech, and sustainability spaces.
Location: Zagreb, Croatia

Remote: Yes (All time zones are ok)

Willing to Relocate: No

Technologies: C#, ASP.NET Core, Blazor, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML5, CSS3, NestJS, React, adminJS, Astro, SQL Server, PostgreSQL

Resume/CV: https://valeatis.hr/

Email: https://veilmail.io/luka

Full-stack web developer with 4 years of experience. Specialize in developing comprehensive UI interfaces for platforms, fintech applications, and user management systems. Worked with small to medium-sized companies and served clients from the UK, Italy, and predominantly the USA. Experienced in greenfield projects, brownfield projects, rewrites, and legacy systems, working both independently and as part of collaborative teams to deliver high-quality solutions.


  Location: Tbilisi, Georgia (the country)

  Remote: yes

  Willing to relocate: yes

  Technologies: TypeScript, Go, Python, C#, Erlang, RDBMS (PostgreSQL, MSSQL), Vector DB (Milvus, Weaviate), Graph DB (ArangoDB), LangChain, LangGraph, LLMs (OpenAI & Anthropic models)

  Résumé/CV: email me

  Email: [email protected]
With over 15 years of experience, I have spent the last 2.5 years working as a back-end engineer and architect at an AI startup. My work involves building applications using large language models. I've contributed to creating OpenAI proxies (Rest + SSE), developing gateways for our products (using gRPC), and designing autonomous agents processing real-time calls. I've also architected RAG systems and modeled data sources and PDF parsing endpoints.

Remote:Yes(Preferably in office)

Willing to relocate:Yes



Email:[email protected]

I am a self motivated,passionate engineer with 2YOE writing backend applications.I love digging into low level code closer to hardware.Willing to go beyond my tech stack to develop algorithms write code for hardware for efficiency etc.

Currently in my final year of my college(2025 passout) looking to work and build stuff. Looking to work in a challenging environment where i can leverage my skills and make good software.

Julie | fulltime | remote or in US | Crypto/AI | Marketing, Business Development,Analyst

Hi y'all! I am a Penn graduate who has 5 years of experience in web3/crypto and AI, now looking for a job related to marketing/content/business development based in the US! * Speak English, Mandarin and Korean * 9k+ followers on Twitter * Need an H1B sponsorship to work in the U.S.

  Location: Philadelphia/ Remote in US
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yujie-chen-julie216/
  Résume: https://docsend.com/view/c6ekeu4ys3sm5u8p 
  Email: [email protected]
Feel free to shoot me a DM on Linkedin or Twitter

  Location: Boston or Remote
  Remote: Yes, open to in-person
  Willing to relocate: Possibly, for the right company
  Technologies: Rust (4+ years professionally), Python/JS, Postgres, Linux, Nix, etc.
  Résumé/CV: https://www.byronwasti.com/Resume.pdf
  Email: hn at byronwasti dot com
  Github: https://github.com/byronwasti
Experienced and passionate about distributed systems with a focus on high-throughput, low-latency. Spent the past 6 months seeing if I could get traction bootstrapping an automated load-testing startup, decided its not working out, and now looking for full-time work. Proficient in Rust (7+ years personal usage, 4+ years professional), and would love to continue working in it, but open to other technologies.
Location: UK

Remote: Yes


    C#, .NET (WinUI, WPF, MVC, ASP), node.js, back-end and front-end.
    TypeScript, vanilla Javascript, express.js, Linux, Windows API.
    Svelte, Vue.js, Electron, networking protocols.

CV/Resume: https://tinyurl.com/2p8e63ty

Github: https://tinyurl.com/2xhkucc2

LinkedIn: https://tinyurl.com/yx9e34ku

Email: See CV/Resume

- Senior Developer with over 20 years experience, more breadth than depth. Web, services/APIs, desktop, and some mobile.

- Working remotely for 8 years, in globally distributed companies.

- Prefer good people over exciting tech.

Location: New York

Remote: Open to Remote, Hybrid, or In-Office

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Node.js, TypeScript, Go, Ruby, Python, AWS, Terraform, K8s

Résumé/CV: https://willyennie.com/assets/pdfs/William_Yennie_resume.pdf

Email: wryennie [at] gmail

Hi, I'm a software engineer dedicated to learning and solving complex problems. I co-created Firefly, an open-source observability framework, and developed several other applications. With experience in full stack web development and infrastructure, I thrive in collaborative environments. Let's connect and build something great together! Check out my portfolio at:


Location: Canadian living in South East Asia (GMT+8)

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No but occasional travel to meetups and company offsites ok

Technologies: AWS, Docker, Ansible, Chef, CI/CD, Linux, Mongodb, Grafana, Consul, Fluentd, ELK, nginx, apache, memcached, redis, solr, vagrant, jenkins

Résumé/CV: On request

Email: SEAdevopsengineer [at] proton.me

Sr. DevOps/Infrastructure Automation Engineer with 12 years experience. Open to part-time contract work or freelance with possibility for full time depending on timezone requirements.

Location: New York, NY

Remote: yes, but also open to hybrid

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, React, Python, Containers, Linux, PostgresQL, Redis, AWS, Heroku, Github Action, Datadog, Ansible

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1H2my2P1vZ116s7aAR18UAtL5Uqb...

Email: [email protected]

I'm a developer with 7+ years of experience. My latest focus has been on SRE, but I also have a strong full-stack background. I'm a continuous learner who takes great pleasure in tackling novel challenges. I thrive in a fast-paced tight-knit small to medium startups.

Location: Los Angeles, California, USA

Remote: Remote preferred

Willing to relocate: Potentially

Technologies: AWS, Kubernetes, Docker, Terraform, Ruby, Rails, Python, Bash, Go, HTML, CSS, MySQL, PostgreSQL.

Résumé/CV: Refer to LinkedIn or my personal site. I am happy to send over a PDF of my resume if we connect via LinkedIn.

Email: [email protected]

I would describe myself as a mid-level engineer with Infrastructure/Cloud and Backend experience. I left my previous role at Robinhood purely for health reasons (I'm doing much better now!) and I'm ready for my next role.

- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nelsonfigueroa1/

- Personal site: https://nelson.cloud/

SEEKING WORK | London | Remote (US/EU timezones) I run a boutique software development studio, where I focus on helping startups get their MVP off the ground, or assisting companies with more intricate and involved development tasks. I'm particularly geared towards projects which involve more complex interactivity or problem-solving.

Clients come to me when they want more than a copy/paste solution, as I take the time to understand their business and goals in detail, collaborating with them to deliver something highly tailored to their precise needs.

More info / portfolio / contact: https://devbeat.co.uk


Location: Toronto, Canada

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Figma, UX/UI, Motion Design, Microinteractions, WordPress, Web Design, Design Systems, SaaS Design, User Experience, User Interface, UX Design, UI Design

Résumé/CV: https://saasdesigner.com

Email: [email protected]

Hey, I'm Bren - a product & UX designer working remotely.

Graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Interaction Design. Over 8+ years of experience designing UI/UX for startups and entrepreneurs, including web and mobile apps.

Location: Nova Scotia, Canada

Remote: Yes (Canadian citizen)

Willing to relocate: No (would consider for the right opportunity)

Technologies: python, rust, java, axum, spring, django, fastapi, pandas, sql, postgres, mongo, kubernetes, docker, aws.

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jean-turgeon-47363a287/ (PDF with more info on request)

Email: jst.hybrid704 _at_ passinbox _dot_ com

Timezone: Atlantic time (Halifax, GMT-3)

I'm based out of Kingston, Nova Scotia.

Have worked hybrid/remote for the past 7 years.

Have experience working over multiple timezones with international companies.

Have passport / no criminal record / hold security clearance.

Speaks English / French, could be proficient again in German in a couple of months if needed.


  Location: Spain
  Remote: Yes, no hybrid
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: React, Typescript, node, C#, Unity, SQL, CSS
  Resume: https://yoav.tiiny.site/
  Email: yoavhortman5{at}gmail[dot]com
Senior front end engineer with some full stack experience. Exprienced in early stage startups where roles are not perfectly defined and one has to wear many hats.

To check out some of my work: floripondis.com (written fully in TS) magicyard.tv (my last company, the vast majority built by me. use keyboard to navigate)

Location: UK, Wales

Remote: Yes > No

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python, C++, MATLAB

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dave-oc/

Contact: dav3oconnor+hn (gmail)

I'm a post-doctoral researcher in wearable device signals for disease detection. I'm a generalist interested in taking my software skills to the next level. Open to all types of work, other industries, other countries, remote/hybrid/office. PhD was in sensor manufacture.


  Location: Los Angeles, CA
  Remote: Yes (open to in-person, remote and hybrid)
  Willing to relocate: Yes

  Machine Learning: Classification, Linear & Logistic Regression, XGBoost, Random Forest, LightGBM, CatBoost, KNN, SVM
  Frameworks: TensorFlow, Scikit-learn, Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Scrapy, BeautifulSoup
  Programming Languages: Python, R
  Tools: SQL, Tableau, Inferential Statistics, MS Excel, Jupyter Notebook, Anaconda, SSMS, Power BI, AWS

  Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QoxsHqciEFyKIGuhgbsNXOHHITmqqCdi/view?usp=sharing
  Email: [email protected]
Location: CA, USA

Remote: No Preference

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: PyTorch, TensorFlow, ROS, COLMAP, Ceres Solver, GTSAM, g2o, OpenCV, CUDA

Resume/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yGRIdCnkxZ3RLezyvHmnLIha3A4...

Email: https://veilmail.io/diwakar

4 years of relevant work experience with Reliance Jio Platforms in India as a Data Scientist. 3D Reconstruction, optimization and computer vision in general are my strengths and am proficient in NLP and other related subjects.

Location: Paris, France

Remote: Possible

Willing to relocate: Unlikely

Technologies: PyTorch, SLURM, HuggingFace, Python, C#, SQL, Git, Linux, Vim, solid CS foundations (networking, infra, devops, etc)

Résumé/CV: https://arthurdevnl.github.io/

Email: see website

I'm a final year PhD student that is practically finished but will still need 1 day per week to write/finish my thesis. I'm looking for opportunities as a research/ML engineer. I did 3 years of data science before my PhD + app development before that during my studies so I have a good amount of production/professional experience as well. Thesis is focused on document processing so if you need that I'm definitely your guy!

Location: Stockhom,Sweden Willing to relocate: no Technologies: AI data piplelines , python, mojo, tensorflow Resume: https://se.linkedin.com/in/fredrikcarno Email: [email protected]

Hello from Sweden! I’ve built tech stuff for the better part of 20 years recently in the fintech space. My main focus now is AI strategy.


  Location: Barcelona, Spain
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Python, Golang, C#, Docker, PHP, Linux networking, LLMs agent tuning, data science
  Résumé/CV: https://linkedin.com/in/vagonzal
  Email: victor <at> vgr.cl
Senior Software Engineer with 10+ years of experience and 5 years working remotely with stable clients from all over Europe. I have a preference for backend and networking, but I'm still proficient in frontend technologies like React, Vue, and my new favorite: Astro.

I feel confident working in most modern programming languages, and have 6+ years of experience in project/team management. I'm very flexible at working in any kind of environment.

Location: London, UK

Remote: Yes

Technologies: HTML, TypeScript, JavaScript, Go, CSS, React, NextJS, React Native, GraphQL, NodeJS, ExpressJS, Python, (No/My/Postgres)-SQL, Git, Linux, Docker, AWS


Portfolio: https://walemoren.com

Resume: https://walemoren.com/files/woren.pdf

Email: [email protected]


Hello, I’m a full stack engineer with a knack for creating functional, user-friendly & visually appealing applications.

I have had a diverse range of professional experiences working with several early stage startups across various industries (esp. Travel, Finance, Healthcare & Eco).

I’m open to part-time/contract work. Also feel free to reach out to me if you're not hiring immediately.

Seeking: Full-time Security Analyst/Consultant position. I'm open to other opportunities that utilize my technical skills and experience.

Location: Louisiana

Remote: Yes, and/or on-site. I'm experienced with both.

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: C++, C#, Python.

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/w1n/ Full resume on request.

Email: [email protected]

GitHub: https://github.com/qf0

Misc: I have over two years of full-time security consulting and blue team experience at NCC Group and Black Lantern Security. Also, I have two 0days and received CVEs under my name and a company research blog post to go along with it.

I'm eligible for a security clearance and willing to do government work.

I'd love to find an entry-level or junior SWE role to grow in.

  Location: Wheaton, Illinois
  Remote: Yes or Hybrid
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Linux, PHP, SQL
  Résumé/CV: https://bryanhoffman.xyz/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/BryanHoffmanResumeMay2024.pdf
  Email: [email protected]

  Location: Berlin, Germany
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Engineering leadership, React-Native, Clojure, TypeScript
  Résumé/CV: https://ullrich.is/20240618-resume.pdf
  Email: [email protected]
I'm a mobile product developer, turned Engineering Manager. My resume spans from freelancer to founder, from Soundcloud, via Facebook/Meta to Pitch.com.

I'm looking for EM roles, or mobile dev roles with the goal of building a product and a team around it.

Location: Bangalore Remote: open to discuss Willing to relocate: open to discuss Technologies:

Design to code, design, development, developer tools Résumé/CV:

https://www.linkedin.com/in/vetrivels/ https://github.com/imvetri/ui-editor

  Email: svetrivel dot 91 at gmail dot com

  Location: Italy
  Remote: Yes, no hybrid
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Python, Go, C++, TypeScript, GitHub Actions, Docker
  Résumé/CV: https://resume.silvanocerza.com/
  Email: silvanocerza{at}gmail[dot].com
I have 9 years of experience working on multi-platform application, web apps, libraries and framework in different languages.

I prefer working mainly on Open Source projects. I was one of the main developers of the Arduino CLI. Now working on Haystack, an AI framework.

Location: Serbia

Remote: yes

Willing to relocate: possible

Technologies: Android, Kotlin, Jetpack Compose, Compose Multiplatform

Resume/CV: cv.dmitrysamoylenko.in

GitHub: https://github.com/samoylenkodmitry

Email: [email protected]

Hi, I am an Android Developer with 9+ years of work experience, last 2 years working remotely. I am preferably interested in Android remote positions. My second interest is to jump Android ship into some Rust development, so I learn it as a hobby. Also, Compose Multiplatform projects are very attractive to me.


  Location: Porto, Portugal
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Lua, C, C++, GameDev, Python, learning Embedded
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gamedesigner
  Email: [email protected]
Looking for C or C++ roles. (or similar). GameDev and Embedded at my first choices but any work with these technologies is fine. My most recent work for an BMW subsidiary that works with programming for the car themselves, so automotive is fine too.

I also did DevRel in the past and recently interviewed some DevRel positions, made me realize I am also suitable for that and willing to work with that.

I have a lot of experience with iOS and Android, but been some time since I worked with these.


  Location: San Francisco, California
  Remote: OK
  Willing to relocate: OK
  Technologies: Sensor IoT data, Python, pandas, SQL, PyTorch, visualization, FPGA, EE hardware
  Résumé/CV: https://www.nickgregorich.com/nick_gregorich_resume.pdf
  Email: in resume
Wide breath of experience specializing in connected sensor systems: data acquisition, DSP and control loops, data pipelines and related AWS stack, OLAP and time series databases, AI / ML, visualization and dashboards.

Looking for problems to solve that involve lots of data. Recent personal projects have been focused on computer vision including PyTorch and Apple's Vision framework and I'd love to continue down this path.


I'm a full-stack developer and contractor proficient in Go, PHP, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, with over a decade of expertise. Specializing in React, TypeScript, Go and associated technologies for more than six years.

Location: UK

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: React/Webpack/Babel, etc. (7+ years), TypeScript (5+ years), Go/Golang (10+ years), PHP, JavaScript/HTML5/CSS3 (ES5, ES6+, 10+ years), Node.JS, Python, Linux, Docker, Podman, PostgreSQL/CockrochDB, Chrome automation, Chrome extensions, etc.

Résumé/CV: https://1li.dev/resume

Email: [email protected]

Github: https://github.com/amitybell


  Location: Boston, MA
  Work Preferences: Remote/Hybrid/In-Office
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Python, Javascript/Typescript, SQL, PostgreSQL, React, Node.js, Flask, ETL
  Résumé/CV: https://github.com/DavidThomas-coder/docs/blob/main/about/David%20Thomas'%20Resume.pdf
  Email: https://veilmail.io/ripnasty
I'm a standup comedian/software engineer looking for my first engineering role after a daytime career in data analysis. Give me an interview and I'll tell you about the one time I pissed off Jay Leno.

Ideally looking within the Boston area but willing to relocate for the right role/company.


  Location: SF bay area
  Remote: yes (hybrid OK)
  Willing to relocate: no
  Technologies: Clojure, Rust, Java, C++, Swift, Python, AWS, PostgreSQL, Apache Kafka
  Résumé/CV: https://ashyik.com/resume/
  Email: [email protected]
I'm a software developer with more than a decade of experience across diverse industries and technologies. I prefer backend work with a focus on data modeling, API design, and platform improvements. Bonus points for anything involving Rust (but no crypto/blockchain, please).
Location: Málaga, Spain, Europe

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No but occasional travel OK

Technologies: Java, Go, Typescript, Rust

Résumé/CV: https://linkedin.com/in/dlion

Email: hackernews.easing085 AT passmail DOT net

I'm a Senior Product Engineer based in Málaga, Spain.

I've been working as an Extreme Programmer for more than 8 years now, and I have more than 10 years of experience as a software engineer.

I worked at Thoughtworks and then VMware Tanzu Labs, former Pivotal Labs.

Ex-VMware due to the European layoff, I'm looking for a new role as a product engineer.

I'm currently focusing on delivering value to customers applying the Extreme Programming methodology (TDD, CI/CD, lean methodology, fast-feedback, etc.)

Don't hesitate to reach out.

Location: Kansas City, MO, USA

Remote: Remote preferred

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Git, Deployment Pipelines, Release Process tooling, PM Tooling

Resume/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/spencer-blades-240b345b/

Email: blades.spencer at gmail dot come

Worked with small, quickly growing companies for 10 years as a Technical Project Manager, Release Manager, and Engineering Manager. Recently I have guided engineering orgs through audit compliancy, go-to-market efforts, deployment tooling / release processes, support and qa infrastructure, and capitalization. I'm comfortable with research, failure, and open ended questions.

Location: Ontario, Canada

Remote: Preferred, hybrid ok

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: JavaScript/Typescript, React, Node, Golang, Python, PHP, HTML, CSS, Tailwind, Redux, Shopify, Drupal, WordPress, Docker, SQL/NoSQL databases

Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Dyas86hsfeNeErJvwz5frZvx...

Email: [email protected]

Ive been programming for over 5 years, just over 1 professionally. Built products from inception to deployment and maintenance. Hard worker with a love of learning from industry pros.

I'm a software developer with 17 years of professional experience in various SWE, Machine Learning/Data Science, algorithmic/simulation development, etc roles. I've worked on 'big data', predictive modeling for physical systems (robotics), and many other things.

I'm looking for MLOps, MLEng, and other types of similar roles. Either full time or contract/consulting.

  Name: Sashmit Bhaduri

  Location: Alexandria, VA/Washington DC area
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to Relocate: To limited places (NYC, Boston, Atlanta, Bay Area)
  Technologies: Python, C++, Java, Rust (Learning). Devops/MLOps in AWS/GCP 
  Résumé/CV: email me
  Email: [email protected]
Cloud Software Engineer with 2 years of experience. Big fan of distributed systems. Currently working at Orange as a System Administrator.

Location: Warsaw, Poland

Remote: Would be great(All of Europe and TZs around it.)

Willing to relocate: Not really.

Technlogies: Go (2 yrs), Python (2 yrs), Linux (2 yrs), Docker (2 yrs), Kubernetes (1 yr), Ansible (1 yr), Bash, Git, C, Jenkins, GitHub Actions, Terraform, Java, Gin, Django, JavaScript.

Resume: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13NKBKMLUaO3ACzbDtJqL4z71y_l...

Email: [email protected]

Location: Bangalore Remote: Preferred Focus Areas: FinTech, LegalTech, Blockchain

Schedule a Chat: https://calendly.com/arpand

Dev Shop: Yes

Email: [email protected]

We are working mainly on Fintech + Blockchain products for their ServerOps, mobile & full-stack development.

Recent work:

-Blockchain Payments: Checkout Widget & Components for Merchant Payments in Crypto

- Tech Modernisation 60 Million Users: Middle Ware + Web & Mobile Product for Pension System in India.

- Payment Wallet: Supporting mobile wallet, money transfer for Telecom operator app Technologies: Serverless, NextJS, Java, NodeJS, TypeScript, ReactJS, Tailwind CSS, Shopify, AWS, Kubernetes, Flutter, Java, React Native.


    Name: Mehmet
    Location: UK or Germany
    Work Preferences: Remote/Hybrid/Office
    Technologies: R, Python, Javascript, C++, Common Lisp
    Resume, CV, Contact: (see my bio)
Several postdocs in bioinformatics, familiar with many different bioinformatic pipelines, tons of teaching and workshop hosting experience, work well as liaison between informaticians and biologists/medics, full stack dev who has empowered many research groups with their own in-house analytical platforms and trained them in its use.

Too long? GNU-obsessed Data Analyst with matrix management skills and a strong focus on reproducible environments and teaching what he knows to others.

Location: New Jersey, USA Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: Yes (For the right opportunity)

Technologies: TypeScript, Next.js, React.js, Python, PyTorch, TensorFlow, Large Language Models (LLM), Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), SQL, PostgreSQL, Jira, AWS, Git, Kubernetes, Vector Databases

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1D-3IalZEvPT9txcmxcewKnEzxGP...

Email: ujadoon88 at gmail dot com

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/omair-jadoon

GitHub: github.com/ukj02

Hi! I am looking for full stack engineering roles. I have experience with Next.js, React,Node and Tailwind.


  Location: Berlin, Germany
  Remote: Yes (happy to travel sometimes within EU / UK)
  Willing to relocate: Yes, eventually
  Technologies: Full-stack, prefer Typescript (>5 years), Python (>13 years),  Rust (2 years)
  Résumé/CV: https://storage.googleapis.com/carboncopy/Valentin_Golev_CV_2024.pdf
  Email: in CV
I love founding and greenfield roles, and working alongside product people. I'm good at debugging and understanding performance (frontend, backend, databases...), ensuring scalability and resilience of the systems. I care a lot about correctness and sensible domain modeling.
Senior Full Stack Engineer (15+ years remote working experience): Remote only

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/faisal-ahmad-67216139/

Email: [email protected]

Technologies & Skills:- Generative AI & RAG (LLMs, Flowise, Ollama, LlamaIndex, LangChain), Language Engineering (Langium), Frontend Development (ReactJS/NextJS), Backend Develoment (NodeJS/NestJS/GraphQL/REST/Prisma/Sequelize), Databases (PostgreSQL & MongoDB), Event Streaming (Kafka & RabbitMQ), Monorepos (Lerna and Nx), Docker & Docker Compose

Location: Berlin, Germany

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes (in Germany)

Technologies: Go, Python, Typescript, Javascript, Rust, FastAPI, Django, Flask, NestJS, Node.js, Next.js, React

Résumé/CV: https://portfolio-website-takahiromitsuis-projects.vercel.ap...

Email: [email protected]

I’m a passionate Full Stack Developer with three years of experience, contributing to 5 projects in diverse teams.

Location: Toronto Remote: yes Willing to relocate: maybe Technologies: Go (backend), React (front end) Resume: No professional experience, hobbyist programmer seeking first gig.

Here's an app I made with Go and React https://github.com/MikeMitchellWebDev/gc_knobs

Other: I'm giving a talk on garbage collection at Gophercon this year.

Here's a contribution I made to Go source code:


Email: [email protected]

Location: Philippines (GMT+8)

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: React, Next.js, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, TailwindCSS

Résumé/CV: https://read.cv/arevalolance

Website: https://arevalolance.com

Email: [email protected]

LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/arevalolance

Location: Germany

Remote: Yes, but on-site in Germany is fine too

Willing to relocate: Not at this time

Technologies: Rust, Python, C, C++, Go, Kubernetes, Docker, Ansible, LLVM, Qt, WASM, UEFI, Ghidra, Linux, Embedded

Github: https://github.com/8051enthusiast

Resume: https://8051enthusiast.github.io/resume.pdf

Email: See bottom of resume

I recently finished my math degree and am now looking for a full time job. I enjoy programming anything related to embedded or compilers, and have a strong knowledge in firmware reverse engineering (especially 8051-based firmware), am also open to DevOps or web backend positions.

Location: Romania

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: C++, React, React Native, TypeScript, JavaScript, Python, C#, .NET, SQL, AWS, Azure, Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android, embedded

Résumé/CV: On request

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cosmin-pirvu

StackOverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/users/527987/cosmin

Email: [email protected]

Startup CTO specialized in platforms and SDKs. Can build, manage and deliver apps and projects end‐to‐end. And I'm also available as an IC (full stack, backend, frontend).

Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: No Technologies: Python, Rust, Javascript, React JS, Svelte, MongoDB, SQL, Graphql, Git, Docker, Shell (Linux), Flutter, C#, .Net Framework, ASP.NET MVC, SQL Server, Node JS Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_IQrkK1LKjhG2OLIhix8Ta9qnrx... Email: [email protected]

I am a software engineer with 4 years of experience. I have worked on diverse technologies in my career. I am looking for full-time remote engineering roles.


  Location: Montreal, Canada
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: C, Rust, Go, Python, x86-64 Linux system/low-level development
  Résumé/CV: via email please
  Email: pj <dot> hades <at> gmail <dot> com
7 years of work experience. Previously played with: HAMT, HTTP, cache server, custom key-value datastore, Erlang, UDP tuning, eBPF, perf, AWS, QEMU, VPP, DHCP, NAT, ping, rate limiting, OS internals. Looking for ideally a systems or low-level engineer position but backend is OK too.
Location: NYC Remote: Yes Willing to relocate:n/a Technologies:customer support Résumé/CV:https://www.notion.so/Resume-7f76e0f1e7e34c77a0741c5dc29f7b4... Email:[email protected]

I'm an experienced former restaurant manager with over 4 years in fast-paced dining environments, emphasizing customer support and satisfaction, team development, and continuous self-education. Currently seeking a remote customer support position.Speaking 4 languages : English, Russian, Ukrainian and Polish.

Coming up on 10 years of experience in data analytics, although most of my work tends to be in the data engineering realm and I'm looking to officially make that transition. Lots of experience from the games industry working with raw tracking data, managing ETLs and data processing pipelines.

Resume, email, and some past personal projects in bio.

Location: Canada

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: SQL (Hive, Oracle, Spark), R, Python, C, git

Resume: in bio

Email: in bio

2 years of professional experience, including consulting, hedge fund, construction and AI startup

  Location: Boston, MA
  Remote: Yes 
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Python, Java, SQL, STATA, R, PowerPoint & Excel god
  Résumé/CV: please email :) 
  Email: nitesh.2056 <at> gmail <dot> com
I'm Lénárd, a senior C++ developer with a robust background in modern C++ development, active participation in C++ standardization, and a meticulous approach to API design and correctness.

  Location: Cambridge, UK
  Remote: yes
  Willing to relocate: no
  Technologies: C++, Python, Linux, Docker
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lenard-szolnoki/
  Email: [email protected]
Location: Bengaluru, India(UTC+05:30)

Remote: Yes - remote, hybrid, or on-site

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python, JavaScript, Docker, FastAPI

Resume/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1x0CMpf6euKs316t5Pu5hZnRri64...

Email:[email protected]


Hi, I am Gourav Saini. I have been working as a software developer for past 2 years mostly on backend in python. I am open and excited to learn new technologies.

Location: Windsor, ON Canada

Willing to relocate: Within Ontario

Technologies: Go, React, Node.js, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, Typescript, AWS, GCP, GRPC, Game Dev.

Resume: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joesonw

Email: can be found at https://github.com/joesonw

Technical Writer

Location: Tampa Bay, FL

Remote: Yes (preferred, within US time zones)

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Markdown, Git/GitHub, various static site generators and template engines, PHP, Python, Ruby, SQL and key/value databases

Résumé: https://coyotetracks.org/Watts_Martin_Resume_2024.pdf

Email: [email protected]

Technical writer with extensive experience creating and maintaining web-based, developer-focused documentation using the "docs as code" methodology. Past work includes Samsung's Bixby Labs group (formerly Viv Labs, founded by the creators of Siri) and RethinkDB.

Location: San Francisco Bay Area (Oakland), CA, USA

Remote: No preference

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Extensive experience with live events (livestreaming + ticketing), medical document processing with LLMs and ML vision models, globally distributed teams, enterprise SaaS and 2-sided market places

Resume/CV: http://hire.brad.co

email: [email protected]


Seasoned product manager (17yrs as a PM) looking for next gig! Spent the last 4 years in startups (including hypergrowth). Lifelong learner, strong technical background (former dev). Worked with companies from 5 to 5000.

Location: Nairobi, Remote: Yes, Willing to Relocate: Yes, Technologies: Ruby, Rails, PostgreSQL, JavaScript, Tailwind, Bootstrap, React Email: [email protected] Senior full stack developer. Worked as a freelancer mostly as back-end developer.

To check out some of my work click this link https://my-portfolio-7shy.onrender.com/

Location: Raleigh, NC

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: JavaScript/TypeScript, React, Angular, Next.js, Java, Scala, Kotlin, Python

Résumé/CV: https://huntermotte.github.io/portfolio/#contact

Email: [email protected]

Full stack dev with 7 years of experience, mostly in finance in healthcare. Frontend focus but able to do anything across the stack. Recently laid off from a healthcare startup, have a lot of experience building companies from the ground up.

Platform and Site Reliability Engineer with experience in working with AWS, GCP and on-prem infrastructure. Enjoys self-hosting and hacking. Currently working at SDE 2 equivalent role.


Location: Bangalore, India

Remote: Preferrably (Comfortable in EU and US TZs)

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Site Reliability Engineering (Kubernetes, Terraform, Ansible, ArgoCD, FluxCD, Containers, AWS, GCP), Operating Systems (Linux Kernel, AOSP), Web Development (Golang, Rust, Python, Flutter, SvelteKit)

Résumé/CV: https://bin.wantguns.dev/cv

Email: mail [at] wantguns [dot] dev

Position: Senior AI/LLM Full Stack Software Engineer and AI Quant Research Developer

Location: USA, Europe, Australia, NZ

Remote: YES

Willing to relocate: YES

Technologies: NodeJS, Python, AWS, Web3, ChatGPT, Stable Diffusion, Llama, Mistral, MongoDb

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hervefulchiron/

Résumé/CV: https://github.com/bitcoinvsalts/node-binance-trader/blob/ma...

Email: herve76 [at] gmail

Location: Malaysia

Remote: No

Willing to relocate: Germany/Netherlands

Technologies/Résumé: https://gkiranp.github.io/kiran_puranik_profile

Email: [email protected]

Location: KS, USA

Remote: preferred

Willing to relocate: no (can't afford to)

Technologies: (web) React/Node/Flavors of JS/MySQL/Postgres/Linux/AWS/PHP/Python/Rails

Résumé/CV: https://github.com/jdc-cunningham/jdc-cunningham/blob/master...

Email: my username at big G

I have about 5 years of experience, mostly in web application space. I tinker with hardware too, would like to go that route. I do not have a degree.

Location: Philippines

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: NextJS, React, Typescript, Javascript, Tailwind, NodeJS, Express, MSSQL, MongoDB, Cypress

Résumé/CV: https://rovingiene.com/resume.pdf

Email: [email protected]

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rovinventurina/

Location: UK Remote: Preferably Hybrid, but Remote in UK is okay Willing to Relocate: Yes Technologies: Java, Spring Boot, Kafka, Azure, Angular, GraphQL, Postgres, React, Python Resume/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/karthik-ambu Email: ambu[dot]karthik453[at]gmail[dot]com
Location: Sunshine Coast, QLD, Australia Remote: Yes (Hybrid is fine too!)

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: React, Rails, Typescript, Browser Extensions, Embedded Javascript, Postgres, Heroku, AWS, Python

Résumé/CV: I'm an Engineering Manager for a team of 7 and I have over a decade of programming experience (mostly in the frontend). Niche has been Javascript that runs on other peoples websites (think Intercom, FullStory, Segment, Bugsnag etc.). Looking for an engineering management role. Have worked remotely for over two years.

Email: [email protected]


  Location: India
  Remote: Yes 
  Willing to relocate:
  Technologies: java, python, node.js, go, sql, aws, postgresql, react, c++, linux 
  Résumé/CV: available on request
  Email: [email protected]
I am currently looking out for opportunities in a fast paced environment where i can learn. Getting bored in my current job due to slow paced work
Location: Remote

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes, depending on location.

Technologies: Matlab/Octave, Julia, LaTex, python, perl, QGIS, R, C/C++, shell scripting.

GIS: Autonomous Navigation, Computer Vision, Data Science, Image Processing, Machine Learning, Photogrammetry (SLAM), Remote Sensing, Sensor Fusion, Spatial analytics.

Aerospace: Astrodynamics, Attitude dynamics and control, Estimation theory(Kálmán filters, orbit determination), GNSS, Quadrotors, Robotics, Satellite communications.

Have experience in various tech roles which resulted in a large breadth of knowledge in many fields. Looking for opportunities delve deeper into these fields.

Résumé/CV: on request

Email: vemodalen ((@)) tutanota.com


  Location: New Zealand
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: PHP/Laravel, JavaScript/Vue
  Résumé/CV: Available on request
  Email: [email protected]
Intermediate full stack developer with 2 years experience on a fintech product. My approach to development involves understanding the broader business needs and goals, ensuring that the end product is both high-quality and user-friendly.
Location: Portland, OR

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: JavaScript, TypeScript, C#, Java, Python, Elixir, VBA, dabbled in basically everything from Forth to Coq and back.

Résumé/CV: on request

Email: [email protected]

I've been programming on and off for nearly two decades. I have a wide range of interests both in and away from computers. I think I bring a lot to the table when problem solving thanks to this. I've been doing some freelancing for the last year or so, and before that I was running a dog walking business. I haven't worked in a while, but I think given the chance of proving myself will show I'm a useful resource of knowledge.


  Tech: React/Next.js, Svelte, Django, Rails
  Location: Japan
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Negotiable
  Résumé/CV: send a blank email to resume{@}tnzk.org
A full-stack developer with 14 years of experience. I have worked for US-based and German-based companies with both fully distributed team for 5 years.

I loved the experience with this setting and could work most productively, so looking similar opportunities for next time.

I am specialized in software security, and particularly interested in projects involving LLM and RAG applications, as well as JS meta frameworks like Next.js or Svelte Kit.


  Location: Denver / Remote
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No 
  Technologies: PHP/MySql/Laravel turned Fractional CTO / Engineer Manager / Project Manager

  Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Xel2IR8h43Y4a7DVN1H4ueIYHYFV-XcgXWD2F1Mifi4/edit?usp=sharing  & https://www.strategic-options.com/insight/2024/01/19/decoding-chaos-close-air-support-can-save-your-day-and-your-deadlines/

  Email: mr(.)chad(.)[email protected]
Location: Lima, Peru

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No, but open to discussion

Technologies: AWS, JavaScript/TypeScript/React, PHP, C#, Python.

Resume/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/renatodc

Email: renato at renatodc dot com

AWS certified software engineer with 5+ years of experience developing features and fixing bugs for SaaS and enterprise companies, in addition to developing my own CRM/CMS platform as a side project. I specialize in CRM products and API integrations, but generally open to working on all kinds of web applications.

Location: Toronto, Canada

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No, but open to frequent travel

Technologies: Full stack web development (Python, TypeScript/JavaScript, Flutter/Dart, Go, some Rust/Julia/Clojure, VBA), quantitative trading systems, platform engineering, mobile, financial systems, machine learning, LLMs, natural language processing

Résumé/CV: Available upon request

Email: [email protected]

Full stack product manager with experience in sustainability technology (scope 1-3, carbon forecasting), machine learning, and financial services.

Industries/opportunities that I am particularly interested in: Climatetech, ML, fintech, consulting, VC.

•Role: Open to Product Manager roles in electric grid modernization, healthcare, and cloud infrastructure. Remote/hybrid. Hands-on background in network/server engineering, telecom, cybersec, HW/SW validation, BA/BSA, and CX.

•Location: Portland, OR

•Willing to relo: No

•Resume, Key Product Wins: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-98w3x8Qsw-STXNSHI-q...

•Email: please message me via LinkedIn, see resume

Location: Portland, OR

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Depends on location

Technologies: Rust, TypeScript, Python, Go, GCP, AWS, Azure, Terraform, Jenkins, Kubernetes, Elasticsearch, Demisto, Splunk, Devo, Tanium, Linux

Resume: https://spun.io/resume.pdf

Email: [email protected]

GitHub: https://github.com/DominoTree

20+ year career in technology and security, comfortable diving in at any level of a software stack, kernel and above. Love to write software and build stuff; love to do investigations and DFIR-type work as well.


  Location: Seattle, WA, USA - general metro area / REMOTE OK / Might also consider Portland, OR, USA metro area
  Remote: Yes / hybrid
  Willing to relocate: no
  Technologies: Linux, go, shell (sh, bash), SQL (PL/pgSQL), C, C++, Python, HTTP, nginx
  Résumé/CV: https://mproj.net/resume.pdf
  Email: [email protected]
  NOTE: Please include Ask HN 2024-07-01 in the subject!
I'd enjoy a more backend role in software development or engineering support for larger networks.
Location : France, Paris

Remote: Yes

Relocation : No

Technologies : 7 years of mostly Python (flask sqlalchemy, backend developer, API development, Postgres sql. Also used Golang for cli-interfaces, also used Java. Linux user, docker user. Contributed to a open source game (C/C++, far from being an expert though)

Would love to work autonomously, preferably in a small team/ start-up

Contact : contact at gantsevdenis dot fr


  Location: Brazil
  Remote: Yes.
  Willing to relocate: No.
  Technologies: 13+ years of java professionally. I have worked with everything though, too limiting to cherry pick stuff.
  Résumé/CV: https://vitor.win/posts/vitor.pdf
  Email: [email protected]
  LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vitordaguerreo/
Location: Pennsylvania, US

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: I'm a polymath/generalist, but most recently: JS/React, Python ML

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/taintedzodiac/

Email: taintedz (at) gmail

Looking for roles in the Engineering Manager or Senior Engineering space, always up to chat about whatever might be exciting for me in the world of software though! Currently working on my next startup that came about from a side project, but open to full time opportunities either remote or via relocation.

Senior Product Manager/Technical PM

Location: Traveling, mainly Georgia, Tbilisi and Russia, Moscow

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Résumé/CV: on request

Email: ibaikov96 [at] gmail [dot] com

Hi! I'm Igor. I have 7 years of experience as a product manager, and before that, I was an engineer of broadcast systems. I bootstrapped a startup in the computer vision field. Later, I joined a US-based startup in AI/Computer Vision as the first product manager. We sold it to another US company, and I became a technical product manager there. I love the AI/CV field, and I conduct some research in this area, which you can find on my Twitter account.

Location: Kansas City, MO (US Citizen)

Remote: Yes within US time zones

Willing to Relocate: No

Technologies: Ruby/Rails, Python/Django/Flask/Sklearn, Javascript/Express/Vue/React, PHP, SQL (Postgres/MySQL/Oracle/Snowflake), AWS, Terraform

Resume: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joshua-welker/

Email: [email protected]

Senior Rails/Python/Javascript full-stack engineer with 10+ years of experience. Background in health tech and higher ed. Also experienced building data ETL and ML pipelines.

Location: Austin, Texas

Remote: Yes / Doesn't matter

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: C#, F#, Python, Functional programming, backend dev, many other things

Resume: On request

Email: [email protected]

Hi. I'm a backend engineer with 6 years experience in .Net with both C# and F#. Most of my time was spent building out features for the two mobile apps I was attached to. I have a large and quirky breadth of skills and abilities, owing to the generality of my intellectual interests. I'd like to join a company that will have me working with interesting, modern technologies and good people.


  Location: Vietnam

  Remote: Yes

  Willing to relocate: No

  Technologies: AWS, Python, Linux, Terraform, etc

  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/timhbergstrom/

  Email: [email protected]

  Info: I'm an experienced platform engineer, devops etc. I'm currently hacking on AI related stuff.
Location: Chicago

Remote: Preferred, hybrid ok

Willing to relocate: Depends on location

I'm looking for work as a developer advocate/software evangelist/technical writer. I have a background as a developer (Lua, Python, SQL, MediaWiki, React/TS), tech writer (see blog linked below), and community manager.

Resume/CV: You can find my blog here: https://river.me/ I write primarily about MediaWiki development, with some occasional other topics. I'm always happy to learn and write about new technologies.

Email: In profile


    Location: Gulfport, MS
    Remote: Yes, please
    Willing to relocate: Probably not
    Technologies: C, C++, Python, Ruby, JS/TS, Java, Lisp (preferred), Linux, Android, PostgreSQL...
    Email: bitwize at gmail dot com
    CV available upon request
Developer with a background in various kinds of software, from robotics to native desktop apps and enterprise web apps. Focused on simplicity and building the right thing right. Looking to make a tangible, positive impact in people's lives through my work.
Location: Poznan, Poland

Remote: Yes, Hybrid ok, Office ok

Willing to relocate: Maybe

Technologies: Kotlin/Java, Golang, SQL, no problem with frontend if needed.

Resume: https://mcksp.com/cv.pdf

Email: mac.spychala{at}gmail[dot]com

Hi! I'm software engineer with mostly backend experience, but if you have some open source / gamedev / tooling / etc opportunities hit me up too!

Location: Toronto, ON

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Resume: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12ZozP07pnzNB2fvS-MVmpF18...

Email: [email protected]

Technologies: Node.js / Deno JS runtimes, Fresh / React, C, PostgreSQL, systemd, nginx

Location: Chile

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python, Go, Elixir, Docker.

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/juan-pablo-abarz%C3%BAa-jaramill...

Email: jpabloaj(at)gmail.com

Location: San Diego, CA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Introductory understanding of a wide variety of Computer Science concepts including data structures, algorithms, operating systems, machine learning, game design, and systems administration. I have been studying computers as a passion since I was a kid.

Résumé/CV: https://bnbuilders.egnyte.com/dl/WzbZTWyUIz/Resume-Brenden-C...

Email: [email protected]


  Location: NYC
  Remote: Ok, Onsite is cool too 
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: All of em :)
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/xmagee/
  Email: alex. ,at,  magee  ,dot,  us
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand

Remote: Yes + Hybrid

Willing to relocate: Considered for the right role.

Technologies: Frontend: JavaScript, React, Tailwind, MaterialUI Backend: Node.js, Next.js, Python, Jupyter, pandas, FastAPI, Firebase, AWS, Stripe Design: Figma

Résumé/CV overview: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alan-povall-b9251022/. Details available on request.

Contact via either: LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/alan-povall-b9251022/) Website (https://www.alan-povall.com/)

About me: I'm a full stack web developer with a background in product management and working in electronic hardware consultancies (mainly business roles), 15 YoE all up. I really enjoy working with hardware / companies doing embedded software, and sitting at the intersection between those two fields. While I haven't done any actual embedded development in a very long time, I have a good understanding of the field as a whole and the challenges it faces in relation to UI and UX, and really enjoy the people.

Recently I've been contracting to an AgTech startup providing geospatial SaaS products - and wearing practically every hat they throw at me. I'll have a go at anything to get what needs doing done, but my sweet spot is definitely full stack development, working closely with customers, and melding web tech UI and UX experiences to hardware platforms. Also recently helped another AgTech start up build a custom milk order and delivery system that had some custom requirements resulting in them not being able to use off the shelf eCommerce platforms.

I'm very comfortable fronting client / customer interactions and working through specification development, working out what customers actually want and need, doing mock ups, through to actual development. I really enjoy the challenge of balancing technical and business requirements into good fit-for-purpose solutions.

I am open to both contract and full-time roles, or just a coffee chat if you happen to be Christchurch.


  Location: Chicago, IL
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Maybe
  Technologies: Python (Django) / Javascript (React)
  Résumé/CV: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/ws28nccuw5aehvtz2ysvw/ADf0NB2kssAjJxVlhZX3Pl4?rlkey=pkikbazvfjulnt6gj1lvd7vck&st=vkhmqnam&dl=0
  Email: [email protected]

I'm a full stack software engineer with experience in multiple backend and frontend frameworks and languages. My last two roles have been at early stage YC startups.
Location: Delhi, India

Remote: Yes(Preferred)

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: LLM(GPT,Mistral, LLama, etc),GenAI, Prompt Engineering, Deep Learning, Backend Development.

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kNNhV8or-nD91KQSDyIYYKofd8p...

Email: [email protected]


  Location: Prague, Czech Republic
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Go, Postgres, Redis, Kubernetes, gRPC, Docker, Typescript.
  Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yxsPmennfAOR8ACo6ewgM-y3RzbriGvz/view?usp=sharing
  Email: [email protected]
I am Golang engineer with 4 years of experience, mostly in backend roles. Currently leading small tech team in media startup, looking for remote work in Europe or on-site in Prague.
Location: Romania

Remote: Yes (worldwide)

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: PHP, JavaScript, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Docker, HTML, SCSS, Bootstrap, Linux

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/givanz

Email: [email protected]

Github: https://github.com/givanz

Experienced Full Stack Developer, developing Open Source Vvveb CMS https://www.vvveb.com and VvvebJS page builder.


  Location: Dorset, UK
  Remote: Only
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Go, Python, versatile
  Résumé/CV: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7rz657fdb5bwtlap5kqhn/CV_Colin_Beveridge-2.pdf?rlkey=e53nx1o6oxk7mlnj2jzxlorif&st=i6j1gdku&dl=0
  Email: [email protected]
Hi! My name is Colin and I am a mathematician. I love solving problems and communicating the solutions.

Looking for short- to medium-term contract/consulting work, but open to discussing other opportunities.


    Location: Oregon, USA.
    Remote: Only.
    Willing to relocate: No.
    Technologies: AWS, Terraform, Kubernetes, Ansible, Git, etc.
    Resume: Upon Request.
    Email: [email protected]
SRE/Cloud Infrastructure Engineer with 20+ years of experience overseeing all infrastructure environment for tech companies from startups to Big Tech. Experienced in scaling production environment by 10x in three years for a startup as the second employee, leading to a successful acquisition.
Location: Germany

Remote: Yes, but open to hybrid

Willing to relocate: Depends

Technologies: C#, Python, C++, React, LLMs, Postgres, Azure, Neuroscience (measurement and stimulation tech such as EEG and TMS)

Résumé/CV: Providing my LinkedIn, please email for resume: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ethan-rich-80ba8365

Email: [email protected]


  Location: Morocco 
  Remote: Yes, GMT/EU timezone 
  Willing to relocate: Depends
  Technologies: Node, JS, Python, React, PostgreSQL, Docker, DevOps, Linux, Software Engineering
  Résumé/CV: https://anasboukharta.vercel.app
  Email: [email protected]
Seasoned developer, solopreneur, can build apps from scratch
Location: Madrid, Spain & Istanbul, Turkey

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Javascript/Typescript, React, NextJS, Python (Django, Flask, Pandas), TailwindCSS, MongoDB, Express, Node.js.

Résumé/CV: https://www.furkankalaycioglu.com.tr/

Email: [email protected]

I am a recent CS graduate with more than a year of experience. I'm open to full-time, part-time, or internship opportunities.

I'm fine with working for a small wage since I value more on gaining experience and learning at this point.

Location: Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.

Remote: Yes.

Willing to relocate:Yes.

Technologies:Ruby on Rails/React/Node/JS/MySQL/Postgres/Linux/AWS/NestJS/Next.JS/Python/Rails.


Email: jeffrey.santana at icloud.com


  Location: Tehran, Iran
  Remote: Yes 
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Go, Python, Django, Microservices, K8s, Docker, AWS, Terraform, PosgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, Cassandra, Devops
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mhb8898/
  Email: mhb8898 at gmail dot com
Location: Seattle, WA

Remote: Open to remote, on-site, and hybrid

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Swift, Python, Java, JavaScript, SwiftUI, UIKit, Django, SQLite, MySQL, Node.js, React, AWS

Résumé/CV: https://garelick.net/resume

Email: jonathan at-symbol garelick dot-symbol net

I'm a senior generalist with a background in web and mobile (iOS) development. I have worked for multiple startups, including Neeva (acq. by Snowflake). Strong bias to action and experience taking products from 0 to 1. Cheers!

Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

Remote: Remote only

Willing to relocate: no

Technologies: AWS, Docker, Terraform, HTML, CSS, HTMX, Hyperscript, JS, Node, MySQL, Postgres, SQLite, Laravel, PHP and more

Resume/CV: spirofloropoulos.com

Email: spirodonfl at gmail dot com

Happy to work on stuff on my own, at startups or large companies. I've been streaming for almost a year so there are hundreds of hours of me coding a video game using Zig + WebAssembly and also Laravel+PHP if you want to see how I code. I love working on things where I squeeze every ounce of performance from something.


  Location: Oslo, Norway
  Remote: Yes (preferred, due to disability)
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Nodejs, React, React Native, TypeScript, Sailsjs, Fastify, Frontend, REST api, MySQL, PostgreSQL
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/absqueued/
  Email: [email protected]
Location: USA

Remote: Yes

Resume: https://www.linkedin.com/in/isaackrasny/

email: isaac (at) krasny.co

I'm a former startup CPO with 10+ years in early-stage startups offering fractional/part-time product guidance for early-stage startups. I can be your interim first PM, your fractional CPO, help you find product-market fit, etc.


Location: Berlin, Germany (or Zurich, Switzerland)

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No (Yes, if Switzerland)

Technologies: ReactJs, Vuejs, TypeScript, JavaScript, NodeJS, SQL, CI/CD

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jdinartejesus

Email: jdinartejesus [at] gmail [dot] com


  Location: Dhaka, Bangladesh (GMT+6)
  Remote: Yes, 5+ YOE, flexible with time zones
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Golang, PostgreSQL, Docker, Kubernetes, Distributed Systems
  Email: afzalhussain [at] iut-dhaka [dot] edu
  LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/afzalhussain23/
Location: Connecticut, USA

Remote: Willing

Willing to relocate: no

Tech: Embedded Firmware, C, Python, Rust, WiFi, BLE, IoT, linux, UART/SPI/I2C

Email: fusslo85 (at) 639zw.xyz

Staff/Senior Firmware Engineer working in IoT looking for full time role. I have 12 years of experience. Last 5 years at Staff level. Looking for at least that level of seniority or a lead position. Willing to move out of IoT.

Responsible for the entire product lifecycle for medium ($500,000/yr product) and large ($3m/yr) products at both startups and multinational enterprises.

Princeton NJ.

Remote or local only, no NYC / Philadelphia.

Perf / static / dynamic analysis, C or C++, Lua, Go, roughly in that order — willing and able to use Python, Lisps, and Perl in anger when it makes sense.


bodie at synapsegarden dot net.


  Location: Berlin/Germany (Remote/Hybrid)
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Rust, TypeScript, WebAssembly, Networking, Containers, Web (Astro, React, ...), React Native, ...
  Résumé/CV/Contact:  https://github.com/explodingcamera / [email protected] / https://henrygressmann.de / https://www.linkedin.com/in/henrygressmann/
Location: Los Angeles

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Ruby, Node, Go, SQL, React, AWS, Docker, Terraform

Résumé/CV: https://sashvosh.com/files/sarah-voshall-resume.pdf

Email: sarahvoshall [at] gmail

Recently built a BaaS over Postgres with builtin realtime sync and streamlined deployment to AWS: https://snowclone-base.github.io/

Name: Luke Kuenneke

Email: [email protected]

Location: Cleveland, Ohio, United States of America

Résumé/CV: https://www.lukekuenneke.com/resume

Technologies and Skills: Please take a look at my resume.

Website and Links: https://www.lukekuenneke.com/

Remote: Yes and hybrid.

Business Travel: I don't mind occasional.

Willing to relocate: Yes, for the right opportunity.


  Location: Leipzig, Germany
  Remote: yes, prefered
  Willing to relocate: generally no
  Technologies: Linux, ruby, javascript, web frontend/backend, IoT. Ive done multiple (large) web-projects (application focused) alone or in small teams. Able and like to work independently and hyperfocused. Very able to dive into new technolgies. I like to solve problems.
  Github: https://github.com/entropie
  Email: [email protected]

  Location: Washington State
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: CMS, CRM, ESPs, Documentation, SEO, SSGs, AI Tools
  Résumé/CV: https://blueferret.consulting/bfc-content-portfolio/
  Email: in résumé
15+ year content developer, tech writer, and SEO looking to branch out. I'm curious about AI research, ethics, and quality assurance. The rich knowledge base between my ears is ready for its next challenge.
Location: Baltimore, MD Remote: remote/hybrid Willing to relocate: no Technologies: DevOps, DevSecOps, DevEx, AWS, serverless, kubernetes, Python (10+ years), RESTful APIs, SPAs, Flask, Javascript/Typescript (React, Next.js, Astro, and more), Golang, Langchain/LlamaIndex, MLOps, data pipelines (Airflow, Dagster, etc.), solutions engineering of cloud agnostic/native products and services, cost optimization

Email: [email protected]

Location: Central Arkansas, USA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: 25 years of experience with Database Administration.

  - Oracle, Netezza, Teradata, SQL Server

  - Shell scripting, Python, Ruby, PL/SQL
Resume: email me please

Email: [email protected]

I've worked for major retailers, database warehouses, and video game devs. Wide breadth of experience with databases covering lots of technologies. Would love to find a great company to stick with for years to come!


  Location: Mountain View, CA
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: For the right job, particularly on the west coast (Seattle, Los Angeles, San Diego, Santa Barbara)
  Technologies: Swift / Vision Pro (this year), Rust (6 years), C++ (20+ years), Python (~20 years), Meta stack, Qt / Crossplatform development, FS2Open, Unity awhile back, Wifi, etc etc.
  Résumé/CV: https://www.spease.net/resume
  Email: [email protected]
  Calendly: https://calendly.com/spease
Been playing with computers since my dad set up batch files for me with Windows 3.1. I've done a little bit of everything. I got into programming with web development and then game programming from 2002-2008, then went to UCLA, then did Unity or 2D/3D UIs and visualization from 2010-2012. From 2012-2017 I shifted into Systems / IoT / Robotics. 2017-2019 I did Qt desktop software for protein analysis.

2019-2020 I did Web security with Rust full-time. 2020 I briefly worked at a COVID startup. 2021-2023 I worked at Meta on the AI Codesign team on storage and networking topics albeit as a general software engineer rather than a domain expert. Since then I've been freelancing.

I'm interested in a role that can fully utilize my skills and experience, preferably with some leadership aspects, UI/UX, or product design exposure. XR, cars, and things that fly are cool. I think addressing climate change and fixing our medical system are critical. But I'd also just like to make a lot of money. I'd really like to build products that are simple, well-designed, easy-to-use, and reliable. Ambitious, I know. :)

I'd say what makes me different is the sheer breadth of areas I've been on the inside of. I also really enjoyed the liberal arts side of college. I'd really like a role that has more day-to-day variety than most of the roles I've been exposed to for the last ten years. I was a lot happier when I was doing project management, or doing an entire visualization UI and optimization to make it as responsive as I wanted myself, or working with a design team to refine the look and feel of the product.

Learning tech generally hasn't been as much of an obstacle as learning a new domain or its subculture.

I think that probably means CTO of a startup would be my ideal, but right now I'm looking for something with a steady paycheck and recognize I'll probably have to be realistic and compromise.

Location: San Francisco Bay Area

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Ruby on Rails, TailwindCSS, Hotwire

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/petersankauskas/

Email: pas256 @ gmail

Very experienced Rails engineer currently working on my own thing and open to part-time contracting work. Other than application dev, I can also automate CI/CD pipelines using GitHub Actions deploying to AWS.

Location: Montreal, Canada Remote: yes

Willing to relocate: no

Technologies: React, React Native, TypeScript, NodeJS

Résumé/CV: https://www.loskutoff.com/victoria-cv.pdf

Email: [email protected]

Hey! I’m a frontend developer with 5 years experience in React and React-Native. Looking for an on-site position in Montreal or remote elsewhere. I have a work permit already. I’m able to take full-stack responsibilities as well.


  Location: Mehoopany, PA
  Remote: yes
  Willing to relocate: Depends on situation
  Technologies: AWS, Linux, Python, Go, Git, Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform
  Résumé/CV: https://gwresume.com/
  Email: [email protected]
Location: Orange County, CA

Remote: OK

Willing to Relocate: No

Technologies: Python, Golang, JavaScript, SQL

Resume/CV: https://brojonat.com/doc/Jon_Brown_Resume.pdf

Email: [email protected]

Astronomy PhD turned full stack data scientist. I've been working as a data scientist in the industry for just under 5 years. I like building HTTP services and also have experience collecting, cleaning, and modeling data.


  Location: Münster, Germany
  Remote: yes
  Willing to relocate: no
  Technologies: Python (6+ years), SQL
  Résumé/CV: Contact me via email and Ill send it to you
  Email: [email protected]
  LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/franz-weitkamp-18373b1bb/
I'm a data scientist from Germany. I have a lot of supply chain and logisitics domain knowledge, but I am also open for other domains :)

  Location: Anchroage Alaska
  Remote: preferred
  Willing to relocate: Possibly
  Technologies: 20 years experience as a SWE, Architect, Engineering Manager etc. Full Stack with a preference for OSS tech, WebXR or Aerospace. significant cloud migration experience building and operating scalable cloud native web apps. 
  Résumé/CV: https://ubernaut.github.io/resume/ 
  Email: (see resume)
Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Ruby on Rails, Golang, Elasticsearch, Postgres, Docker, Kubernetes

CV: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/9vvi00ty8g8lbdifvql38/Azuan-Z...

Email: [email protected]

Location: United Arab Emirates or Remote Globally

Remote: Yes, or on-site

Willing to relocate: Yes, in United Arab Emirates

Technologies: Machine Learning, Python, Rust

Résumé/CV: <https://ahmrz.gitlab.io/portfolio>

Email: ahmrz [at] outlook [dot] com

I am a recent graduate with master’s in artificial intelligence. Looking for entry-level machine learning / data science opportunities in UAE or remote globally.

I build complex browser extensions. Can share prior work in email communications (projects with hundreds of thousands of users that cost $0 to run). Starting at approx 50 USD / hour but open to flat rates.

Location: Remote Southern Hemisphere

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No - remote only

Technologies: Chrome Extensions / React / TypeScript / Google Cloud / Firefox

Resume / CV: On request

Email: hello (~ a t ~) papillonsoftware (~ d o t ~) dev

Location: Seattle

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Probably not

Technologies: C++, PHP, JavaScript, TypeScript

Résumé/CV: https://tradelineworks.com/wp-content/uploads/_pda/2024/07/Z...

Email: <HN username at> outlook.com

Former Microsoft, left to start my own company, and now looking for other opportunities!


  Location: Berlin, Germany
  Remote: Possible
  Willing to relocate: within Germany
  Technologies: Python, Java, PHP, MySQL, JS, HTML.
  Résumé/CV: https://github.com/zmonitor/cv/blob/main/recentGrad.pdf
  Email: [email protected]
Recent CS graduate without professional work experience, looking for my first job, an internship or a working student position.

  Location: Boston, Taos
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies:Android Java Kotlin Swagger Flutterflow
  Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11jvM5x9jeYG41OpVxvvCbgMLOC1ir1S5/view
  Email: [email protected]
  Contact: zigurd.com
I can relocate to the Bay Area quickly for on-site work or be on site part time.
Location: San Carlos, CA

Remote: no

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python, MATLAB, some Altium

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-Jwo_I22kC7n48pt02pmqOqX8uv...

Email: [email protected]

Just graduated and looking for an early career engineering opportunity. Very willing to work hard, ask questions, and learn a lot.

Location: Vancouver Remote : yes Willing to relocate: Yes Tech: node, JS, react, NextJS, Interest domains: filmmaking, motion pictures, I currently work as a grip in the Vancouver film industry and would love to combine my programming skills and love for film where the equilibrium meets.

Email: [email protected]


  Location: Kathmandu, Nepal

  Remote: Pref remote/hybrid. But can work on site as well

  Willing to relocate:yes

  Technologies:Typescript, React, ReactNative, NodeJS


  Email:[email protected]
Location: Augsburg - Munich area, Germany

Remote: Yes and/or on-site.

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: C, C++, C#, Python, LabVIEW, data acquisition and analysis, test systems for semiconductors, compiler construction, embedded systems, machine learning, scientific computing.

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/peter-ilberg/

Email: Please contact me on LinkedIn.

Business/User Focused Tech Lead & Finance Nerd - Primarily backend oriented.

My sweet spot is quickly building good systems. Your monolith can take you to a series E and I'll build that.

Location: San Francisco

Remote: No

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Ruby on Rails, Postgres, SQLite, Hledger (big plaintextaccounting.org guy), Hotwire, React CV: Don't have one, but I can ChatGPT something if you want - just email me

Email: hey at bengarcia dot dev

Location: Chania, Crete, Greece

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Typescript, Tailwind, Vite, WebAssembly, Web Dev, Node.js, Deno

CV: https://gist.github.com/stagas/04673c4b2bcf9ece7ecaf0f21d18d...

Email: [email protected]

15 years experience with Javascript, 35+ years programming. Looking for a stable senior frontend engineer position.


  Location:San Francisco Bay Area
  Remote: yes. Can work in-office as well
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies:Product operations manager/Program Manager
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bhavika-kalani/
  Email:[email protected]
Location: Manchester, UK

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: C#, .NET, React, JS, some Typescript, MSSQL, Gatsby

Résumé/CV: on request - I don't have linkedin since the breach

Email: garethterrace at gmail

I'm a full stack dev, I work best in C#/.NET with React and really like smaller companies. Starting to look for my next opportunity after 10 years working on Timetastic. Only decided to start looking today, so still writing up the CV!


Location: Indonesia

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: no

Technologies: Javascript (backend/frontend), Postgresql, Rust, go, linux administration.

Email: [email protected]

I've built a full stack web application for financial management using Postgresql as the database, rust in the server and react js for the front end.


  Remote: YES
  Tech: Expert Build/Release Automation
  Resume: NVIDIA, Moody's, Oracle, LEGO
  Last 2 companies sold for 2.5b and 2b
  Email: digiphilo at gmail dot com
• Location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia • Remote: Yes • Willing to relocate: Yes • Technologies: ASP .NET Core, SQL Server, Next.js, PostgreSQL, Tailwind CSS... • Résumé: Will be submitted at request • Email: https://veilmail.io/abel

  Location: Casselberry, FL
  Remote: Remote/In-Office/Hybrid
  Willing to relocate: East-Coast US
  Technologies: Python | C# | GDScript
  Résumé/CV: Email for Résumé
  Email: [email protected]
IT Automation Engineer here, on the lookout for opportunities to build something great. Happy to send an updated résumé to interested parties!
Location: Denver, CO

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes, to New York

Technologies: React, Typescript, Node.js/Express, Postgres/MySQL, Git, Vim

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DSnuyCzbI0UQ4oTSKnxL7MuI4TV...

Email: [email protected]

I am a fullstack software engineer with 8 years of experience.

Contract only, full/part time

  Location: Anywhere, any timezone

  Remote: Remote only

  Willing to relocate: no

  Technologies: JS, TS, Node, Deno, React, Docker, AWS, Rust, Graphql, Postgres/mongo/ usual stuff. willing to learn if technology is good

  github: github.com/fosslife

  Résumé/CV: prabhanjan.dev

  Email: [email protected]

  Location: Berlin, Germany
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Go, Java, Scala, PostgreSQL, Python, Common Lisp, ...
  Résumé/CV: https://macrolet.net/data/main.pdf
  Email: hn AT macrolet DOT net
Location: USA

Remote: exclusively

Willing to relocate: N/A

Technologies: Python, C++, SQL, NoSQL, Go, Golang, Docker, Git, SVN, Subversion, Linux, Bash, Windows, Kafka, Redpanda, PySpark, Spark, Terraform, AWS, Azure, Redis, Postgres, MySQL, SQL Server, LDAP, Active Directory, OAuth2

Resume/CV: www.adiuvat.io

Email: [email protected]

Backend engineer(s) available including me, with extensive experience! Please visit the website for more detail!

Location: Delhi, India

Remote: Preferably (Comfortable and experienced working in EU and EST/PST timezones)

Willing to relocate: For the right opportunity.

Technologies: Clojure, Postgres, Python, JavaScript, Elixir, Rust, AWS, Flask, Django

Résumé/CV: https://raghavio.com/resume.pdf

GitHub: https://github.com/raghavio

Email: raghav.resume {at} outlook.com

About Me:

  - Product-focused full stack engineer with 10+ years of experience.
  - Values the artistry and craftsmanship in programming.
  - Experienced in balancing high-quality code with fast shipping at early-stage startups.

  - Recent experience:
    * Attended Recurse Center.
    * TeamOhana, B2B SaaS in headcount management. Built core features and dashboards using bi-temporal data.
    * RedCarpetUp (YC S15), lending startup, early engineer, handled 8TB Postgres DB, built double-entry ledger, credit card infrastructure.
I love working on side projects and engaging in the yak shaving that often comes with them. All these projects can be found on my Github. My most beloved is an advanced metronome app used by musicians around the world, called Accelonome (https://accelonome.com).
Location @NYC, Can Remote + Willing to relocate

Applying for: UIUX / Product Analyst/Design Position


Email: [email protected]

Portfolio: willjiang.xyz


  Location: Canada (Eastern Time)
  Remote: Office preferred
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Go, Java, Python
  Résumé/CV: https://www.tareqak.com/tareqak-resume.pdf
  Email: tareqakhandaker AT gmail DOT com
Location: Seattle, WA

Remote: Yes, open to hybrid as well.

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Go, Rust, Python, Perl, SQL, Redis, Kafka, AWS, Git, REST, Nginx, gRPC, Bash, Java, C

Résumé/CV: https://bucket.garrettsquire.com/cv.pdf

Email: See https://garrettsquire.com

Developer with 20+ years of experience (of which 14+ remote) in embedded, Linux, networking, backend systems, devops, full stack web, recently ML, with many open source contributions. Looking for interesting projects having positive social impact with a strong preference for ML.

Location: Europe

Remote: yes

Willing to relocate: no

Technologies: no experience at all with PHP, the .NET stack and iOS apps :)

CV available upon request.

Email: [email protected]

Location: Tokyo, Japan

Remote: Yes, please

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Elixir, JS, Lua

Résumé/CV: www.linkedin.com/in/jimhowes

Email: jotakami (at) gmail (dot) com

Midcareer transition after military and consulting experience. MBA + MSCS and about 60% of the way to a PhD in cryptography with published research on private/covert communication. Been writing code since I was a teenager but never professionally.

Location: Montreal, Canada

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: network/systems engineering, network/systems automation, Go(lang), BGP, MPLS, netconf, yang, time series, configuration management, SRE, Linux/Unix, GPU compute, on-premise repatriation

Résumé/CV: https://operoni.be/aliaksei_sheshka_infra.pdf

Email: see resume

Location: Brazil Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: Yes, looking to relocate to Europe, where I'm a citizen.

Technologies: Typescript, Python, NodeJS, ExpressJS, NestJS, NextJS, React & React Native, Rxjs, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MS SQL, AWS Certified Practitioner (all the basics + Pipelines + Lambda + ECS), IaC (AWS CDK & Pulumi), Git, Docker, API Security & scaling.

Resume/CV: https://wellfound.com/u/fernando-piancastelli

Email: https://veilmail.io/fernando

Software engineer focused on leadership and process automation. For the past 12 years I have been leading teams, designing solutions & architectures. I mostly work on backend with APIs built on NodeJS & AWS but I keep in touch with React web & mobile. Love teaching juniors about SW design, patterns and coding best practices. I'm outdated regarding C# and Java since it's been long.

In Brazil because of my experience I'm used to be a team manager but I'd like to focus more on the engineering side. With foreign companies doing remote work I have experience being hired as a contractor.

I have family currently living in England so I'm open to moving there, or close.

Location: Seattle, WA

Remote: Sure?

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Sensors, systems, signal processing

Résumé/CV: abhinuv.dev linkedin.com/in/abhinuvpitale

Email: abhinuv (at) vt (dot) edu

Looking for applied research opportunities. Previously worked on building flight software for eVTOLs and sensor evaluation for autonomous flight. Currently focused on sensing for consumer health research.

Likes to work at the intersection of product, hardware and software.


  Location: Bengaluru, India or Remote in UTC +5.30
  Remote: Yes, open to in-person
  Willing to relocate: Yes (India/Europe/Canada)
  Technologies: Python, Java, AWS, Redis, K8s, Docker
  Skills: Backend Engineering, Infrastructure, Operations
  Résumé/CV: https://nihardwivedi.com/nihar_dwivedi_resume.pdf
  Email: hi [at] nihardwivedi [dot] com
SWE interested in all things distributed. I was most recently a Senior SRE at a cybersecurity startup in Dallas, TX. I work at the intersection of Operations, R&D, and SWE so my work involves everything from arm-twisting [major cloud provider] into launching new (previously unavailable) Redis instances overnight to debugging unknown edge cases in production code. Working at a startup I’ve learnt to move fast while NOT breaking things(and quickly fixing things I do end up breaking!), and have worn various hats such as Cloud Security Engineer, SWE, Sr SRE etc as the business evolved. I handled customers directly and owned parts of engineering and infrastructure. Experienced in backend, infrastructure engineering and cloud operations. I'm actively looking for my next adventure(mid to senior engineering roles), if this sounds like a good fit please don't hesitate to reach out!

    Location: Goa, India / Global
    Remote: Yes
    Willing to relocate: No
            Python, JS/TS, Golang. Have built web platforms and more in all three, often in Django, Flask, NodeJS, and net/http
            Vue, React, HTML/CSS/Canvas, WASM
            Linux sysadmin, Containers, AWS/GCP
            Blender, Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, Audacity, Autodesk Fusion
Résumé/CV: https://sidverma.io/resume

Email: me [@t] sidverma.io

I have around a decade of experience building web platforms, mobile apps and system tools. A major part of that included, but wasn't limited to building infrastructure, APIs, SDKs and UIs. I also enjoy setting up processes and procedures.

I have a varied tech stack in my history as switching tools has always come easy to me, and I enjoy the novelty. Please reach out if you are in need of a backend/fullstack developer with a lot of breadth in their skillset and interests :)

Location: Portland, Oregon

Remote: Open to

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: C++, CMake, Google Test, Python, Django

Résumé: Available on request

Email: [email protected]

I have spent the last 5 years developing software in C++ for use in nuclear engineering applications. Prior to that I worked short contracts doing cross platform mobile application development in C#, and test development in Java.


  Location: Florida/US
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: C#/ASP.NET & Core PHP HTML CSS Javascript React, Vue, Angular, SQL Server/T-SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, System Admin Windows/Linux, AWS/Azure
  Résumé/CV: https://dandev.com/
  Email: [email protected]
Seeking junior or mid level AI/ML roles

Location: North Carolina / US

Remote: Preferably 100% unless in Florida

Willing to relocate: FL

Technologies: Python, PyTorch, Tensorflow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, C/C++, Postgres, PGVector, Milvus, FastAPI, Flask, AWS, Airflow, Hadoop, PySpark, Pandas, Polars, Numpy, OpenCV, React, Next.js, HTML, CSS

Résumé/CV: Will provide upon request

Email: <my username> @ gmail


    Location: South America
    Remote: Yes
    Willing to relocate: Depends on location 
    Technologies: Ruby, Rails, Node, React, TypeScript, CSS, Next.js, Postgres, etc
    Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1u8lj0Hes9jugQt2l7_ZrMxgPVkk7zJU1/view?usp=drivesdk
    Email: it's in my CV
Location: Corona, CA USA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: JavaScript, Python, Golang, React.JS, Node.JS, Django, Ansible, PostgreSQL, SQLite, AWS, UNIX

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alex-ahn-95ab3444

Email: contact at home dot alexahn dot com

Location: London

Remote: UK timezone

Willing to relocate: For the right opportunity

Technologies: Go, microservices, APIs, micro apps

Resume: https://github.com/asim

Email: asim [at] mu [dot] xyz

Most recent work https://mu.xyz

Prior to that https://micro.dev

Location: Glasgow, Scotland/UK

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: within Scotland

Technologies: Python, Perl, Unix, Bash, Java, Nextflow, R, JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js, AWS Lambda, Serverless, OpenSearch, Databricks, MLFlow, PyTorch, LLM, and more

Résumé/CV: https://wbazant.github.io/wojciech_bazant_cv.pdf

Email: [email protected]

Github: https://github.com/wbazant/

I have been writing software and working with data since 2014. My last professional role was a data engineer in a seed stage company, I had a number of jobs in academic life sciences before that, a back-end engineer type role in an investment bank even earlier, and currently going through a period of just doing open source as a hobby and being really excited about programming enabled by the fantastic tools we have at our disposal. Looking for either a role in an environment supportive of AI enabled software or another opportunity to take part in building something that's only just beginning to be possible.


  Location: NJ, US
  Remote: Yes, but can do hybrid or on-site in NYC
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Python, JavaScript, REST APIs, C++, Docker, React, SQL, MongoDB, FastAPI, Flask
  Résumé/CV: linkedin.com/in/matthewlidonni/ (Contact me if you want my resume)
  Email: [email protected]
I'm a recent graduate from NJIT, and I'm looking to get my first full-time position in SWE. I have some Intern experience as a Frontend Developer, which was through a capstone course from which I received an Advanced Letter of Recommendation.

I prefer Backend Development, but I still enjoy Frontend, Full-Stack and other areas of SWE. My experience ranges from working on pre-existing internal applications to designing a full-stack application in a group project that ran on a small cluster of VMs.

I find myself having the most fun when I'm facing down problems with no clear solution. I've never been comfortable with knowing 'just enough', and since I first began programming in High School my skills have been largely influenced by my drive towards self-improvement and outdoing my past self.


  Location: Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
  Remote: Yes (US or EU time zones if needed)
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: C, Common Lisp, Clojure, Erlang, Haskell, Java, JavaScript/TypeScript, systems programming, functional programming
  Résumé/CV: upon request
  Email: ska80 [at] gmx [dot] com

  Location: Cambridge, UK
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: C, C++, Python, SQL, kernel, TensorFlow, ffmpeg
  Résumé/CV: https://autkin.net/merit
  Github: https://github.com/andrey-utkin/
  Email: [email protected]

  Location: Canada → Germany OR Sweden
  Remote: Preferred
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Ansible, Bash, FFmpeg, Jenkins, Linux, NVMe, REST APIs, Selenium, SQL
  Résumé/CV: https://hejnate.me/europe_cv.pdf
  Email: See Résumé/CV
Location: Mexico (operating on Pacific Time / UTC-7)

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No (but willing to consider it for the right team)

Technologies: AWS (10+ years), Kubernetes, Rust, Ruby, Go, Python, Serverless, Apache Kafka, IaC (Terraform, CDK), Docker, CI/CD (Jenkins, GitLab), Big Data, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, DynamoDB, Java, TypeScript, Rails

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cicloid/ (detailed resume available upon request)

Email: [email protected]

Senior Systems Engineer with 15+ years of experience at major tech companies. Specializing in large-scale distributed systems and cloud architecture.

Key experiences:

- Managed petabyte-scale systems with a small, efficient team

- Led enterprise-wide migrations to Kubernetes and serverless architectures

- Optimized legacy systems, significantly improving performance and reducing costs

- Successfully managed globally distributed teams across multiple time zones

Passionate problem-solver and team mentor. Fluent in English and Spanish. Seeking roles in cloud infrastructure, DevOps, or distributed systems, but always eager to explore new technologies. Quick learner with diverse interests. Ask me about my latest hobby!

Location: Kampala, Uganda

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Node.js/JavaScript, Python, Flutter/Dart, HTML/CSS

Resume: https://labour.quest/asindu

Email: [email protected]

Location: Toronto, Canada

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: NextJS, Vue, TypeScript, AWS, React, Some ML

Résumé/CV: https://e2d.me

Email: [email protected]

Looking to work on some creative projects, I focus on creating interesting things that people would want to use or that make you think. Open for whatever.


  Location:  Canada - Toronto
  Remote: YES
  Willing to relocate: YES
  Technologies: IT Software testing / QA Specialist /Test-Project Coordinator
  Résumé/CV:LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tanya-m-40203546/
  Email:[email protected]
Location: Austin, TX, USA

Remote: Either/or

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Python (scientific stack or web), R, jupyter, statistical design of experiments (DOE)

Résumé/CV: https://www.rosshartshorn.net/RossHartshornResume.pdf

Email: [email protected]


  Location: Mississippi, USA
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: JS/TS/Node.js, Python, Go, React/Next.js, Amazon Web Services
  Résumé/CV: https://sergiopichardo.com/resume-sergio-pichardo.pdf
  Email: [email protected]
Location: Vancouver, CA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Java, JavaScript, Typescript, NodeJS, React.

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gNKSkAK8OEGwAy0lkIQep9LjUZw...

Email: [email protected]

SEEKING WORK | REMOTE | Worldwide availability (EU based) Technologies: JavaScript / TypeScript, React.js, Node.js, Elixir

Résumé/CV: Available upon request via email

GitHub: Available upon request via email

Email: tehvanyy [at] gmail [dot] com


- 7 years experience

- Highly experienced working with small to medium-scale startups

Open to long-term collaboration.

Location: Bangalore, India (Working in multiple Time-Zone-US/UK/AUS/NZ and EUR) Remote: Yes

Focus Areas: SportsTech:- Sports Product Development (USA, Australia, Europe)

Passionate about crafting cutting-edge Fitness and Sports digital solutions. Offering end-to-end technology development services with a focus on simplifying complex Sports solutions through exceptional UI/UX.

Specializations include:

- Web & Mobile App Development, Sports Telestration, Athlete Training & Development, Second Screen Experiences, Sports Coding, BioMechanics ReactJS, AngularJS, NodeJS, Computer Vision, AWS & Machine Learning Compute, MVP & Proof of Concept

- Technologies: ReactJS, AngularJS, NodeJS, AWS, Machine Learning Compute, SportsCode, SportsData.io and more.

Availability: With recent bandwidth availability due to paused engagements, we offer dedicated teams for Sports Product Development, ensuring conceptual distinctiveness and top-notch quality.

Schedule a Chat - https://calendly.com/mobilefirst-intro

Email- rupal(.)mobilefirst@gmail(.)com

Location: Oakland, CA, USA

Remote: Okay, Hybrid preferred

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Go, Python

Resume: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VQgn5eGzsIHFwuMUexYgtjAD...

Email: [email protected]

Location: US (CST) Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: C, C++, Go, Python, Linux/BSD administration, Ansible, Terraform, Docker.

Résumé/CV: http://jar.ylimaf.com/joshua-a-reed-2024-resume.pdf

Email: jarreed0 AT gmail

Location: Tempe, Arizona, US

Remote: Open to any

Willing to relocate: Yes, anywhere in the US

Technologies: Python, Node.js, GoLang, Javascript, React, HTML, CSS, MongoDB, MySQL

Résumé/CV: https://bit.ly/sai-ramya-resume

Email: [email protected]

Location : Turkey

Remote : Yes, but open to hybrid and on-site

Willing to relocate : Yes

Technologies : Dart, Flutter, Firebase

Resume/CV : https://www.linkedin.com/in/ahmet-durmus-64151a170/

Email: [email protected]

Location: Amsterdam, NL

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Python, Postgres, Elastic Search, Kafka, Redis, AWS, Typescript

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mustafadokumaci

Email: [email protected]

Location: Armenia, UTC+4

Remote only

Technologies: Python, PyTorch, Tensorflow, NumPy, Rust, ML, NLP

ML/NLP Engineer/Researcher, 6+ yrs of experience.

nkruglikov at icloud dot com


Frontend Angular Developer and Ionic Developer Expert

Location: Europe

Remote: Yes, remote only

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, RxJS, Angular, Ionic, Cordova, Capacitor

Résumé/CV: https://nunoarruda.com/resume.pdf

Email: [email protected]

Location: Little Rock, AR

Remote: Preferred

Willing to Relocate: Not preferred

Technologies: 13 years software engineer, mostly PHP, Laravel, Vue, Tailwind but also Typescript and C# / .NET. Plenty of experience with managing Linux servers and working with containers.

Resume: Available on request.

Email: In profile.



  Location: India (GMT +5:30) - used to working in EU & US hours

  Remote: Yes

  Willing to relocate: No

  Technologies: TypeScript / JavaScript, ReactJS, Node.js, Next.js, Redux, MobX, Angular, HTML, CSS, SCSS, TailwindCSS, Python, Django, Flask, Fast API, Go lang, Gin, Kubernetes, Docker, most of AWS Cloud, Redis, Azure, HashiCorp Cloud, Terraform, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, DynamoDB, CosmosDB, Cassandra, Java, Spring Boot etc. (More details in my resume)
  Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Kr7MmTc3FAN7a-2xV_pttmjiFoRAAFon/view

  Email: hello AT atchyut.dev or pulavarthi.preetham AT gmail.com

  Website: https://atchyut.dev

  Current designation: Senior Engineer (Technical Lead)

  Current org: Postman

  LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/atchyutpulavarthi
Location: Chicago, IL

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python, JavaScript, React, Node.js, Flask, pandas, selenium, NumPy, Matplotlib

Résumé/CV: https://hasanqazi.me/Resume.pdf

Email: [email protected]

Location: Argentina

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Python, Django, Flask, Node.js, Express, Javascript, React, Next.js, React Native, htmx, Vue, Elixir, Phoenix, PostgreSQL, Redis, MongoDB, GraphQL, Serverless, Microservices, Docker, AWS, nginx, REST.

Résumé/CV: https://linkedin.com/in/lardissone

Email: [email protected]

LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/lardissone

Versatile and forward-thinking full-stack software development professional with over 20 years of experience. I leverage cutting-edge technologies to deliver robust and scalable solutions across diverse industries, including gaming, healthcare, fraud detection, and online courses. I am passionate about new technologies and I am a quick learner. I'm available for full-time or part-time work.

Location: SF Bay Area

Remote: Open to All

Willing to Relocate: Yes

Technologies: Docker, Apache Flink, PyTorch, Python, Kubernetes

Resume/CV: https://go.alejandroarmas.dev/Z1PAD7L

Email: https://veilmail.io/alejandroarmas

Blog: https://blog.alejandroarmas.dev

About Me:

I'm an ML Engineer with an emphasis in infrastructure and platform development. My mother’s dedication and sacrifices enabled me to pursue a CS degree at UC Davis, a journey that demanded her unwavering support and hard work.

It’s not just the degree, projects, or internships that I cherish, but the values and lessons her efforts have instilled in me. I'm looking for the right opportunity to grow my career. I know I have a lot to learn, but I’m committed to working hard and I think I’d be very teachable.

Location: Bangalore Remote : Yes

Focus Area : GenAI

Technologies: Python, NextJS, OpenAI, Llama2

GenAI Expertise: I build OpenAI bots and prototypes. LangChain, OpenAI, HuggingFace, Python. So far, I have built 6 PoCs and MVPs. Most of these projects were 4 to 6 weeks long.

Recent Projects:

  - UpView AI:  LangChain, OpenAI, Google Trends, Youtube Studio, Chroma Plugin

  - Basis AI: NextJS, Clerk.dev, OpenAI, LangChain, PDF Parser

  - Law Chatbots: Python, DocAssemble, LangChain, Huggingface

  - Tax Buddy: NextJS, Clerk.dev, OpenAI, LangChain, PDF Parser, Chroma API, Pinecone, Llama2
Contact: [email protected] Calendly - https://calendly.com/mobilefirst-intro
Location: Indiana

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Elixir, Clojure, OCaml, React, JavaScript, C/C++, many more

Resume/CV: https://nickfa.ro/w/images/Nick-Faro.pdf

Email: [email protected]

SEEKING WORK | Norway | Remote | Contract (full-time or part-time)

Experienced software engineer specialising in backend development with a proven track record. Over ten years of industry experience, delivering exceptional results to drive projects forward.

What sets me apart:

- Broad expertise: Projects and technologies include data integration, Intel SGX, consensus protocols, REST APIs, and web development. Proficient in C, C++, CSS, Docker, ES6+, express.js, Java, JavaScript, Kotlin, LDAP, Linux, Neo4j, nginx, Node.js, PHP, PL/SQL, Postfix, React, TypeScript, Xen, and (X)HTML5, I possess a versatile skill set.

Why choose me:

- Strong problem-solving skills: Thrive on challenging problems, finding creative solutions. Excel in optimizing performance, designing scalable architectures and resolving complex technical issues.

Expertise in Identity and Access Management (IAM), security, and data integration. Deep understanding and practical experience to deliver secure and seamless solutions. Open to exploring new challenges and technologies beyond these areas.

Available for full-time, part-time, and consulting engagements. Let's connect and discuss how I can contribute to your success.

Location: Trøndelag, Norway

Remote: Yes (remote only, unless within Trøndelag or occasional meetups within Scandinavia)

Willing to relocate: No

Résumé/CV: https://dl.exactrealty.co.uk/cv/20231031_CV_Vieitez_Parra.pd...

Email: hn-u5cgNWJM(-at-)protonmail.com (or the address on my CV)

GitHub: https://github.com/corrideat, https://github.com/Exact-Realty

Full-stack web dev looking to shift towards the backend.

Recently started learning Rust: https://gushogg-blake.com/r/learning-rust-1.

Location: Switzerland Zurich

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Full-Stack Web Developer. FE: js/svelte/react BE: node/php

Résumé/CV & Email: on request vassili.echser•at•ℊℳÅⅈℒ.ℂℴℳ

Location: Poland, Europe Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: No Technologies: .NET, C#, ASP.NET, Docker, Azure, SQL, Jenkins, Gitlab

I’m .NET backend developer with 5+ years of experience. I’ve been working on several projects, smaller and larger. Most of the time supporting DevOps team managing CI/CD processes and coding/designing REST API as part of a product.

CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ljtQgrkZT7boG1Ai90pgmYYUoQg... Email: [email protected]

Calgary, AB, Canada

Remote or local

Relocate: no.

Technologies: firmware, pcb, control systems, C#, WPF/XAML, computer vision/object tracking, Rails, vital signal logic, compilers.

Availability: 2 days/week


[email protected]

Location: Cedar City, UT Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: Optional Technologies: Go, Bash, Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform Résumé/CV: Available upon request Email: [email protected]
Passionate QA engineer with 8 years of experience working for various tech and faang companies.

Location: Roanoke, Virginia, US (Working in multiple Time-Zone-US and EUR)

Remote: Yes

Roles : SDET, DevOps & SRE

Work Authorization not required

- Technologies: Web and Mobile automation technologies.

Availability: Immediate

Email- [email protected]

Location: Europe

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: C# / .NET (Core), ASP.NET Core, SQL, Entity Framework, SQL Server, TypeScript, JavaScript, Docker

Résumé/CV: https://vladimir.dev

Email: hi [at] vladimir.dev

Location: Raleigh NC

Remote: preferred

Willing to relocate: no

Technologies: JavaScript etc

Résumé/Portfolio: https://shovemedia.com/2024portfolio

Email: [email protected]

Location: Iowa

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: To California

Technologies: PHP, Laravel, Livewire, JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, React, Vue, Angular, Remix, Next.js, Astro, Nuxt, PostgreSQL, Tailwind CSS, Htmx, Kubernetes, Docker.

Resume: Available upon request.

Email: [email protected]


  Location: Zurich, Switzerland
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: .NET C# etc
  Résumé/CV: https://victorantos.com/resume
  Email: [email protected]
SEEKING WORK | India | Front-end Skills | Fully Remote | GMT+05:30

Frontend dev with Ember/Angular/React skills. $30/hour. Email on profile.

Resume: https://oldweaver.co.in/resume

Sandbox aka Portfolio : https://labs.oldweaver.co.in.

Pin-point updates; attention to detail; E2E Tests driven development. Currently hacking my sandbox above, on Next.js and Postgres. I do Advent of Code; though not fully; every Christmas.

Open to talk about initial handshake period for evaluation. Email is `vsk${parseInt("62")}[email protected]`

Location: India

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Not immediately

Technologies: Python, Javascript and Salesforce


Email: [email protected]

Location: Abuja, Nigeria

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python, Go, Django, DRF, Flask, Celery, Redis, RabbitMQ, Apache Kafka, AWS, FastAPI, JavaScript

Portfolio: https://biodun.dev

Email: akeremukhtar10[at]gmail.com

With over 5 years of experience in Software Engineering and specifically creating architectures using Python(Django, Flask, FastAPI, etc), Go and JavaScript I can assure you of reliable, tested, and scalable products. My experience working on full-stack projects in the past ensures delivery of a product that works end-to-end by working together with other engineers in delivering the perfect results.

Willing to relocate and also open to remote roles

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Product Designer | US, Europe, Asia | Remote


Relocate: Occasional in-person fly-over / Negotiable

Seeking: Long-term

Availability: Flexible to start now

Interest in: Health, Wellness, Personal growth, Science and Tech with Gen-AI

Keywords: Product, Design System, Design Process, Analysis, Design/Accessibility, Design Audit, Design Consultancy, Startups, B2B/B2C, Figma


Project walkthrough: https://tinyurl.com/5xw3pym9

More projects: https://raigo.design/index

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/raigolilleberg/

Email: [email protected]

Résumé/CV: https://raigo.design/cv.pdf


Me briefly. Designer, focusing on digital product experiences, processes and systems, with a practical understanding of both business and front-end development. Self-taught. Worked with startups and companies of various sizes, stages and teams in Europe and the US.

I'm based in Europe (EU) within UTC time zone. Work remotely and be able to potentially overlap 4 hours with other time zones. In the case of need, always open to discuss occasional in-person flyovers.

I'm currently exploring new, long-term engagements (and relationships) with small-to-med size teams, with the aim to expose and immerse myself more with complex digital experiences (products, services etc).

Not only to be involved with design, but also to understand, ideate and plan at a big picture level (eg business, processes, product development etc). Thus also interested in and open discussing alternative positions, if it’s a better fit.

In the case of freelance collaboration first, I can also invoice through my company (registered in Estonia, EU), with weekly-monthly based rate.


Thank you for your time, till soon!

Raigo Lilleberg

[email protected]


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: TS, NextJS, Go, Python, Postgres

CV: https://github.com/nikitavoloboev

Email: On GitHub, can dm on X too

Location: Colorado, USA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Go/Golang, Python, Java, C, web dev, SQL, git, Linux, Docker, cloud hosting, distrib sys, threading, concurrency, perf & scalability, some ML (plain math, queries, Bayesian models/inference, OLS regression, game actors, data-driven strategy, real-time planning, constraints, rules)

Résumé/CV: https://github.com/mkramlich/portfolio/blob/master/sw-eng-Mi...

Email: [email protected]

decades of prog. solid fundamentals. problem solving. comm. (native US English)

tech lead/architect. SRE-ish. solved hard legacy bugs & shipped, repeatedly. author of cheatsheet on perf


* ex Orbitz on core tech (JVM, GC, perf regress follow-up, ops, logs, instrum, caches, sessions, threading, db conns)

* research & due diligence for US State Dept to bolster public defenses against foreign adversarial propaganda & disinfo

* game engine creator & toolmaker since kid. once built & ran small sw biz

* recent client: (de facto) sys prog R&D on mem alloc latency & SEGV resilience. C on Linux. deliv new code, benchmarks, a diagram & report demo-ing how to upgrade perf & uptime of their soft-realtime, $-sensitive, ad-bidding backend (where ns diffs impacted $)

* LatLearn: latency instrum & reporting lib (FOSS)


  Location: Odesa, Ukraine
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Golang, Python, C, Bash, PostgreSQL, Redis, Docker, k8s, Networking, Linux, ... (ask me for specific one of your interest).
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vladislav-yarmak/
  Email: [email protected]
I have about 18 years of experience and right now have CTO position in small crypto startup, but my agreement will end late August this year.
Location: Mongolia

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Techonologies: C#, Unity, Shader coding, Docker, Go, Python, JS/TS, React

Email: [email protected]

"You're like a laser-guided missile I can point at technical problems" -- a past employer


  Location: Pittsburgh, PA
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Linux, PostgreSQL, Python, Emacs, Docker + docker-compose, misc Lisp and Scheme dialects, Bash, Lua, Make, some JavaScript / TypeScript + Node.js / Deno, Terraform, Nginx, Caddy, Metabase, AWS, GCP, Supabase, DigitalOcean, Netlify, HuggingFace; learning Nix
  Résumé/CV: www.armichael.com/armichael_resume.pdf
  Email: [email protected]

I'm a software engineer (backend/data/infra) with a background in college-level mathematics and CS education. Long-time Linux user, Emacs enthusiast, and adept juggler (I occasionally perform for charity and holiday events). I'm fond of expedition and sharp-set for new challenges, with wide exposure to a variety of technologies, problem spaces, and programming paradigms.

My recent work includes backend logic, backend API design + integrations, database schema design, AI vector search, media processing pipelines, and database + server administration for a startup's cross-platform mobile application.


  Location: Sweden, Europe
  Remote: Yes or Hybrid
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Embedded, Systems Engineering, C/CPP, Python
  Résumé/CV: Send me an email.
  Email: stenbackfelix{at}gmail[dot]com

  Location: SF Bay Area
  Remote: Yes - or hybrid/in-office, I'm flexible
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Go, C/C++, Python, Docker, Kubernetes, PostgreSQL/MySQL, ML/LLM, and many others
  Résumé/CV: https://linkedin.com/in/abnulladmin
  Email: [email protected]
I'm an engineer with many years of experience in Silicon Valley, working in management roles, engineering, and consulting. My expertise is mostly in back end systems, working in the modern Go/Docker/Kubernetes ecosystem. In addition to working directly on large and complex code projects I also managed and grew engineering teams at various companies.

If you need help with specific technical projects, or are looking for management roles please feel free to reach out. I'm very familiar with both the unique challenges of scaling up startups as well as working to innovate in large enterprise companies.

Specifically if you need help productizing and scaling out various AI/Machine Learning/LLM systems this would be a good fit. I know there is quite a bit of demand in this area and a limited supply of qualified candidates.

Location: Seattle but I am trying to move to SF

Remote: Yes/Hybrid

Willing to relocate: Yes, to SF/Bay area

Technologies: Next.js, TailwindCSS, Shadcn, Supabase, Vercel, very familiar with all the AI tooling. Basically have been exposed to a lot of tech but this is my preferred stack.

Résumé/CV: Please check out my portfolio at https://www.hackyexperiments.com/

Contact: https://www.linkedin.com/in/biltahir/

Why you should hire me

I'm really good at building a full MVP product fairly quickly and can even do the designs. I have a bunch of Saas products with customers so am very familiar with the journey of going from 0 to 1. Check out some of them here

YOU-TLDR - youtube summary tool that gets 100K+ visitors per month: https://www.you-tldr.com

Shorts Generator - Create viral short videos using AI in minutes: https://www.shortsgenerator.com

SnoopHawk - launch AI agents to monitor websites for you: https://www.snoophawk.com

Why you should not hire me

I am not 'the tech guy'. There are plenty of folks in this comment section better at doing just that. I have strong opinions (loosely held) and I do not hesitate to share them. My value comes from being able to build a solid mvp fairly quickly, take care of ux and design decisions and collaborate on product with you which results in a tight feedback loop between tech and product which results in faster iteration cycles which results in a killer product at an expedited pace.


  Location: Silicon Valley / San Francisco Bay Area (CA) USA, NYC (PST, ET, CET)
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Maybe
  Technologies: next.js, react.js, amp, seo, incremental migration, web performance, web accessibility
  Résumé/CV: contact
  Email: [email protected]
  Résumé/CV: https://abhineet.me
Need help with migrating to nextjs? Looking for a React developer who would be productive from day 1?

Hi. I'm looking for full-time remote roles in a well-funded stable company (I will work in the company's core office hours. 0 issues with timezones. Been working remotely before covid)

Building websites since 2016, working with React since 2018 and have 2 years of production next.js experience

Super comfortable with Next.js, React, Redux (with sagas), tailwind, material ui, styled-components, SEO schemas, AMP, MERN, scalable deployment on GCP/AWS/Vercel, incremental migration and parallel deployment (WordPress blogs, new next.js code and old code working on the same domain)

I value web performance (web vitals) and accessibility and could create high conversion dynamic pages

Location: NYC

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No, but willing to travel

Technologies: Javascript/Typescript, Rust, Go, Node.js, React/Redux, PostgreSQL, SQLite, etc

Résumé/CV: https://dwayne.xyz/resume

Email: [email protected]

I’m a web and app developer with over 15 years of professional experience. I’ve worked at startups, mid-sized companies, and large corporations including Apple, eBay, and the Comcast Silicon Valley Innovation Center. Since starting freelance work in 2020, I’ve done a lot of work with Rust, Stripe payment APIs, and multiple GPT/LLM APIs. I specialize in full-stack web development, but I’m also experienced in iOS development, server administration, database design, API integrations and more. I'm primarily available for freelance work (short and medium term contracts) through my own LLC, but I'm very flexible when it comes to when and how I can provide value to your team/project.

Seeking: ~32 hr/week position

Location: Portland, OR

Remote: Yes, and/or in-house (Portland). Experienced with both.

Willing to relocate: Probably not, but open to SF or Seattle

Technologies: Typescript, Javascript, React, Redux, Next.js, Node.js, Express, HTML, CSS, REST, GraphQL, Postgres, Mysql, Linux, Nginx, Docker, AWS, Lambda, Ansible, Terraform and more.

Résumé/CV: https://jasongallagher.org

Email: [email protected]

Github: https://github.com/unleashit

Seasoned Front End Engineer (Full Stack Typescript/Javascript) with 20 years of experience in various frameworks including strong React skills. My specialty is front end although I'm also skilled in back end and Node. Currently I'm seeking a long-term 3/4 time position.

Location: SF Bay Area, California

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: JavaScript, Linux, HTML, CSS, Shell, MongoDB, SurrealDB, SQL

Résumé/CV: upon request. See https://profullstack.com and https://github.com/profullstack

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +1-408-656-2473

With 25 years of experience in web development, I bring a wealth of knowledge and a deep commitment to open source projects. My extensive background has equipped me with the skills to innovate and excel in creating robust, scalable web solutions.

Location: Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Remote: Preferably but not required.

Willing to relocate: Hard no, sorry! Maybe a couple years down the line.

Technologies: AWS, EC2, VPC, EKS, K8s, Rancher, Git, Python, PHP, Javascript, CI/CD, Apache Kafka, Snowflake, MySQL, PostgresSQL, Redis, RabbitMQ, Bash, Linux, Ansible, Vagrant, Salt, Docker, others

Resume: Available by request.

Email: my HN alias at g00gle's domain for such transmissions


  Location: Santa Clara Valley (Lower Silicon Valley)
  Remote: I don't prefer it
  Willing to relocate: Around the Bay Area but not to SF
  Technologies: Python, C++, HTML/CSS/JS, PostgreSQL, PyTorch, NumPy, Hugging Face, SciPy, Scikit-learn, Pandas, Tensorflow, Django, Conda, Python virtualenv, Tmux, Git, Github, Heroku 
  Résumé/CV: https://bloge.li/static/resume.pdf
  Email: eerichmond33 at gmail.com

  Location: Bay Area, CA, USA
  Remote: No
  Willing to relocate: Potentially
  Technologies: Python, Airflow, Big Query, GCP , AWS, Looker, Git, Selenium, Beautiful Soup, ETL, Hadoop, SQL, Unity, C#, Firebase, Flutterflow
  Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pjQpfhc9c8kV5dltyUdKlxlTO-TIh4JV/view?usp=sharing
  Email: [email protected]
  Experience: Sales, Data Engineering, Co-Founder