Even if the rate of inflation is down I think many (including myself) will remain frustrated and angry.

My month rent has gone up significantly as I’ve stayed in the same apartment for the past several years. In the past few years my rent has had a 1000 dollar increase now in 2024 compared to when I moved in to this apartment a few years ago. The rent in all the surrounding apartments have also increased horribly over the past few years.

Even if the rate of rent increase from now on is less I am still going to be having a tough time.

Also the fact that the food and other necessities have skyrocketed. Even if the future rate of price increase on these goods is 0, I’m still having a tough time.

So these articles always have this assumption that somehow because inflation rate has lowered people should be happy. But that’s not how reality works. The cost of everything is still too high!

I think this is a good time to have a Gell-Man retrospective from March, 2021: