I finally succumbed to Covid19 this week, having never shown symptoms, nor testing positive prior. This includes while living in the same household with someone that came down with it from the holidays. Honestly I thought I was immune, but sometimes you're just on the long tail of things.
Archived version of the article:
There's something about uppers that prevents a person from being vulnerable to viruses, I used to get sick like the flu once a year like clockwork when I lived in Florida, usually right when the cold season started.

I haven't had so much as a bad cough or runny nose, let alone get sick, since I moved to Oregon like 8 years ago (context clues.. lol). So I obviously haven't had Covid either, and I even have a bad nailbiting habit.

Both links are dead. But I never had Covid19 myself, or at least, per my knowledge.