I do not think this problem affects only Scandinavia. As developers we have the role of delivering a product that:

1. does its job well 2. delivered on time 3. under budget

A lot of developers get lost in over-optimizing point 1. It scratches their itch for the perfectly efficient system. They do not realize though that sometimes a "worse" system delivered on time will have more impact than a "better" system delivered late.

Some developers obviously let their need for fun overrule the need of the business. I would also blame the business side of companies as well because they often purposefully keep the developers in the dark around how the business side works. They simply throw features over and tell them to deliver it on time. they do not really attempt to get the developers to understand the market and the customers. However if you had more developers that understood the business they could push back on proposals from developers.

I feel though that the business side does not want this to happen because then the developers understand just how much value their contributions have. This would make it much easier for them to negotiate higher salaries if they know their last change saved the company 5 million dollars.

They would rather have inefficient drones that they can underpay and control then competent leaders that they cannot underpay and push around.

Yes, but entirely unrelated to Scandinavia.