1. Astrophysics for people in a hurry by Neil De Grasse Tyson

2. Every book written by Harlow Shapley

Yes, the Modern Scholar series has a few lectures. Astronomy I and II by James Kaler are superb.

Your local library (or chain) may have them. They're also on iTunes.

Astronomy I: Earth, Sky, and Planets

Astronomy II: Stars, Galaxies, and The Universe.

The second is more "cosmology", though the first establishes a lot relevant to our part of it.

There are a few books by Marcus Chown that you would enjoy.

The latest I read, "Breakthrough" includes some chapters on cosmology.

I wrote a critic in my personal blog (domain is like my nickname).

I liked “Cosmology for the Curious” by Perlov. It’s available on a number of sites like Springerlink, Archive, academia, and probably others.
Cosmos. Maybe Pale Blue Dot.