Thanks for bringing this to our attention! Our team thoroughly reviewed and can confirm all is well; your 83(b) election (and that of your co-founder) was filed successfully and on time.

Here’s what happened:

When our third party mailing service is slow, we send a duplicate filing. The latest 83(b) election was properly filed, but a bug in the Atlas dashboard meant we showed the state of the first filing attempt. We’ve identified the root cause of that dashboard bug and are fixing it swiftly.

We’ve followed up over email with a PDF of the 83(b) letter we mailed to the IRS and your postmark confirmation from USPS. All 83(b) elections filed via Atlas are being filed successfully and on time. Sorry to cause you and your co-founder any stress.

Thank you again for letting us know,


Product lead for Stripe Atlas

Hi, I'm on the Stripe Atlas team and would like to look into this asap. Mind emailing me with your Stripe account ID at [email protected]?