That makes sense. The US went back on its agreement, and they'd be right not to trust the US with any more agreements. If they think a nuclear bomb is important I can't think of any reason not to build it.

I don't think it's in their best interest. Nuclear bombs aren't really very good deterrents. They are afraid of Israel's nuke, but Israel hasn't used it, and they really can't. Iran doesn't need more deterrent on that front.

They might legitimately be afraid of Russia or the US, in the long term. But if they were to actually use a nuclear option, they'll find themselves even deader than fighting a conventional war.

Plus, Iran has a close relationship with various terror groups who don't risk the kinds of reprisals that a country does. If they sell a nuclear bomb, and it's used, the reprisals will go against Iran.

But even if I don't think it's worth spending the time and money on an object they'll never use, the US in particular has no moral force to stop them. I think we really, really effed up on that, and there's a decent chance it's going to have extremely unpleasant consequences.