3d ago
The article is just random AI slop. They didn't bother installing Tox and asking LockBit for proof either.

I think it's just them being petty about something and memeing, but if not then we will know in ~30 hours.

"Lockbit 3.0 issued a stark ultimatum: the Federal Reserve has 48 hours to hire a new negotiator and dismiss the current one, whom the attackers disparagingly referred to as a “clinical idiot” for valuing American banking secrecy at $50,000."

They probably have backups of this data, else they wouldn't negociate like that.

I am tired of posts written by chatgpt
The article makes much noise about severe implications of Fed activities becoming public, but I am struggling to think of one that isn't just exposing an already bad situation? It seems like the citizens should know who is getting money from the Fed, since it's our financial well-being at stake.
well, that'd be one way to audit the fed
I look forward to downloading the dump at 100kbps from their Tor onion site. /s

I was curious to check out Lockbit’s dumps when they released Boeing’s ransomware files but it was painfully slow to download and turned out to be a bunch of uninteresting files from random HR and IT software and their databases.

Maybe the silver lining here is that this will finally wake people up to the indispensable role cryptocurrency plays in all these ransomware attacks.