What this misses is what I've always struggled with getting promotions, the article is all about what the individual can do, but has no talk of the org you're in and which orgs will actually promote you:

1. The org and company doesn't want to promote you no matter what you do. When I joined MSFT, I was basically the team lead for my project (and my boss knew this), but I could not get a promotion or raise to the level I was operating at, because they would not move quickly enough or actually promote first / second year people.

2. There's no position to get promoted into. The managers like the team structure how it is and there's no open position. No matter what you do you'll never find a way out. This is especially true in orgs where people just never seem to leave or retire. Stable orgs can be good for work environment, but are typically bad for promotions.

3. Being a woman or minority makes it really hard. Of course there's no mention of this.

Of course, none of these would help this guy sell classes, so why mention it.
