WOW WOW WOW WOW!!! The manual for this game was one of the best, if not the best, I’ve seen, read, and not fully understand as my teen mind was coping with the awesome graphics and gameplay. Loved this game to shreds!!!! I’m really sorry I lost the manual :-(
I assume the stories mentioned in the title are here: https://neuviemeporte.github.io/category/f15-se2
> porting to a modern OS and potential improvements and bugfixes will be carried out under a separate project in the future.

Or just focus on DOS? Thanks to Dosbox and its various ports I don't think any other system will be as stable or support as many different platforms. Instead of having to fix bugs every six months when the modern systems inevitably change in some anoying and not backwards-compatible ways, a DOS version will just keep running everywhere.

Super interesting project, however I do not believe that striving for producing 100% identical binaries worth it. They themselves seem to have already deviated from that, by producing a combined binary.