Dankeschön! The one I am having some success with at the moment is as I can listen to the podcasts on the way to work and he explains things in a way my software engineering brain can follow :) Also I didn’t see at first glance on your site, which is an outstanding resource for free classes that can get you up to B1 level pretty effectively in my experience.
Sorry to be negative, but how is this different from a Google search? Why not at least add a short description and why you picked them?

Also, "hand picked", but why not have for example:

1. - lots of text, but even more comments -> helps with seeing how real people write real text (not always nice)

2. - besides the news page lots of background stories, documentaries, some of them in alemannic German (ie. Schweizerdeutsch - in various dialects) with German subtitles

3. - if you are feeling brave

These are just the first ones that come to mind. But if you go on Youtube and search for the German TV networks, there are at least a dozen channels for the various Bundeslands of Germany.

Also, no Mailab for Youtube recommendations?!?!?... OK, I will stop now.

Excellent work, I've been thinking of putting together one of these for Finnish, my own grindstone to mill and this has given me some good ideas!
I don't know how to thank you for this great gift you are giving to all those who like me want to learn German. I'll see it and let you know. For now, thanks
Vielen Dank!