Never attribute to incompetence what could be attributed to advertisers.

Websites make cookie banners obnoxious on purpose so you'll just try to click through them and accept all the trackers. That is by design, not accident.

What you're asking for isn't a browser issue, it's that advertisers and website owners don't want you to see their content without making money off you.

I remember when there was a browser pref to ask for permission to set cookies. That got removed because you'd visit a site, and got blasted with 500 "Allow to set a cookie? Y/N" windows.


Firefox seems to be working on dealing with the consent stuff:

HN discussion:

DNT header exists. Websites collectively have decided they don't care, they'd rather annoy users. That + the design of the average cookie banner should tell you all you need to know how likely a technical solution is in the face of businesses explicitly not wanting you to have a comfortable time declining. (Some blame on the member states, they'd IMHO show less tolerance for this kind of thing)
Maybe we should use a standardized HTTP header informing of the user preference!

Something like "Definitely No Tracking "