I just really wish Raspberry Pi would come out with a truly HQ camera with a full frame 35mm sensor, or at least an APS-C sensor. I'd pay $1000-1500 for it, just to have something as good as a full frame camera but programmable and hackable.

I would love to build a full frame mirrorless camera that runs my own UI. I'm pretty sure I could code a much more advanced UI than Sony or Canon.

Their current HQ camera is more like an LQ camera and there is not a huge variety of high quality photographic lenses available for it.

Here is a write up on topics covered by these camera iterations


A lot of pictures and full menu map

And MS paint wiring diagrams

(1st camera) https://github.com/jdc-cunningham/pi-zero-hq-cam/tree/master...

(2nd camera orange) https://github.com/jdc-cunningham/modular-pi-cam/blob/master...

My observation regarding prices:

resistor - $.10.

resistor for Arduino: $10.00

Did anyone have any luck capturing stereoscopic videos at any meaningful quality? This used to be only possible with the Pi Compute module (unobtainium for a very long time) but the Pi5 finally exposes both camera ports.... while also dropping hardware encoding, which is likely to be a huge roadblock since I doubt there's enough CPU power + bandwidth to compress 2 4K streams at 60fps in realtime and store it. And I'd love to go even higher actually.

The official forums are surprisingly devoid of anyone trying this, which is not super encouraging.

I'd really like to experiment in doing some underwater VR180 photo/videography, I promise to share the results if anyone has any useful pointers (not strictly rPi related, but other platforms are even less promising. Happy for any unexpected hints tho!)

(Sorry for the barely-on-topic (if not outright offtopic)) but this is a rare chance to tap into HN's hive mind on this particular issue due to a Pi-camera related thread on the front page.

Great work!