I'll give you a hard-earned tip: expect to fight Apple every step of the way. They will randomly erase all local data (cookies, localstorage, push subscription tokens, etc) in your PWA without warning. They say they don't do this, but I have the receipts. They want PWAs to suffer, and you will go insane trying to make workarounds on iPhone.
palsecam is a successful PWA of mine.

It’s a Klondike Solitaire game. It used to bring ~$500/mo of advertising revenue, but that’s significantly down these days: I refuse to have a cookie/consent banner, so I refuse customized ads (in the UE, in some US states now, &c.)

Players do add it to homescreen. There is a non-intrusive button prompting them to do so, at the end of a game. People like to be able to play offline. Apart from that, I don’t use much PWA/browser features; no notifications, etc.

More info here: Happy to answer any question you may have! Happy to get some feedback too ;-)

Start with the customer needs rather than the technology. Do you have some specific product ideas? Those ideas would help steer technology decisions, particularly during the initial prototyping phase.
Whenever this argument comes up it reminds me of how detached from reality HN is on this subject.

Customers want apps. Companies want apps. No one except us nerds want PWAs. We can talk about how PWAs are second class citizens and how unfair that is or we can remember that end-users _do not care_ about the underlying technology. We constantly make this mistake, customer don’t care what language you are using, they don’t care what framework you use, they don’t care about native vs web, they just want it to work.

I’ve been developing cross platform mobile apps (web, iOS, native) for around 15 years (Titanium, Cordova, and now Capacitor) and while the lesson has been painful: no one cares about PWAs. I will tell clients “you can go to <website> and see exactly what your app will look like once it’s packaged for the app stores” and they will simply wait for the native app instead. I’ve lost count of the number of times the code has been running on the web for weeks+ and it’s not till it’s in the stores that I get _any_ feedback (things they could have easily seen in the web version but didn’t bother with till it was an “app”).

You can complain about this, you can talk about how unfair it is, you can extol the virtues of PWAs but at the end of the day it just doesn’t matter. Customers have spoken, they want apps. I launched my current company as a website/PWA and all I got was a lot of heartache: “I can’t find it in the App Store”. Not a single person said “thank you for making this a website”. In fact, I get 1-2 complaints (from thousands of users) of “I don’t want to download an app” to which I tell them “you don’t have to, the website spells this out very clearly, you can use the website and/or save it to your home screen, no app install needed”. I tell that story to illustrate how few people even say they care, but also can’t grok that they don’t need to install an app. That “1-2” pales in comparison to the people who complained about it not being a “real app”.

So if you want to fight against native apps be my guest but you’re fighting a battle that customers do not care about (I cannot stress enough that: HN != normal customers) and they will not thank you for. Yes, the 15-30% “tax” can suck but 15% of $X is better than 0% of $Y. You will simply miss out on a large number of customers if you refuse to make an app.

No customer has ever cared if you use spaces or tabs internally and they don’t care if you provide a PWA, they just want open their platform’s App Store and search for your app. The ship has sailed on this topic and you can complain about it or you can live in reality and go to where your customers are, the app stores.

You can say this isn’t fair but as my dad used to say: the fair comes once a year and if you miss it, it’s your own damn fault.

vjeux is a PWA, but not unsure how helpful it’s going to be as comparison. As mentioned in the comments, success is likely more due to the usefulness of the app rather than the tech used. [email protected] if you wanna chat.
For my users having a PWA is completely irrelevant. Once they add it to home screen it's an app for them (I don't even bother to explain anymore). It might be a discoverability issue since they can't find you in app stores though.
I run a personal finance app that's built as a PWA (, my email is in my profile).

I would say running as a PWA has been a mixed bag. There are quite a few missing features across web platforms (for starters, background sync, full featured push notifications, haptics) that make it hard to be competitive with native apps. Every WWDC, we watch in hopes that Safari gets more PWA features, but it's a thin drip. There's a reason so many apps repackage into electron/cordova/whatever shells.

As other folks in thread have pointed out, it's probably worth thinking through why a product works particularly as a PWA vs alternative distribution methods.

the_florist is exclusively a PWA. It was designed from the ground up to prioritize the “Add to Home Screen” experience on iOS. The web is the ideal platform given the app’s emphasis on text and typography, and a native replica would be reinventing the wheel for no tangible benefit to the user.

WebKit and Safari have come a long way. Flowery puts browser engines through their paces with its UI animation, which is smoothest on WebKit. Safari’s OS integration (e.g., elastic scroll, Sonoma’s “Add to Dock”) is more polished than Chrome’s.

It wasn’t a walk in the park though. An early decision, after maddening attempts to circumvent browser quirks five years ago, was to build substitutes for common building blocks of the browser on mobile, notably the virtual keyboard, textboxes, and text selection. This wouldn’t have been possible without web components and Google’s excellent Lit library.

I have made 2 PWAs that I use daily myself, so I consider them a success! Also one Electron (which I later migrated to Tauri) desktop app and I'm wrapping up another (which took ~2 days).

Nothing big/fancy as you probably want, but for me they are definitely successes for me!

What's the alternative? Certainly multi platform native only makes sense at a certain scale.

Your question might be too light on details to provide much advice.

As someone who started investing in PWAs earlier this year after jumping through Apple and Google’s hoops for years, I’d highly recommend for making a PWA with an install experience that makes sense to less technical users. This was far and away the biggest hurdle for me. Haven’t had a single person confused since integrating Progressier.
I wouldnt call it a success (not yet at least) but I have a PWA with ~$130 in MRR for now (launched a couple months ago). Happy to chat
> had some success ($500 MRR) with shareware, 20 years ago

Don't trigger my nostalgia! Fun times, been there done that 2005-2008 — then sold it on to another "micro-ISV" (the popular term for indie software maker back then)

I run a web client for my app and I'm using some PWA features. It's mostly just to get the native app feeling since I don't want to maintain separate apps for all the platforms.
I‘m using as PWA on all my devices and it works very good. Maybe you can contact them or look around the source yourself.
I don’t, but the people who’ve build and run are rocking it.
Twitter was an excellent PWA untill someone ruined it so that everyone would use native app. and and few good examples

I’m using the phind pwa on my iPhone so I guess that’s an example that I’d imagine could be classed as successful
What do you want to do with a PWA that you can't do with a webpage? If at all possible, try to use a webpage instead, to avoid the myriad problems and quirks that arise with PWAs. Only resort to a PWA if you need capabilities that you can't get as a webpage.
iknowstuff is bar none the most successful PWA I’ve seen in the wild. Push notifications despite Apple’s nonsense and all. Impossible to have an equivalent on the app store. Nsfw.
tinder has a great PWA web app:
Definitely feels like you're putting the cart before the horse. You've got the technology nailed down, but haven't explained why. What platforms are you even targeting?
Apple killed PWAs years ago.