Congrats in launching this.

One point of feedback, as a developer I click the page and look for something to try it out, see it in action, screenshots, anything. Only thing I see is some text, no call to action, except signup/login but I won't take the effort if I'm not convinced more that it's a waste of time. If the url to the github is the main thing, don't put it at the...bottom, make it a button at the top.

I would just really put some extra effort in the landing page, Google how to see others do it. is a great place as well to see example. You've run a marathon with building your product which is great, but if you don't finish this last mile (landing page)...

Good luck!

Hey gr00ve! Congratulations on shipping.

How good is your Software Engineer? Can it do a good frontend work?

To showcase your SaaS, its landing page should be high quality and created by your AI. Otherwise not many people will be interested. Yours is quite unappealing, no images, no icons, no colors.

Can the AI software engineer help you create better landing page ?
Updated the landing page with a url to an example full stack ecommerce app :)