If you are doing translation locally on the device, why does your Privacy Policy say you are sending voice and transcriptions as well as personal location data to Google?

> RTranslator in any case collects and processes data that will then be sent to Google, such as: audio, the transcription of which is transmitted at a later time via bluetooth to the phone with which you are communicating, and the transcription of the audio received by the other user, to carry out the translation.

The app looks very cool, but you might have a licensing issue; Meta's NLLB models are CC-BY-NC 4.0 (non-commercial use only). I could recommend checking out the OPUS-NLP models, which are truly open.
Nice one! Thanks for sharing this.

If possible, it would be good to include a list of devices that you know performance is good. We can all understand that most flagship mobiles will run it smoothly, but what about the average user?

" be able to use the app without the risk of crashing you need a phone with at least 6GB of RAM, and to have a good enough execution time you need a phone with a fast enough CPU."

Great we are more than a century ahead of schedule for Star Trek universal translator [1].

Joking aside, this will be very beneficial software if it can work seamlessly in real-time for countries like Japan who can't speak English, and France who won't speak English.

[1] Star Trek’s Translator Technology, Explained:


> RTranslator is an open-source (almost), free, and offline real-time translation app for Android.

change to:

> RTranslator is an (almost) open-source, free, and offline real-time translation app for Android.

Reading it the first way, it's possible to misunderstand and think it's almost (but not completely) free, rather than almost (but not completely) open-source

As said, a video demo would be great, especially since it is not on iOS yet, but it looks great!
The UI is nice and clean, but I don't have a secondary device to test out the conversation mode. A video demo of how this works would be nice.

The first translation I tried was incorrect:

"Bonjour" (french) -> "- How are you ?" (english)

I suppose that's the limitation of local models.

Great job getting it to a functional beta though. I think the idea is cool, it just needs some polishing.

I like the idea, it's awesome! Too bad that NLLB, despite being advertised as specialized translation LLM, doesn't work with Turkish - it generates rubbish like Google Translate, which doesn't make much sense. I live in TR, but don't know Turkish :( I tried all major translators, for now the only option which performs well is ChatGpt. I created a custom GPT there, instructed it to be my translator, and that works so well, even recognizes poorly written messages without punctuation. Anyway, this is just my observations. Best of luck with the app!
This app is very cool! In walkie talkie mode, you may want to tweak the UI to make it clearer when the microphone is listening and when it's not. I saw the microphone icon changes color, but a stronger visual hue may help. Google translate may be a good point of reference - in its conversation mode the shape of the microphone icon changes when the mic is active. I've also noticed that my message is sometimes cut short when translated, it only translates the first half.
This looks neat. Surprised to find that it only got 40 upvotes on Producthunt.

Just bookmarked on Github. Any chance to launch it for iOS as well?

Congratulations to the translator, very nice and clean. Will you release a version for iOS or Progressive Web App in the future?
FYI, After model download, I get an error:

  There was an error with the tts initialization
Using LineageOS+Microg and eSpeak for TTS (equivalent android version = 13). This setup works fine for TTS with the commercial map application, Here WeGo Maps.
After downloading library I got error: There was an error with the tts initialising. Retry won't do anything.
this looks really exciting! sadly running into an issue with TTS initialization on CalyxOS with the eSpeak TTS engine.
Any change on an fdroid release?
What does the latency look like with this?