> I built ThreadQuilt because I was tired of wading through endless noise to find meaningful discussions. With ThreadQuilt, you get a cleaner, more focused experience that highlights the best parts of the web's conversations.

I applaud your effort.

I’ll ask the obvious question around the strongly opinionated approach of not leveraging “AI”. Would you like to expand on what that means to you? I would imagine that some form of intelligence could also help with noise reduction but maybe you considered it and decided otherwise.

This is really cool, but I would need the dates with the results.. if I'm looking up something technical, dates really matter as libraries change etc.
2 questions... why AI free? Is it only pulling from reddit, hacker news and stack exchange? I find a a lot of tech discussion has moved to discord, which makes it very hard to find... just even looking at your search samples, kubernetes and react both have official discord servers, and i'm sure there's talk about them in countless other servers.
This is cool. I clicked "deep learning models" and the results were ok, but some of them were out of date. It would be great if all of the threads were recent (within the last week or so).
Just an FYI,

Throws a 500 and displays a stack trace of the server.

Looks like you're getting hugged to death right now. Looking forward to checking this out in a few days once things settle around
Question: Should I combine threads and label them by origin instead of separating them like I have currently?
If anyone has any feature suggestions, please let me know. I am trying to create as much value as I can here.
I’ve made some major updates everyone. Please let me know what you think.
At first glance this looks excellent! I'm going to keep playing with it.