This reminds me of cobalt which also supports a lot more services.

If you want to try it my friend hosts an instance at

With enough users, aren’t you going to be quickly throttled, unless you use one of those shady residential IP pools? (Disclaimer: on mobile now so haven’t inspected anything, but I assume the metadata fetching has to go through your server due to SOP/CORS.)
Very nice, I was looking for something like this.

The only feedback I have is that on the frontpage it says "Download any tiktok video" but you support more websites than just tiktok. So maybe add that piece of information :)

From the roadmap:

> Integration with Shopee Affiliate

> Grab affiliate links and post along with the video to social media. Discover popular products to promote.

I don’t understand what this means. It sounds like advertising with extra steps.

And it seems like the user can repost videos? So you’re downloading videos, removing watermarks, and then reposting with your own ads? Surely I must be misunderstanding. Would welcome clarification.

Tried with a reddit video. Failed.

Failed: Failed to fetch video info. Status: 500. {"detail":"ERROR: [Reddit] wwzuh23rky6d1: Requested format is not available. Use --list-formats for a list of available formats"}

Nice work, but like others, I have a "too good to last long" feeling.

What is the legal situation for such services? Is the provider liable in any way for how users use the service?

To the author: I had a look at this (from a mobile browser) but didn’t download anything through it. Other downloaders that I have used for YouTube show the different resolutions and file sizes available and allow me to choose which one I want to download. This site only has a single download video button where I don’t really know what quality/size I’m downloading.

I hope you can look at that.

I’ve never understood why websites like this exist when one can use yt-dlp locally, which will always be faster and give more control on the user.
Does it bypass YouTube are restriction, which seems completely arbitrary sometimes?