The Wikipedia entry on text-based user interfaces uses IT as an example of a text-mode program featuring a pixel-accurate mouse pointer. The "citation-needed" had always been annoying me, since I knew it was true, but I couldn't prove it. Now, we can finally link to IT_MOUSE.ASM and be done with it.
Note that this source code was originally released back in 2014 on bitbucket as a mercurial repository. Looks like he’s now moved it to GitHub. Here’s the original announcement
As far as I can tell, the LICENSE.TXT ( is the 3-clause BSD license, meaning proper FOSS and not just "source available" which is becoming more popular.

Bit more about the history of IT (and more) in the blogpost celebrating the "20th anniversary", written by the software's author:

Nice! I was a Fast Tracker 2 guy back in the day. More recently I've played with OpenMPT and MilkyTracker (both of which I packaged for with my old MODs. I love seeing older stuff get properly open sourced.

Impulse Tracker:

Fast Tracker 2:

IT was probably one of the most influential pieces of software for me as a teenager. I can’t put into words how important it was to me as a way to escape a crappy life and just get lost in making music and sharing tracks on my local BBS, chatting to other people like me who I’d go on to meet and become life long friends with.

It will always hold a special place in my heart and I owe Jeffrey so much.

It’s hard to understate the impact IT had on the tracker scene. Thanks, Jeffrey!
Wow, check out ... guy's been busy.
Great software, great sound. Here is a tune I recommend.

Sweet jesus, I knew IT had been written in assembly (and moreover, it looks like 8086-level assembly, with EMS support for memory expansion), but little did I knew it had support for networking! Granted, IPX, but still!
I hope hope hope the SchismTracker folks take a hard look through this!