> project management risks: “Lead developer hit by bus”

> software engineering risks: “The server may not scale to 1000 users”

> You should distinguish them because engineering techniques rarely solve management risks, and vice versa.

It's not so rare in my experience. Code quality and organization, tests and documentation, using standard and well known tools - all of those would help both sides here.

That's why I've had to invoke the "hit by bus" hypothetical so many times in my career with colleagues and bosses, because it's a forcing function for reproducible and understandable software.

Pro tip: use "win the lottery" instead to avoid the negative connotation of injury or death.

Architecture for architecture's sake is the worst thing you can do because it unnecessarily increases complexity.

The ultimate goal of good architecture is cost reduction. If your architecture is causing you to spend more time developing and maintaining code then the architecture has failed.

Published in 2010? Curious how much of it has survived since then?

I like “Design It” because of some of the workshop/activities that are nice for technical folks who need to interact with stakeholders/clients (I’m in a consulting role so this is more relevant). Also it doesn’t lean hard on specific technical architectural styles which change so frequently…

I found 'A Philosophy of Software Design' by John Ousterhout to be useful. It contains alot of solid easy to understand advice with many examples.
I don't know this book in particular, but I know the author from their writing about "Intellectual Control", which is extremely insightful:

Within my prior company they circulated this "Software Architecture for Developers" book by Simon Brown:

It's still on my reading list, though. I've moved on from that company. But it came highly recommended, because they also documented their architecture with the C4 model.

Has anyone here read it?

"Risk-dependent" would be a much better name for this methodology. (Why are programmers so fond of this "[X]-driven" phrase?)
We did a book club on this at work a few years back. I found it extremely repetitive.
Is this a good resource for someone starting a non-trivial OSS? Or something a solopreneur will derive value from? Can you suggest me some books/other resources that will be of value to solo developers?
software architecture is like regular architecture but civil engineering does not exist because there hasn't been an Isaac Newton of software. I'd say the closest so far is Claude Shannon
“Bus factor” in my mind is one of ways engineers self-sabotage.

How much are they paying the CEO?

Don’t they consider their replacement costs in the hundreds of millions.

MBA management types strive to convince everyone they are irreplaceable.

Engineers proudly talk about how they are easily replaceable.

Guess who gets shit on?

It is actually good that losing engineering talent be extremely painful for a company. This helps prevent the slow loss of engineering culture like what happened at Boeing.

Great book. I think it’s more ideal for folks who solution design day-to-day. Better when you have experiences to relate back with.
So is this a good book? Are there any other software architecture books that are recommended reading?
I'm tired of reading "arbitrary terms" to try to standardize something seems to subjective.

Give me the mathematical model and that's it. No more vague, human-created terms to try to translate your own ideas, that's just a hack.
