If planting tree's mitigation potential is "large", then they're saying nothing on this list will make a dent. The math simply doesn't work because there aren't enough acres on earth to use trees to reverse global warming.
There is removal and then there is burial. The latter is a scam. If buried in a liquid state, it will geologically remerge into the air. Proper removal requires a chemical reaction.
CO2 removal is for people who hate plants, but nevertheless want to eat them.

Solar and wind is for people who hate nuclear plants, but love natural gas.

I'm fresh out of pedantic soliloquies and engaging talking points today, it's just come down to this. Cheating the children.

The State of Carbon Dioxide Removal: existing technologies have only a miniscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon carbon dioxide removal. It has all basically been a scam to get free public money.