The document does appear to exist in several libraries according to WorldCat [1], though the list is quite small. This entry explicitly lists the publisher as "International Business Machines Corp., Boca Raton, Fla., 1983", so it appears to be what you are looking for.

The Library of Congress does not appear to have a copy in the main catalog, but that does not eliminate them having a copy in the technical reports department, though finding it through the technical reports department will be impossible without report numbers or other identifying information.

If you are looking to buy a copy, you may be in luck. A search for the title in AbeBooks [2] pulls up one seller (Sleepy Hollow Books, Huntington, VT, U.S.A.) for 33 USD plus shipping. It is impossible to tell if this is a copy of the IBM or Atari edition, though. You may want to contact the seller, which is possible on AbeBooks.

Good luck with your search!



Since the links in the "Ask HN" text are not clickable, here are the links in clickable form:

A) Atari Logo Reference Manual:

B) Atari Logo Introduction to Programming Through Turtle Graphics:

C) IBM Personal Computer Logo Reference:

I have a copy of Logo: Programming with Turtle Graphics that came with Logo for the IBM PC by LCSI. I can scan it tomorrow.
In France, there is one that seems to match your needs: but it's quite expensive!
I know this is not what you are looking for, but I just wanted to take advantage of your post to remind the HN crowd of the fact that the magnificent book Turtle Geometry: The Computer as a Medium for Exploring Mathematics is available in Open Access at : . One of the co-author is no less than Harold Abelson, who is also a co-author of the (in)famous SICP.

If you are looking for a book a little less hardcore than the previous recommendation, check out Visual Modeling With Logo: A Structured Approach to Seeing by James Clayson.

I had logo on my ti-99/4a.
i've learned programming with microworlds pro logo, a later product by lcsi.

thank you for the atari documents! i'm pleased to see many of the advanced concepts from microworlds (most notably multiple turtles, but also shapes were so much fun!) already there in this early version.

lcsi's current implementation is a free, web version at

I have two Commodore 64 Logo books, sadly none for IBM.