Most sites use simple cookies or a localStorage entry to limit how many articles you can read in a month. You can bypass this with a private tab or by disabling JavaScript with uBlock Origin:




I was a happy user of until it got shutdown.

The pricing was surprisingly low, $5/month can eliminate ads on most of the websites that I view, while the owner will not have a reduced ads revenue.

When I ask older family members where they were or how they reacted when some important event happened, they usually say something like, busy with real life. Being glued to the news is a modern phenomenon, it’s not the required state of being
The public libraries in the USA that I'm familiar with have thousands of periodicals accessible on Libby. That's one way to slightly fund the authors of the essays and other features in those magazines.
For some reason, when I read this I heard it in the voice of GlaDOS.

"All your other friends couldn't come either because you don't have any other friends. Because of how unlikable you are."

wow, they nailed the "vague feeling of doom" tone. I continue to be impressed by the sheer quality of writing mcsweeneys puts out.
Its so wild to me that the business models of newspapers and journalism in general just dont translate well to the web. Like I get that people expect content online to be free and the alternative sources of information are freely available but its just so tragic. There are so few journalists who do investigative journalism in countries that are smaller because the ad revenue just isnt there.

For example, there are a few youtubers who do a great job but their appeal is global - or at least the entire english speaking population. The scope of focus is “interesting conspiracies that are true” or “some product everyone wants”. Not a serious investigation into the misallocated funds in the local county.

You know, from the title I thought this was going to go for the funnier/darker angle of an automated system deciding the reader doesn't need any more free articles because the system has predicted they're going to die before the company gets any benefits from the ad impressions.
monetizing the web is something i don't bother thinking about getting solved. but how the parties go about the situation is always entertaining.

we are a technically skilled bunch and find ways around it. but is there a scope to inject advertizing into the "content" (i.e. the article) in a similar way youtube is experimenting with video (

Don't worry, HN will almost instantly post pirate links.
Almost all US news sources now have either a paywall, an article limit, or a demand that ad blockers be turned off. A notable exception is Fox News.
“You’ve Read Your Last Free Article”, aka “Open This Page In Incognito Mode Reminder”
> You’ll have to say to them gently, softly, “To be honest, I have no fucking clue. I was out of free articles.”

You can't copyright facts and journalism belongs to the people not to the institutions that are capable of publishing editorials at scale.