Wiring programs together on a 2D canvas is nice when the problem being solved is amenable to it (signal processing, pipelines, etc.). But, a typical general purpose program would look like a breadboard from hell, no matter how hard one tries to organize nicely organize it.
Spent a lot of time messing around with it a few years ago. The tutorials of Takuma Nakata are great and it's very powerful and versatile for creating cool experimental stuff.

Not sure what the big problem with licensing is? Feels like some people just want everything in this space to be free. 500 euro for a lifetime license seems pretty generous to me, it's basically a small fee if you use it for any kind of commercial application.

I desperately want visual programming to succeed.

There must be a better way than text to make a program.

Not to be confused with VVVVVV https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VVVVVV
Seems to be an iteration of https://vvvv.org/
This looks very good. I shyed away from geometry nodes because i have no patience to learn all the 3d stuff and it seems a bit limited for use with custom code and houdini is far too complex. This seems like a good middleground..
i remember using it in early 2002 (due to this sticky name). wow, never expected to see this little masterpiece again
to keep talking about the licence, I don't get a licence for a week at 200$
I prefer cables.gl
The licensing seems.. atrocious (both the wording and pricing), maybe I'm too far disconnected from the space where such applications are used but. I'm unsure which industry would tolerate this.
oh does this work for Lunyx
Sigh, another cool looking project where a programmer who knows nothing about licensing wrote their own license, and made their project unusable by anyone.

Good lawyers aren't automatically good programmers, and good programmers aren't automatically good lawyers.

There is a reason why the Open Source community has standardized around a small set of licenses, and a reason why most attempts at writing new licenses end up in sadness.