I'm probably going back to iTerm/Warp because the minimal and ultra fast ones don't seem to implement a "Find string in output" command.
There's a lot of raster data in today's HiDPI world. For example, if I have iTerm2 on the left side of my screen and this browser on the right side, the iTerm2 window alone has an area of more than 7-million pixels.

Is HiDPI (aka Retina) even worth it in general? Yes, because all text, in a terminal emulator or otherwise, looks absolutely deliciously good when each individual character is allotted 4x the pixel budget of the before times.

I spend most time working in the terminal. Low latency makes me more grounded in what I am doing, therefore easier to focus. And it just feels more satisfying.
Does it? Which one? Most modern VTs probably need gl/sdl/dx interface to render, but not GPU specifically.

This is a pretty loaded question, could use unpacking a little.

Previously in the DOS era, “terminal” would allow you to render to the video buffer directly and it allowed for an ecosystem of text GUI apps to flourish. Right now, this is largely impossible because modern terminals are really emulators and you have to rely on strange things such as ncurses etc. A better terminal with some nice features such as access to a virtual video buffer would allow for exciting new possibilities
If you’re running a long process that spits a lot of text, it can make a difference. For me, I don’t really care that much about throughput. I care about latency. I want to see my keystrokes as fast as possible. Hardware acceleration doesn’t necessarily help that much there.
Because when you have a 240hz monitor and you're writing a TUI application, it makes print debugging via standard language print methods even more interesting.

GPU-accelerated terminals are just one part of the stack that makes such lunacy possible.

Sometimes, in the command line of windows... I'll type something like

  D:\source>dir *.jpg /s
to find out how many gigabytes of photos I've taken in the past 3 decades... I really don't care about anything other than the total, and maybe file count.

     Total Files Listed:
           343340 File(s) 539,323,481,512 bytes
               0 Dir(s)  1,662,307,921,920 bytes free
The faster the terminal renders, the quicker I get the totals. Tip: if you minimize the window, it usually runs much quicker.