Fun. Thank you.

Turns out the game runs for 45 turns. I got 2 incorrect.

Also, there may be an error with one of the questions?

The last word seems out of place as it's not capitalised whereas all the other words are.

Should’ve made right to be real, it was confusing to play like that, fun nonetheless.
HN titles are capped at 80 characters. Some of your fake titles are much longer, making them simple to detect even without reading.

But there’s a bigger issue than that: most of the “satire” entries were just plain bad. They read like titles from a right-wing version of The Onion where the “joke” is using divisive rhetoric like “liberal tears” to criticise “woke” and “leftists”. They try (and fail) to be funny. Real HN titles, in contrast, are mostly informational and thus simple to detect.

Fun idea, but I don’t think it really works in its current state. It’s neither a game (no challenge) nor satire.

Also, the contents of the lists at the bottom recording what was already picked are switched.

Finally, the Subscribe option is unclear. Subscribe to what? Whose news?