“Customer support by AI” sounds even worse than the current practice of having customer support provided by utterly clueless and unhelpful “support” from barely-English-speaking-people from the lowest-wage-country-we-could find (stereotypically India).

How did you come to hate people so deeply that you made it your life goal to make an already abysmal experience even worse?

I get that naming is hard but what’s the rational behind the naming because there is a large and well funded brand with the same name?
Many companies use this style of "support" in place of employing real people and don't provide a method to escalate to a real human. What guard do I have, as a consumer, against trash like that? What makes yours unique?

When I call for support I expect to receive support. I have never ever had an AI or robot support assistant that actually provides the help that I need when I call.

How do you address the possibility of LLM generating absolutely false information?

Do you actively tell the user where they can contact a real human to provide feedback about the terrible customer support response that your product will undoubtedly provide? Or is this just another dumpster fire of "it sounds like you're having trouble with our product. here's our FAQ..."?

Does your product integrate with internal company APIs? How do you deal with the risk of customers abusing that?

Hey team, nice work. Can you help me understand this better. How does the process work in terms of the human agent evaluations? Is it real time so that the right (maybe a better word is best) answers go to users as they are needed, or is it done asynchronously/batch style so that the humans are training models to be better? Once the best answers are selected, is it fed back into an LLM / AI agent model? Thanks
How does Fini annual pricing at $0.076 per question work??
Jesus H. Fucking Christ.

I am infuriated by the very idea. Whenever I have to interact with any of this sort of nonsense I always aggressively hit zero and demand to speak to a HUMAN not a machine while cursing wildly.

You are actively making the world a worse place with this “product”.

Don’t think about if you can. Think about if you should.

Slightly off-topic, but slightly not.

I feel like customer support is one of the worst experiences in all of tech or maybe just modern capitalism. Obviously slashing budgets is a huge part of it, but I think the problem is exacerbated by lying with metrics.

One of the great challenges of trusting ANYBODY (even internal teams) with support, is that they have a huge incentive to lie to their management chain about the numbers in every way they can. And their manager or even multiple levels up may turn a blind-eye to these lies if it makes their life easier.

I don't know anything about this product, but I would never trust a company with anything of importance if I don't have a complete audit log of their requests and how they handle them which they send to us for review each month (even a 1%-.1% sample of calls will give a very clear picture into how the process is going).

I am reminded of DHH's recent essay: "It’s easier to forgive a human than a robot"

Your license is very weird:

    This file is part of paramount project, licensed under the GNU General
    Public License (GPL) for companies with fewer than 100 employees or
    fewer than 1000 invocations/month. For larger companies or higher
    volume, a commercial license is required. For more information,
    contact [email protected].
I'm fine with companies not using open source licenses, but this is a very odd way to do it. Licensing something under the GPL doesn't work like this.

You should look at one of the existing non-open-source licenses like the Business Source License or rather than modifying the GPL by adding an extra paragraph at the top:

Also, with a license like this it's not accurate to say "Paramount - an Open Source package..." - that's a misuse of the term.
