Just like any other day — surviving, working on my family's future and present safety (financial and all others).

Weekend is only different in that I have more time to invest in activities not related to a fulltime job.

Sometimes I envy people who don't have to worry too much about the roof above their heads, about kids, about the future etc.

But then I realize that I would never really change my way and what I have to anything else, to anyone's else's life. Even with full memory reset :)

All the replies so far are making me envious of when my weekends were my own (or just me and my girlfriend, now wife). Weekends now revolve around the sports and activities of our children. It's a choice we make and there are a lot of positive aspects, but that doesn't mean I don't miss being able to prioritize myself a bit more :)
I have 5+ acres, so a lot of my weekend is spent maintaining it (or learning how to), working in my wife's garden, and taking care of my animals. Outside of that, I have a wife and 2 small kids so a lot of my time is spent with them and taking care of the house. I may spend an hour or so responding to work emails. Other than that, I'm currently reading Dune and watching Dark Matter (I read the book years back) but that's less of a strict 'weekend' thing and more of a 'when I get a chance' thing.
I try to get out of the house and see people at least one of the days for my own sanity, because the rest of the week I WFH and only see my wife and maybe some random strangers at grocery stores or whatever, usually.

So I meet up with one of my groups of friends for board games (they almost always host something on Friday nights), or meet up with someone for dinner, or meet up with some people at a meetup (recently there's been a new movie+dinner meetup near me that has some cool people I've been going to every other week). Periodically there are parties hosted by my wife's family too. Every once in a while there's a party hosted by a friend.

Besides that, I mostly either try to play catch up with cleaning and/or lawn maintenance, let myself relax, or work on personal projects (working on a video game and several board game designs, sometimes a little work on writing stories or making electronic music).

If it's a nice weekend I try to take the dogs on a walk a bit further away than just around the neighborhood. We've got a nice trail a couple blocks away but there are even better ones and more options about a 10 minute drive away.

I'm also trying to get back into the habit of going to the gym at least one of those days, but I've been failing spectacularly at that so far.

Depending on the weather and time of year, a grab-bag of:

* Cycling somewhere in the city, usually to a new cafe or something

* Hiking with friends

* Boardgames night with friends

* Go to the big shop and buy stuff I can't get easily locally

* Set up the coffee roaster and roast me a few batches

* Do a big tidy/clean up

* Voluntary work at a soup kitchen

It's a _very_ rare weekend I don't have something planned.

It depends. Aside from housework, I spend time doing a hobby or going on a date. Some of my hobbies include electronics, baking, camping, tabletop gaming, robotics, programming, music, reading, and others that escape me right now.

I don't do them all on the same weekend, though.

Recharge. Someone else mentioned being an introvert with an extrovert job. That resonates.

After talking to people all week and dealing with their whims, I lose steam.

I find it impossible to do the things other people find fulfilling. It all seems like more work. I'm exhausted to the core.

More specifically, low energy stuff. Watch TV, read, whatever. The last thing I want is to burn more energy/talk.

Oddly, typing and such doesn't count. Being able to opt out immediately I suppose.

I'm an introvert doing what is largely an extrovert job, so my weekends tend to be low energy. I write audio description, go hiking, read in an armchair with a cup of tea, clean the house etc.
Depends on the weekend. I was doing a lot of sports photography at my Uni and others in the area back when school was in session but now I am looking for something else to do, I am thinking about going to some motorsports events.

I do a lot of hiking and shopping too although I've been a homebody recently and have been hanging out with a stray cat that we're trying to gentle.

Mon-Fri is "living the life" time.. working, shopping, chores, everything that 'must' be done.

Sat-Sun is 'family & friends' time and activities related to family & friends (no chores). That includes BBQs, walks, cycling, etc. Nothing 'must' and all the 'wants'.

Saturday might have voluntary work, then lunch in restaurant, take kid to some bigger park and drink mate outside and see the sunset. Sunday usually church then lunch at my mothers house. Missing some friends.

If I was single I'd probably go to the movies at least once a week.

From Apr-Oct we have friends over and enjoy doing what ever we want, different family every weekend usually booked all but two weeks we use for just family time. From Oct-Apr various activities and housework, electronics projects, programming, etc
Reading (getting ready to start beta reading a short story collection), writing (getting close to looking for my own beta readers), watching movies or streaming series, laundry, grocery shopping.
Laundry, try cooking new recipes, go bouldering with friends. I used to practice Brazilian jiu-jitsu and am thinking of visiting my local gym's open mat on Sundays.
I try to spend as much time outdoors as possible, work on any personal projects, and hang out with friends.
Run, hike, play radio, work on school projects :/, relax, do yard work, care tasks.
Lift weights, play video games, and smoke weed. Not simultaneously, though.
A few yoga back-to-backs, gym, hang out with my friends, prep my D&D campaign.
Party and beach in the summer, gym and work during winter
Wrangle toddlers and take care of the house.
Mushroom hunting
Climb or ski, depending on the season.
work. sometimes boardgames. sometimes long walks. but mostly code.