Well, I certaintly find it useful since I’ve removed X from my phone but still want to peer inside on occasion (a few people whose posts I value refuse to move to Mastodon and I don’t want to use Threads or Bluesy), so this is pretty useful. The ads have become so obnoxious that being able to just have “Following” open without hassles feels refreshing.
If the ads on Twitter were even close to relevant I wouldn't mind just scrolling past them. But every ad I see lately is just right-wing idiocy like PragerU.
Are we violating TOS by using this?
Folks, let's talk about XDeck XD
It show me white screen, is it expected?
As Twitter and Reddit were going user-hostile past the point of no return last year I fought it for a while with actions like these. But eventually giving up and ditching them completely was unavoidable and, in hindsight, freeing.
I miss tweetdeck... maybe not $8/mo miss, but maybe 9.99/yr miss it