I am curious about your hosting; the Community plan notes "8 GB RAM - 4 cores "; is there some element to Pathway that is always hosted and would utilize this capacity - even for local deployments? Or is this just "Hey, if you want to play around on Pathway hardware, this is how much you can use"? This looks amazing, and I am wondering where "the rub" is :)
I've built DE and AI solutions based on Pathway for multiple clients. It's robust and fast.
Congrats on the launch! If I understood it correctly, you also build vector indexes on the fly on live data? Curious - what usecases are you seeing for RAG on streaming data?
Good old "Enterprise" NATO! Always good for a surprise
If all the pipeline and the vector index is keep in memory... does Pathway still persist state somewhere?
Great job on Pathway. It's impressive to see a Python tool for ETL and RAG tasks with such strong features. The Python API and Rust runtime for quick updates look interesting. Focusing on security and performance, especially with self-hosted RAG pipelines, is fantastic. Excited to see how this OSS repo grows.
Looks nice! The examples on your site look easy to reproduce!

BTW. Super nice and clear website!

Looks awesome!