Congratulations on the launch!

> I was able to build reliable software that would make my life much easier by allowing me to focus on my specialty, which is coding and definitely not designing.

It sounds like by leveraging your strength you've minimized your weakness; very cool.

Here are a few things that jump out at me:

1. "You must be logged in to generate a logo."

Understandable, but I'd like to try it first! For example, shortbread.ai used to have a "token" system where you could generate 2 comics before being required to log-in (but they've since changed to an "authenticate first" system like owlai.art).

2. "Community Logos" -> "Unauthorized - You are not authenticated"

Hmm...so, either hide the "Community Logos" link until you've logged in and advertise the "Community Logos" concept in the website copy (eg, "Generate a logo for your idea. Get inspired by seeing what others have created."), or let me see a small sample of what other things people are making.

If you're concerned that they'll copy logos without signing up, we can limit the set of displayed logos to say, 10 logos, with a SQL statement that collects the first 10 logos made today (so by constantly refreshing the page you won't be able to harvest a large collection of them).

But I have a feeling you're already doing that with the 4 logos displayed on the home page...so I'd just hide the "Community Logos" link and advertise the "Community Logos" feature in the website copy.

3. `https://owlai.art/` leads to a domain parking landing page? How about an immediate redirect that doesn't require JavaScript:

   <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=https://app.owlai.art/">
4. When the viewport is less than 1024 pixels, the 4 sample logos disappear from the page! (MacBook with Brave)
The generated logos aren't good - they are just what chatGPT gives us using a normal prompt. I've generated a good amount of logos with it. And your app has the same problem I found: it can't write. Most of the times the words are just gibberish.
Hey Ajaga Abdulbasit here, with OwlAI it takes me less than a minute to generate decent logos I can start using, I hope my software help you solve you logo generation outsourcing.