Love that the app displays shortcuts on the lower left. Why I use Maccy: -Handles images -Removes formatting -Has shortcuts -Offers search -Is installed with Homebrew

I often copy huge (+70000) rows of excel sheets. Makes Maccy sluggish. Superlarge clipboard entries I’d like to purge somehow. After X mins if larger than Y?

FYI, there's an alternate clipboard in macOS called the kill ring (influenced by Emacs) that lets you cycle through previously killed text. The default property is called NSTextKillRingSize. There's a bit of config to do but it still works (Sonoma 14.5 as of this writing) for native macOS apps.
I'm really surprised no one has mentioned flycut as an option which has almost every feature mentioned, and is open source
What I've discovered is that I don't even want a menu. I want to hold the command key, tap the v key several times, and just have it cycle through until I get the one I want. It'd only release the past when I let up off of command (each tap of V would replace the previously pasted item with the next in this queue/ring). Command-C would just copy into the ring to the first position. Use another hotkey to remove an item, I guess. I don't need a visual history.
Interesting, I've been using raycast clipboard that even stores images. Instead of cmd+shift+v i use cmd+shift+p which is much quicker to pull up.
<Error> <Code>UserProjectAccountProblem</Code> <Message>The project to be billed is associated with a closed billing account.</Message> <Details>The billing account for the owning project is disabled in state closed</Details> </Error> from gcloud

looks cool can you mirror installer on github?

Ok, I'll be that guy. But what stops a very clever hacker from creating something useful and seemingly naive as this, but adding some hard to find backdoor in it. I was about to just install it but then stopped and thought, what could be the easiest RCE out there. Make a useful app, a catchy domain name, professional landing page, get social proof by getting it to HN front page and have zero people comment what I'm currently commenting... There is no link to source, no link to LinkedIn profile of the creator. I'm sure this is a legit app, but makes me wonder, am I the only paranoid person here?
any functionality to exclude passwords from making it into the history? This is the most annoying thing with Maccy for me (I literally have complex wrapper scripts that turn it on and off when I'm using my password manager which are flaky and annoying to maintain).
Those already using Keyboard Maestro will find that its built-in Clipboard Switcher is awesome and has all of these features. And you can set up a custom system-wide shortcut … with Keyboard Maestro.

My preferred shortcut is Meta + Q.

(I use Karabiner Elements to set Caps Lock to Meta while pressed, and to Escape when tapped. And I also use it to set Right Command + H/J/K/L to work like arrow keys. Makes flipping through the clipboard history a breeze.)

I really like the simplicity of this app, but it seems to miss a lot of copy events? Just tested by copy & pasting 9 unique lines in Notes, but Clipbook shows only 3 lines in the history. This is on an M3 Pro running 14.5
I've been meaning to look for this since switching from Linux at work - will try it out when open source for sure.

Are the keybindings customisable? I'm accustomed to Super-c showing my list and Super-v pasting, so now of course I keep messing up because selections aren't copied automatically, Super(Cmd)-c is doing it and not showing a list, and erasing my previous clip...

I don't mind too much relearning muscle memory, but I do want to be able to customise a binding so I can settle on something common cross-platform.

It's always hard to trust and install desktop apps unless they're open source or coming from a well known dev. But looks promising and useful.
Interesting. Will check this out but the Launchbar clipboard manager seems to also meet all the requirements, if you don’t mind pressing spacebar to Quick Look any of the “clips” in your history (I mostly use this for checking images)
Looks amazing, love the simplicity

Does it support images? Can text clipboard items be edited on the clipboard before pasting?

Are you planning on adding snippets?

Alfred works really well for me in terms of snippets and clipboard history

Except for one use case: quick edits

For that, I end up having to paste the content somewhere, change it, (sometimes having to additionally re-copy, then paste in the final destination)

Looks great. I use the clipboard history extension for Raycast: I find it really useful.
Shameless plug: i worked on the same concept but for snippets and recurrent texts you are copying pasting all the time

You can check here (osx only):

> I tried many third-party clipboard managers like Alfred [...] While great, they didn't fully meet my needs.

> As a developer, my requirements are:

> 1. Keyboard-centric operation to avoid using the mouse. I don’t want to waste my time moving my hands from the keyboard.

> 2. Display many clipboard history items at once. I don’t like the idea with big tiles, so I can see only 5-7 history items on my 32” monitor.

> 3. Full content preview for each clipboard item.

> 4. Quick search functionality.

But... Alfred literally does all of these? It's part of the paid features though and thankfully yours is free. But still, the functionality is mostly there and I'm actually curious about comparing what you've built versus theirs.

I like the app website. It is simple and easy to read and a bonus point for dark mode support. Is ClipBook a native macOS app? What technologies did you use to make it?
What I'd like to see with a product like this is integration with vim registers: If I yank to anything other than OS clipboard, I see it in the history but not as the latest clipboard item.
The UI looks great, but 245MB and closed source makes it seem slightly sus for something that has full access to your clipboard.

thank you very much for clipbook, it's what I was looking for to manage my clipboard simply. I have to read carefully for privacy but I think we are on the right track.

Hey man. Your app is userful. I don't like to remember what i have input. Your app can help me to remember it. Thank you for sharing.
Only gripe... the default keyboard shortcuts are "paste un-formatted" in a lot of applications.

Seems like some other combination of keys would be better to use.

Looks awesome! Congrats on the launch. Unfortunately, I can't download the Universal or Intel version, I'm getting a UserProjectAccountProblem error.
> ClipBook stores everything you copy

Everything? I'm not seeing any screenshots in the... screenshot.

Very nice and clean! Only feature request I have is to allow window repositioning and resizing :)
Thank you. Could you open the clipboard window on the active screen where the cursor is?
Isn't ⌘ + Shift + V paste unformatted?
Very nice work.
does it make any network calls? any telemetry involved?
I was skeptical when I read the title "yeah, Raycast already does that" but when I visit the site and saw your copy, I am sold. Great work.
Looks nice. I will probably stick with Maccy as it is open source and gets regular updates:
If anyone is looking for a similar cross-platform and open source solution, CopyQ[1] is handy and scriptable.


I just use Alfred. Has clipboard history and so much more.

Raycast has this built in. Don't see the need to install a separate application for this purpose. Aren't such launchers mainstream already?
I really struggle with clipboard history apps because they are not very far from a keylogger and I don't want to have to trust a developer or third-party code with the contents of my clipboard. Am I being irrational?
This is awesome, and I feel that this is indeed Alfred's Clipboard Manager on steroids. You did mention trying out Alfred. Without installing ClipBook but reading up on the features, what is missing from Alfred?

Alfred's Clipboard Manager is pretty navigable with the Keyboard; the history is as much as there (I don't know about being infinite), and I can also see the preview, etc.

I used to have Clipboard managers, but with Alfred + Powerpack, I did away with another program running on the menubar/background.

Edit/Update: I just checked Alfred and I can keep plain text, images, files list, for 3 months.

Didn’t try your app but as a longtime Maccy user: What is Maccy missing from these 4 points?
How does this tool make sure not to historize any passwords copied onto the clipboard?
Nice. I made which has same the features.