Interesting—LangChain seemed kinda like unnecessary abstractions in natural language (since everything is just string manipulations), but with AI video, there's so many different abstractions that I'd need to handle (images, puppeting, facegen, voicegen, etc).

Seems like there might be room for a "LangChain for Video" in this space...

Hey this is really cool, we just launched our video embedding model:

I wonder if there's opportunities for collaboration. It seems we're the only cloud-agnostic video embedding model that allows users to own their embeddings.

Here's a reverse video search tutorial:

Looks nice! Might want to disable pixel snapping for the text resizing since it yanks a little bit (Firefox on Mac at least).

I made an experiment in a similar style a while ago, but I decided it was too difficult to keep going as a "tiny" side project so never really released anything beyond a demo that you can see here:

Interesting stuff! Which use cases do you think developers will use you most for?

There could be really interesting abstractions that people might build on top of this. Like automatically creating and animating infographics, making background sounds, or video cutting and recycling. If you spin this 100x further an entire video creation studio might emerge.

Which parts of Video Infrastructure do you want to build first? Which other higher-level parts could be built by you or users? Where could this go?

How does Jacob (aarthificial, creator of motion-canvas) feel about this? Will you compensate or include him in some way? I understand the license is MIT so you can do what you want. Just seems like it would be polite to maintain a good relationship with him and other motion-canvas maintainers.
Looks great. How are you encoding the video into MP4? Ffmpeg with wasm? Or WebCodecs?

I’ve struggled to find a pure client-side encoder that is as fast, lightweight and high quality (in terms of lossiness) as what I had going with mp4-h264[1]. I suspended the project out of legal concern but it seems like the patents are finally starting to run their course, and it might be worth exploring it again. I’ve been able to use it to stream massive 8k near-pixel-perfect MP4s for generative art (where quality is more important than file size), compared to WebCodecs which always left me with a too-lossy result.


Congrats on the launch! I work at Sieve ( We do a bunch of stuff with AI and video. Excited to check this out :)
> Remotion is pretty good, but we didn’t want to rely on it as it is not FOSS (source-available only).

Noob question : How would you explain in the simplest form the difference between FOSS and source-available. In other words, what does Remotion do not have that would make it FOSS?

I see that Revideo uses generator functions which seems intuitive to me as it linearizes frame sequences wrt time as the function yields.

How does this compare to Remotion^ which uses "React" mental model?


Just curious, are you the founders of (YC S23)? I noticed that the Linkedin company page now redirects to Revideo.

Would you mind sharing a bit about your pivot? I always find these stories interesting!

Is it possible to render and export the video in browser, preferably faster than playback speed?

Use case is a service where people can upload certain data and I use that to generate a video. Let's say I gave you the option to make a speed gauge video, that display the values you input, one after another, for a second each. If you upload 60 values, that will be a minute video. But if you upload your speed each second for an hour, that will be an hour long video. But should ideally not take an hour to render. Unfortunately I've seen most browser based tools can't render faster than playback. So would have the user watch the whole video to actually download it.

I love mucking around with canvases and videos, so I will certainly be checking this out!

On a selfish note, as a canvas library developer/maintainer, I do have questions around your choice of Motion Canvas: what attracted you to that library in particular (I'm assuming it's the Editor, but could be wrong)?

On a broader note, my main interest in canvas+video center around responsive, interactive and accessible video displays in web pages. Have you had any thoughts on how you'd like to develop Revideo to support these sorts of functionalities?

This looks like lots of fun.

I’ve only skimmed the docs and nothing jumped out on this: would it be possible to use a 3d canvas context? For example, integrate a dynamic three.js layer/asset into the video?

This is really cool, I love this sort of thing.
Looks promising - I've been using Shotstack's visual editor to create video templates but keep running into limitations. Looks like Revideo has an "editor" that allows previews but not edits? Is editing through the GUI on the roadmap?
This looks very cool! I have built a project using remotion to bake in subtitles with some effects to a video from a .srt file, but this approach looks nicer and FOSS is amazing so I'll have a go at porting it. Thanks!
I have used Revideo for a personal project and I really like what you're doing.
Looks like a cool tool. Will play around a bit, thanks for sharing!
Very cool! I assume it uses WebCodec VideoEncoder to encode in browser, maybe with a wasm ffmpeg fallback? How reliable/easy to use have you found that?
Great idea.

When text-to-code capabilities of LLMs become more mature, libraries like these are going to create a lot of novel uses cases and opportunities.

The thing I am dubious about with many of these AI tools is having fine control over the details.
Are there commercial use cases for this?
Does it work with vue/vite? I am really hoping someone will make such a solution some day.
How does this compare to MoviePy beyond the JSX like syntax and being JS?
Does Revideo equivalent with Pymovie or it has some advantages?
How to build a simple video editor like spilt video like that
How is this different to / better than
Really nice - need to try it with a few hobby use cases.
That's so cool!!!Thanks for your wonderful job!
I can't be the only one that has assumed an affiliation with Retool based on the "Re-" prefix and similar logo, even though there doesn't seem to be any.
How does this compare to VapourSynth or AviSynth?
Does it support Lottie graphic templates ?
Is this like langchain but for video?
python support?