Why would you get an LLM to transpile the formula for you? There are already libraries that attempt to do this. Wouldn't your time be better served in expanding these libraries to overcome deficiencies? I don't get why you would throw away all the work done in this space and just offload it to an LLM. It's a technical problem. Imagine if ditched all transpilers and gave it to an LLM and said "good luck!"


> We use OpenAI APIs to translate formulas.

It's very uncool that you don't make this very clear on the landing page.

https://pypi.org/project/formulas/ might help with this without needing the OpenAI part
This is really awesome.

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Is the "Content" the results of what is uploaded?

So is this a one-way only process (I'd assume it is)? This assumes that the once the python engineers who are "tasked" to productionize it, no more changes are allowed to the sheets or do you allow incremental updates?
I stumbled into a career in programming due to originally learning excel in an unrelated field. This project is such a great idea imo and seems like it would be a game changer for anyone that is regularly working between excel and python files for data.

Also my take on the transpilation vs LLM is that you chose the right path. The point of transforming an excel spreadsheet to python is to have better organization and ability to reason about the operations being performed.

Suggesting an extreme test case for you:


(I'm the primary author of the above.)

Sorry "morgtage.xls"? This makes me feel a bit pessimistic about the accuracy of the formulas.
Very cool, what are your plans for working with external data sources via power query?
What customer discovery have you done so far?

> turn psuedo-software Excel files into real-software Python

I'm curious how many people actually have this problem. It strikes me that the corporate environments that are building big hairy excel files probably have locked down IT where running python is a difficult thing to do.

In the environments where you can get some kind of python running, it's probably likely that developers are looped in as part of an efficiency project, and doing some kind of voice of the customer / requirements capture and starting to build from scratch more or less.

There's a vanishing window for stuff like this, if you're a Microsoft shop like 99% of the corporate world I think you are turning those excel files into power apps and powerBI dashboards, before you are hiring python devs.

I'll give it a try! Thanks!