This is madness.

I only use Airbnb in Europe for properties that are properly licensed by local authorities. They're very professionally run and would never pull these kind of stunts.

I won't stay in a "room" or a property which isn't licensed now as Airbnb's policies alone isn't enough. All my bad experiences in the past have been with owners of just one property (unlicensed)

But I only use Airbnb for trips where multiple hotel rooms are significantly more expensive - very much a last resort. I just stay at hotels now when I travel solo or there isn't too much of a premium. As crap as hotels are these days they're still better than having to deal with Airbnb

I also refuse to use Uber Eats, Deliveroo etc as they're similarly too big for their boots and anti consumer.

Article is behind paywall, this alternative worked for me: https://archive.md/nIAOO
Weirdly boomer is paranoid piece that seems very much constructed to articulate a particular point of view.

One of the examples given is to use a FLIR detector attached to a smartphone to identify unusual heat signatures. The examples given are a USB charger and a plugged-in air freshener, and the “proof” that they are hidden cameras is that they are emitting a lot of heat.

This seems misleading as usb chargers often emit a lot of heat, and the plugged in air fresheners that I have seen have a wick and heat element.

Very strange piece of “journalism”.

You could also stay at a hotel.