I read the writeup, sounds interesting. My company bought me a Xerox 1108 Lisp Machine in 1982 so I understand the desire for ‘turtles all the way down’ Lisp environment.

All that said, starting with a plain Linux or macOS setup, and build an environment with Emacs, a few Schemes, SBCL or LispWorks, etc. yields a more productive environment that my old Lisp Machine.

I will follow this project, looks really interesting.

They’re using the right pieces to build something like this. And there’s a lot of energy right now around Lisp-ing all of things, largely driven by the Guix people.

You should think of this as the sequel to optimizing your Emacs configuration. There are clear productivity benefits after a steep learning curve that may not be worth it for most people, and the nature of the programs involved means that the final result will always be fiddly and require tinkering.

No one will be able to polish something like this enough to make it usable for you without you putting in a lot of work to make it work for you.

> If in POSIX everything is truly a file, then the logical conclusion is that the ideal POSIX "desktop environment" should be a file editor, and the only editor that can function as such is GNU Emacs.

Is the person thinking of Plan9 rather than POSIX?