32d ago
I'm glad this is back. A version of this existed in the ancient past and helped encourage me to try Clojure which ended up being by far the most impactful decision in my professional life. It went away for a while for reasons I'm unclear on.

I use Clojure nearly daily at my job and at home. Sometimes it's standard Clojure, sometimes it's the excellent Babashka flavor which I use as a make-like task runner and Zsh-like script replacement. It's not the only language I use of course, and Go is a strong second place most of the time especially if I need something compiled to a single binary. But Clojure is where I generally feel most at home thanks to the irreplaceable REPL based development flow which is more like a dialogue with my program than your typical write compile run loop.

Combine that with it running on the JVM and you have a wonderful set of tools to get things done in a pleasant way.

I strongly encourage anyone with even a passing interest in Lisp and functional programming to give it a try. If you're using VSCode there is the excellent Calva plugin to help you out.

If you are new to Clojure and would like to experiment with it in a way that is immediately useful, I highly recommend the Babashka runtime for scripting [0]. It's very fun, approachable, and one of the more polished parts of the Clojure ecosystem.

It's a particularly good entry point because unlike full-JVM Clojure it has a very fast startup time. Newcomers can use any file-watching /reloading tools (e.g. nodemon) that they're already familiar with to work with it interactively.

Hopefully, a enthusiastic user will graduate to using a REPL connection in their editor for a fully interactive setup. But newcomers tend not to do this... its an unfamiliar workflow to most, and can be pretty cumbersome to setup.


Another website in this vein is which is more geared up for teaching complete beginners programming, but I think with the basic paredit style controls and the evaluate-each-form-at-a-time style is I think a lot more realistic to the kind of REPL driven development that you actually use — typing directly into the REPL terminal window is very unergonomic imo. You’re much more likely to use something like VSCode’s Calva or emacs’ cider to send the form under the cursor to a REPL process somewhere.
the best reason to learn clojure is reagent[1], by far the best way to use react.

shadow-cljs[2] makes using npm libraries easy.

i’ve settled on go backends and reagent frontends as my default setup[3].




I loved my stint with Clojure, highly recommend it (
Clojure for the Brave and True by Daniel Higginbotham is a truly great resource to learn Clojure. I highly recommend it. It is also free online [0].


I have to admit, several years ago, a colleague of mine advised me if not to try Clojure but at least to read the "History of Clojure":, which I never did. But one day I decided to watch Rich Hickey - Greatest Hits I then read the "History of Clojure", and then jumped into learning it. This is probably one of the most fun languages to build with and one of the most beautiful ones. If not syntax-wise, rather in a way it allows you to express your thoughts via good design and composition that so nicely tickles your brain. If you are still searching for that one shiny tool, and none of them clicks, maybe try Clojure. It's one of the most concise and yet powerful languages I've seen.
Is there a version of Clojure that compiles to LLVM or something? Sort of like what Scala-native was supposed to be (but never materialized). I like functional programming but I can't abide the Java ecosystem in 2024, it's just too archaic for my taste.

Try Clojure – An interactive tutorial in the browser - - Feb 2022 (93 comments)

Try Clojure in your browser - - Dec 2011 (26 comments)

Try Clojure - - May 2010 (60 comments)

Clojure is becoming popular in Mexico, and I'm guessing Brazil may see a similar situation, because of nubank. It is a popular destination to go work there for computer scientists, and they seem to work mostly in Clojure. I seem to remember they even employed some of the core members of the language? I think at some point they also bought the company of Jose Valim (Elixir's creator), but I think they are still mostly a Clojure shop.
Maybe online "learn lisp" repls should implement paredit keybindings in their editor and have a short section on how to manipulate s-expressions. Because you're gonna have to learn it to use the language, but it also helps people understand from the start that "oh, so using the language isn't actually complete shit".

Instead, this fact always seems glossed over, and because of it anyone who spends 60 seconds writing lisp by hand into a repl assumes that's the lisp experience and nopes out forever. When in fact paredit makes lisps the easiest-to-edit languages in the world.

I still remember Professor Brian Harvey rolling out his terminal on a cart in Berkeley's CS61A and typing out commands in a scheme repl. Learning what a y-combinator was with Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, and building my own scheme compiler with scheme.
ClojureScript Koans is also quite nice:
There is XSS in the (my-name) part :)

(my-name "<img src='#' onerror=alert(1) />")

Shameless plug: If you’re looking for an online compiler specifically designed for conducting interviews in Clojure, you might find [0] very useful. It’s designed to streamline coding interviews with real-time collaboration features.


My favorite part of working in clojure is how easy it is to do common data structure operations.

map, filter and reduce are extraordinarily powerful, especially when combined with the other core library functions.

I wonder why no functional language has the degree of success imperative or OOP languages have.

Is functional programming too weird for majority of computer programmers? Is functional programming not optimal for solving industry problems? Maybe there is no functional programming that that is up to some set of standards? Is functional programming too complicated?

I do enjoy functional programming myself, and while I don't use a functional programming language at work, I try to use functional programming paradigms when I finds it suits the probem.

So here's something which I, as a Lisper, don't understand: Clojure has syntax for hash tables (the curly braces), why doesn't it use those for let-bindings, instead choosing to use vector syntax? (Of course I prefer standard Lisp syntax which can easily be extended for multiple-value and destructuring bindings:

  (let ((a 1)
        ((b c) (list 2 3))
        (d e (values 4 5)))
    `#(,a ,b ,c ,d ,e))
  ;; => #(1 2 3 4 5)
this example shows how "elegant" closure treats syntax errors, almost looks like a bad joke.

=> (+ 2 2 + 3)

"4function Cg(a){switch(arguments.length){case 0:return Cg.s();case 1:return Cg.g(arguments[0]);case 2:return Cg.h(arguments[0],arguments[1]);default:for(var c=[],d=arguments.length,e=0;;)if(e<d)c.push(arguments[e]),e+=1;else break;return Cg.j(arguments[0],arguments[1],new gc(c.slice(2),0,null))}}3"

for some stories on Clojure in production, check out
That's a great introduction, but... how to do an if statement would've been cool to add in the tutorial.
I love clojure, but it's really lost a lot of the momentum it had as many imperative languages have adopted parts of functional programming (and much for the better) over the last many years.

On the other side I've felt a lot of the ecosystem work that was done has a more "timeless" quality. Coupled with java interop I haven't ever felt wanting when I do reach for it for some hobby projects I keep up with.

One thing I will say, since it takes a different tack and philosophy, I think any programmer learning some of it benefits from the different perspective.

the Scicloj stack

in my opinion competes with python when it comes to DS/ML. I find it a lot more comfortable to use if you use emacs bindings

Clojure looks productive. What frameworks libraries do people use to build web apps? Like, replacement for Django view layer and ORM (not looking to debate orms thanks)?
Isn't it tiring to type so many parenthesis all the time? This is probably my first time encountering a Lispy language, other than Logo.
<hot-take type="anecdata"> My Clojure experience was that basic dev experience things were shockingly behind where any other moderately popular lang is at. It's been some time though so all I remember clearly is bad error output. Stack traces are hard to read unless you install $random_lib. But worse than stack traces are type errors/"Java errors": if you give the wrong args to a function, the error output is completely inscrutable, generally a very short string like `java.lang.Foo does not implement IBar`, which is only helpful if you kind of know how the Java layer works and all your args are different enough types that you can guess which one it's talking about (bonus: anything function-like is just `IFn` so good luck). Ahhh and that made me remember: the doc situation even for stdlib is bad. Everyone around me used a third-party site which has broken-formatted auto-ingested versions of the plaintext official doc strings, because it is still the least bad option. No one has decided on a docstring format. No one has decided on code stylistic things either, which has mostly precluded the existence of auto-formatter tools.

The lang itself is good and I recommend folks use a LISP sometime. I was just genuinely surprised a 17-year-old lang was lacking in these areas, and I'd be pretty careful about setting out on a long-term project with it, unless all of those things have radically improved from 6 months ago.

(And like other folks said, you genuinely need editor integrations to not be wasting all your time on pren balancing. Not clj's fault, just LISPs in general.)

this is super neat! how did you set up your fonts folder? what tooling did you use?
Clojure is a really interesting and well designed language with bad error messages and bad official tooling. It feels very sloppy.

Compared to Go, it has a weak stdlib, is more memory intensive, and generally slower. You get beautifully concise code but it can be very hard to follow (or return to after time away).

Go can look completely idiotic or unbelievably focused and practical, depending on the light. It is painful to give up Clojure’s very strong selling points but I find alternatives to be more pragmatic.

If you ever need a clojure boilerplate to start a SaaS product or a startup, there is
I found the red over gray combination a bit hard to read, so I checked it with a color contrast calculator:

The contrast ratio here is 3.9:1 (text #DC2626, background #E5E7EB), and the minimum recommended for small text is 4.5:1.

Sorry to be that guy :) I am enjoying the tutorial.

I know many people will have problems with this post, but I am posting as information for clorjure-ophiles. Not reasons, but personal reasons why I don't do Clojure and will not try it.

1. When I read about Clojure (repeatedly) I like it. I am especially interested in transducers. I even built a half baked transducer engine in JavaScript using generators. There is clearly something here of value here. Any system that can produce transducers is worth learning.

2. I spent too many years of my life on Java. It was okay until someone wrote a thing in php (!!) in a day that would be have taken at least a month in Java. Maybe two. I understand the "good" of Java, but for me personally, the cost of that good is just incredible tedium. This is personal and I understand that.

3. However, as soon as I get to the part of installing Clojure where you install a JVM, I start hearing voices that say "It ain't me babe" and "Just say no to Java". PTSD?

For a while there was Clojure-script and I started working with that, but it seemed to fall off the edge of the world.

I will happily try Clojure again if it will compile itself or if it does not require the installation of a JVM. [ And last but not least of irrational reactions- anything associated with Oracle is to be avoided like the plague. sorry]

[Edit: then I saw the stuff about Babashka so I will give that a try]

I love Clojure. My dream is to be a clojure developer, but there aren't a lot of jobs available and everyone wants 87 years experience.
i wish it was easy to make android apps with clojure. not sure if itd be easier with jetpack compose + clojure or react native + clojurescript.
I was hoping it would be longer, like the tour of golang.

As is it basically just shows you how to do arithmetic, which isn't interesting at all.

I love it! But is there a back button or key or command? I'm flaky and I need to re-read things a lot.
Does this end at "Apply functions on lists"?? For some reason I can't get past that!
What's the recommended stack for doing front end development with clojure these days?
> (+ 1 2 '(1 2))

> "3(1 2)"

Yup, I'm out.

The problem I see with clojure, isn't it missing autocompletes? You work with JVM/typescript libraries, but your editor isn't smart enough to pull types from those into clojure. That slows you down tremendously.
Clojure will get more adoption if they find a way to make it very easy to build cross platform mobile and web apps like React & React native. They need to keep adding libraries to make the eco-system bigger.
> unlike full-JVM Clojure it has a very fast startup time

I can't believe that after all these years Java still didn't fix their startup time.

Cool site, I've never tried Clojure before. My first reaction though is that (+ 1 1) is a highly unconventional and possibly confusing way of writing 1+1, and I'm not sure why that design choice came about.
I'm happy with TypeScript, Go, and Rust. Don't feel like learning anything else.