It's a little bit more work to set up, but I'd recommend Krita with diffusion if you want to get into this. Runs locally, swap exact checkpoints you want to use, supports poseable controlnets, and it doesn't phone home to mommy Microsoft.

Video demonstration

Putting AI in MS Paint feels like putting a flux capacitor in a Geo Metro.
It’s not April 1st. What’s going on here?

Should notepad complete your sentences too?

Maybe file explorer should just make new files for you!

Does nobody take joy in creating something themselves anymore? Everything has become about the end result, and it's a shame. I'm not sure what we're loosing, but it's something
I red that the AI runs locally, but then the image is uploaded to Microsoft servers to check that it doesn't violate any policies.
How are they able to sustain keeping this free? Or is the idea that it's a demo for now and they try to charge for this later?
We'll see how "sell AI itself as a feature" rather than building actually useful features with AI works.
Love this direction for Paint. Simplistic but capable and fun for kids (the original's main strength)
Recently I've been walking a considerably younger colleague through linear interpolation and since they use Copilot, we were constantly being interrupted by it's suggestions. It was definitely not conductive to the learning process.

I imagine having something similar in paint will prove pretty distracting as well.

No idea if this any good... Every 3 seconds of video spawns a 10 second video advertisement. I gave up.
Me being perpetually unartistic I would actually love it if I could just make some sketches and AI could beautify them for me, or fill in the blanks and render what I want.

This would be like what frameworks were for artists who wanted to make full stack webapps.

First time in a long time I kind of wish I had a Windows machine to try this out.
Just showed as I read this to a painter/ex-architect girl which replied ‘damn this AI I’m going to be out of job very soon’.
If you haven't seen what they've been doing over at tldraw[1] with AI, you definitely should. A different direction from MS Paint, but very cool.


Neat to see this particular tech again. I think it's cool for art's sake. Something someone can use as they paint, so the final result is all their own brush strokes.
Is that something that you could do with an Open AI API call?
What if copilot is down? I wont be able to use MS Paint?
Eh? The whole point of Paint was that it never changed. It's even been copied for it's simplicity, a clone of which is the only painting app I have on my Mac exactly because all it does is the basics. Adding AI to it is a joke.