Well, this is going to be extremely resource intensive (read: your site will be a DDOS magnet), and it's also an accessibility nightmare.
Doing the ad industry's work? :-)

I strongly suspect someone from ad industry will start offering an option to serve a heavily obfuscated WASM-based rendering engine to render the website, with obligatory promises that it "protects the integrity of your content", "stops the AI crawl theft", and of course it also "lowers development costs by ensuring consistent rendering across all platforms".

/s, obviously

Curious that the author works for BrowserStack, a browser-automation service
> Render Webpage as PNG for static content

Why not just take a screenshot yourself and use an image tag to render the image without using puppeteers?

You can add a small CSS media query for showing different sizes of images for different types of devices.

Why do you even need puppeteer for above basic things?

I’ve actually seriously been thinking of using WebAuthn to “authenticate” every single page load with a passkey unlocked by a biometric device only, so that I can be sure that every single page load had a meat finger on TouchID or a meat face in front of FaceID before showing the page to them.

In the future I imagine that there will be biometrically secure browsers that will be required for top security applications, that can guarantee that a single physical person is actually physically present while using it.

I presume you're not interested in traffic coming from search engines, right?
Well, I’m not going to use this for it’s intended purpose, however I AM going to try to see if I can use it to pipe webpages to a simple touchscreen e-ink display and retain interactivity.
Please don’t make the web more inaccessible to assistive technology users