Love this idea! ty

I wasn't sure how to load the images back into docker at first. I tried `docker load` but I get this error:

    $ (cd ci-repack && tar cfv - .) | docker load
    open /var/lib/docker/tmp/docker-import-1084022012/blobs/json: no such file or directory

Then I noticed the `skopeo copy` in one of the github actions workflows. That got me further. The image was able to be pushed to a registry. But I am getting this error when pulling the repacked image:

    failed to register layer: duplicates of file paths not supported
I created this tool whilst I was learning about Docker/OCI image internals.

The tool repacks and optimizes Docker images by efficiently repacking the contents into equal sized layers. The speed improvements for large images are significant: from 2 minutes to 16 seconds in some cases.

I'm not sure how useful it is, but I find the subject quite interesting and it might be useful to others.

Be sure to actually use `--pull' to use the latest base image versus the local one when building. Only realized that recently, and it wasn't obvious the same tag can "float" between vendor images.