I love how good the tooling is in the java/jvm ecosystem. Last time I was this blown away was with jitwatch ( https://github.com/AdoptOpenJDK/jitwatch )
FlowTracker reminds me a little of taint analysis, which is used for tracking unvalidated user inputs or secrets through a program, making sure it is not leaked or used without validation.
search keywords are "dynamic taint tracking/analysis"
I can totally see a future where tools like this are the first line of defense when troubleshooting bugs.
Integration of any solution like this into existing frameworks feels like a big challenge.
[1] HTML Source Maps - https://github.com/connorjclark/html-source-maps https://docs.google.com/document/d/19XYWiPL9h9vA6QcOrGV9Nfkr...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWAMr72VaaU&t=164s and https://witheve.com/
Been trying to get this work with VSCode with a project I'm trying to make sense of. Having to take a pause on it right now, but looking forward to getting it working and playing with it.
For instrumentation, instead of an instrumenting agent it uses a fork of the official Clojure compiler (in Clojure you can easily swap compilers at dev) that adds extra bytecode. What is interesting about recording Clojure programs execution is that most values are immutable, so you can snapshot them by just retaining the pointers.
Edit: Since the OP demo is about exploring a web app for people interested in this topics I'm leaving a demo of FlowStorm debugging a web app also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8AFpZkAwPo